Missing NFTs from Venly wallet

Did you use chat to solve the problem as nobody answered aldo is say one of agents will be shortly with me or … email ?.


It’s not an issue, sometime the images don’t load in our wallet. For me, half of them don’t load…lol

There was a different issue back then where in different nfts entered different wallets, we will receive an email summary when they reply in the chat box.

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I think this is something different. Not only picture is missing, but also the name of the NFT and big “?” Is displayed instead.

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It’s venly having another issues on their backend, it seems. I tried to transfer a “?” sapien medicine NFT to my phantom wallet, and it showed perfectly fine.


How do you do this? Is it as simple as putting in my solana wallet address in the transfer screen?


I wouldn’t try it yet.

From what I knew, which might not be accurate now, the support for polygon chain in phantom wallet is in beta, so it’s one of those - try at your own risk kind of things.

The newer version of phantom wallet now supports polygon chain, hence it’s possible to transfer NFTs sold through teespring to phantom wallet now.

However you should be aware that the address for solana and polygon under the same phantom wallet are different.

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It’s out of beta after 1 May 2023 as far as I’m aware of.

Like I said I might not be accurate anymore. Haha. Good to know. But I wouldn’t put everything in a single wallet anyway.

:dizzy_face: :scream: