Minted & unclaimed private NFT projects, later sold in buy/sell thread

I’m having a hard time understanding the below scenario:

A private group for an NFT project is created. This may have been created completely in private and/or announced on a thread to recruit more members.
For whatever reasons, there is a limit to the number of minted copies, like usually around ten. There is usually also a limit to the number of people able to join the group, even if there is more interest via thread comments and polls.
I guess the project founders decide on who is able to join and the numbers?

When a private NFT project is released to the group, there are some patterns I’ve noticed repeated.

a) not everyone in the group claims(purchases) their copy

b) a group founder would sell copies (soon after release) on the buy/sell thread for twice or more of what they paid to mint

c) forum members who are interested in and ready to buy a private NFT project after release are not able to do so. This may be because copy owners are unwilling to trade/sell their copy, all copies are claimed, or a group leader chooses not to share access to unclaimed copies.

The parts I’m having trouble understanding:

a) why stay in a private group and then not choose to claim(purchase) a copy that was reserved just for you and the group? If no longer interested, can just choose to politely exit before that copy is minted (?)

b) as a (private NFT project) group leader, what goes into the criteria for deciding the number of copies and group members? Why choose to sell for double (or higher) minted copies on the buy/sell thread shortly after release? Is it simply for profit (?)

c) there have been cases in the past when there was enough interest in a private NFT project for a remint - via “x” added in this description. What was the process like in the past? How many have to be interested in a project for a remint?

Along with these questions, I guess the main area is understanding how I personally want to make decisions regarding private NFT projects being sold, as well as what kind of decisions would be healthiest for the community as a whole.


Good questions :+1:

Quite a few of your questions have been addressed here:


Thank you Noesis. Very informative and helpful. Was good to get a view on different perspectives, some history, and the general culture among private NFT creations and forum members who have been involved since that post over a year ago.