Extreme Fat Burn: Thermogenic Weight Loss

I noticed this does not have its own thread so here it is!


This audio promotes extreme weight loss through the process of thermogenesis, increasing leptin levels and shrinking the size of the stomach.

Thermogenesis is a metabolic process during which your body burns calories to produce heat. Several factors induce thermogenesis in your body including exercise, diet and environmental temperature. Thermogenesis promotes weight loss because it increases your body’s calorie burn.

This audio activates both UCP1 and UCP2 (thermogenin proteins) which causes brown fat in your body to produce heat and this production of heat causes fat loss. In addition, the audio also works on increasing leptin levels which is the hormone that tells you you’re full. With leptin levels that are too low, you can eat and eat and eat and still be hungry. This audio’s morphogenetic field also works on shrinking the actual size of your stomach.


This gave me a definite energy boost today. I’ve been low energy all week, not today. Was doing a lot of cleaning and working out. Thanks for this one!



This is the first time I’ve listened to this field. I thought I knew all about the fields for fat loss, actually I didn’t lol.
thank you for creating this thread :wink:


Is this on patreon?

No, this one is not. It is part of the Weight Loss Combo field on Patreon but you can’t get just this field by itself.


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Official YouTube fields announcement

This after fat burning genetic advantage is a great combo. Also Glycolysis and UCP activation after eating will process all the carbohydrates into energy instead of fat.

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