⚡ Mishima Bloodline (Private Project)

The Mishima Bloodline Project is a transformative product that aims to imbue the users with the extraordinary qualities of the legendary Mishima clan from the Tekken series, including its founder, Heihachi Mishima. Utilizing advanced alchemical techniques, the project facilitates a complete metamorphosis, enabling participants to attain unparalleled levels of success, wealth, social status, physical prowess, and supernatural abilities.

Through a carefully crafted process, the users will be endowed with the business acumen and strategic mind of Kazuya Mishima, the unmatched fighting skills of Jin Kazama, and the otherworldly powers of the special elements that course through the veins of the Mishima family.

The Mishima family’s signature electrical energy, known as “KI,” is attributed to their lineage as descendants of an ancient thunder god. This unique ability sets them apart from other fighters, allowing them to infuse their attacks with electrical power, amplify their strength, creating defensive barriers and more […]

The users will become true Mishimas, embodying the legacy of the family that has long been renowned and feared for their visionary leadership, innovative spirit, indomitable willpower, fierce determination, and unwavering loyalty to their own.

The Mishima Bloodline Project is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for individuals seeking to unlock their full potential and attain unparalleled heights of success and power, while honoring the enduring legacy of the Mishima bloodline.

[ Full details and specifications will remain behind the scenes ]


oh my…

That is Heihachi isnt it?

Haha, oh man… I played Tekken 3 on PS1 :smiley: :smiley:


WOW! :astonished:

I love it!


@Nice2knowU Indeed man, the memories of that title from my childhood are unforgettable, and to this day, it remains one of the best entries in the series.

Seems clear that the character is Heihachi, but a closer look reveals details that point towards a fusion of various members of the Mishima family


Oh my god, thanks for the nostalgia haha

That was Jin Kazama, the Ogre, i think the lady was Julia Chan?
Ahhhh man, its all coming back :smiley:


Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima, Jun Kazama and the Ogre yeah,

:100: good times


By the way, also for the fans of the Tekken saga, reccomended: ;)

This NFT is literally changing everything for us


Interested, how come he doesn’t have the batman ears

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