Super Metabolism Boost and Weight Loss with Cellulite Reduction

“You can expect a huge boost in your metabolism and accelerated weight loss by listening to this video. This video contains the energetic signature and morphegenic field of chlorogenic acid. Listening to this causes your body to generate chlorogenic acid which inhibits fat and sugar absorption along with Lipolysis (which is the breakdown of lipids; it involves the hydrolysis of triglycerides into free fatty acids) There are also morphegenic fields to help generate a higher metabolism. Also included are subliminal and supraliminal programming to create that mindset and tell your body to lose weight, burn fat and also to help with cellulite reduction. Listen as often as you want, until you see the results you need.”

I noticed this OG weight loss audio doesn’t have its own thread, and since it works really well for me I decided to create one. Also I believe it may help with reflux caused by low acid?
Anyway what are your experiences with this audio everyone?


Also on Patreon


Not much experience, I have only listened for a few days, yet I don’t take it to be a coincidence the fact that I lost like/around 1 kg (or 2.2 pounds); losing weight has usually been a difficult thing for me; I need to listen to this field and to others, to have a slimmer body (I got like a few pounds to lose) and from there to fitness and perhaps bodybuilding (?), idk.


I overused it and had acid reflux all day. Apart from that, there are no other side effects and it works really well…


Welcome to the forum!

And thanks for sharing your experience.

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If anybody’s wondering if these audios work, you’re invited to pour some tea, toss your feet up and peruse the novel-length volume of comments on youtube…

(Click on the images to see dozens more comments)

Et cetera…

Et cetera…

Et cetera…



Just wanted to say, I had stumbled across a post by @Maoshan_Wanderer wherein he used a program to play multiple fields at the same time after a meal, which included this field.

It plays 8 different fields at the same time. Contrary to popular belief that one shouldn’t do this with multiple fields playing at the same time on the same device, it seems very effective post-meal.

Try it out and see for yourself :+1:

(be smart about this though - don’t use this if you easily get overloaded with fields etc.)


This one hurts my ears.

Im hoping for a new fat loss field coming out soon,

would have been perfect.


Psychically felt its a anniversary day for this release and surprisingly it is nearly true. Thanks to my pieterseit and quasi crystal tags used after a long time.

Actually it was a chain of thoughts thinking we should have one Sapien Med Day to celebrate annually as a community.


what’s the difference between this and weigh loss combination?

different mechanisms. weightloss combo works by burning brown fat to raise metabolism and gives you the benefits of having done a cardio workout.

this one uses chlorogenic acid to syop the fat and sugar you eat from being turned into fat and also puts your body in a weight loss state. While in this state, the field directly raises your metabolism so you start to burn fat.

use both if you want

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i am listening to this on loop 2 days a week during my 36 hour fasts. lost 2kg in one fast and i am doing my second fast right now

obviously a lot of that was water weight but this also boosted fat loss. i use enhanced fat metabolism for it’s AMPK element to protect muscle

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Does metabolism mean i will get hungry more?


you will most likely get more hungry, so yes

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