Microcurrent face simulant ‘not for sale’

Hi guys, I’ve been wanting to buy the audio above in the link for a while now, finally as I get around to buying it, at the bottom of the screen it says

‘this product is not currently for sale’

Can any more experienced forum members help me understand as to why it’s not currently available? I really wanted to buy the microcurrent face simulant as part of my skincare stack, and after seeing how it’s only under 4 minutes and all the rave reviews, I decided I’ve waited long enough. As far as I can see this is the only listed gumroad audio that isn’t (currently) buyable.

I’m just wondering when this will be back for more people to buy and benefit from? Or is it some kind of technical glitch? Either way I’m confused as it seems to be the only gumroad audio that isn’t for sale, can someone please help me out or escalate this together if needed, so we can find out what’s happening with this gumroad audio, whether it’s a glitch, or why it’s listed but not for sale, when it will be available for purchase again, etc :slight_smile:


There is a discussion here


This is pretty much what happened with all the physical fields

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You can buy all the fields on Enlightened States website now (most at least)


Thanks for letting me know, I’ve just checked and unfortunately it still says it can’t be bought though, here’s hoping it becomes available soon, even for a short period of time so it can be bought.


It’s promising that they all got moved there. I’m sure they are figuring it out :slight_smile:


fingers crossed, it’s best to remain positive. I have faith that DW and the rest of the team will find a way around it that allows us to buy the remaining medical fields, whilst protecting themselves from illegitimate charge backs. :pray:t5:


Not yet, unfortunately. It seems that the fields have been listed on the Enlightened States website now, but when you try to buy them, that Buy link links back to Gumroad at this moment.

Things are still in flux for the moment.

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Yeah, all of (if not most) of the of the recent medical fields can’t be bought at the moment, it’s a shame they all got removed so quickly. But as the poster above said, the fact that it all got moved over to enlightened states with full working links is promising in itself, I believe this is a positive sign in itself that a solution is being worked as we message right now, whether temporary or permanent, I believe there’s many different ways that genuine customers would be able to purchase medical fields while simultaneously preventing illegitimate chargebacks.

I was about to make a post about this, I recently got hired and can now afford to purchase more of the fields for sale I had interest in. Hoping they are back up for sale soon :sweat:


Medical fields are the ones that have been taken down for the most part unfortunately.

Hard to say if they will come back or not

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ALERT : everyone can now buy medical fields directly through @SammyG, please check the thread in the link above for description. He doesn’t have all of them though, so if you have any medical fields that are missing, feel free to let him know. :slight_smile:

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already available for purchase @Presmokan

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