Million Dollar Empire Mindset (Mind Settings)

Ayeeee josh!


Yoooo that’s awesome, congrats! :sunglasses::tada:


K Haven’t update for a while but here I am,
My father just talked to me today about buying a store off a high brand(Talking about expensive brands like vuitton,michael Kors but not the united states, but Dubai!
apparently its a new residence in Dubai here is the link:

The store he will buy is between 60-62K dollars which is really cheap for how big this residence will be.


The presentation is certainly effective (Cinema 4d software?) and not even my ex teacher would be able to do it. Music, cheerful setting, the name of the project as Italian sound, especially people without masks do the rest. :+1:

I dunno I stopped listening to Million Dollar Empire Mindset field because I felt like as though money/privileges wasn’t really flowing towards me as much as the Abundance Mindset field so listened to that instead. From what I only remember when listening to the Million Dollar Empire Mindset is, I had this really strong urge or desire to open up a business which is unusually for me because I’m an obedient wage slave lol.


I have listened to Million Dollar for some time now, I think I jumped on it within 1-3 weeks of release, and listened pretty much since then.

I have not seen much palpable results that I can attribute to it. Do you guys have any recommendations on fields which would help with that? I’m looking into the “Point of No Return” stack. - Let me know your thoughts.


start with the point of no return.

give it the necessary time.

we spent years upon years believing that lack was the natural state of life. practicing gratitude for what we have will gradually strengthen our belief in our abundance.

also take action towards your financial goals no matter how tiny the step or even if you think you’re going backwards.

this could mean learning something new, trying something new, talking to new people.

edit: my worse fear with abundance is doing things and expecting successes when it could lead to failures. if creators quit, we wouldn’t have disney, harry potter, kfc, just to name a few. keep trying. keep failing. keep learning.


Yes that’s a great stack.
There are some newer fields you can add that came out after the article like ego dissolution, plasma, archetypes of parental love

And perhaps others :)


Any update from this field?

Not much but I’m still using it

If you listen on a loop at night, do you also need Ego Dissolution or SLR?

Ego Dissolution is nice to have, but i personally believe it is not as necessary since my ego is turned off when sleeping/dreaming.

SLR would be nice to keep on the playlist.

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If you listen Million Dollar or any field overnight, SLRx1 it’s enough?

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yeah, once for almost any audio is always enough!

i’d check to see the description first as well as they usually have the recommended listening times.


I realized that you dont have to listen overnight, just listen 2-3 times a day with your stack


There doesn’t seem to be any indication for listening time, so can you even listen for a few hours?

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While 2-3 is recommended.

I believe these mindset audio get compounded the more you listen.
At least the knight mindset audio is like that (these were uploaded around the same time)


No night listening session even if more effective?

You can loop it at night but i dont always do it


I listen overnight, within a few weeks started to see some massive financial gains.


Let me add I had some idea where I wanted to make the gains from, but the fear was taking a hold of me.

Playing ego diss and all-purpose anxiety(LITERALLY GOLD) pushed me to make my first investment.