Mitochondria Protector Blend

I use it every day


So do I.


me too


for reals lol


Bought this one in sale, really curious about the long term perks. Probably the most important field wrt life prolongment :slightly_smiling_face:


I notice that with Plasma charged mitochondria too!

Does anyone have any more updates?

I have FA (a rare muscular disorder) and as a result many problems in the mitochondrial area. Playing this with Smart Stem Cells and Plasma Charged Mitochondria really improved movement and a feeling of “life” in my legs and feet (I’m in a wheelchair).


I’m sorry and that’s wonderful to hear! Bought,thank you💗


I think the far infrared in this can cause some detox symptoms

Took advantage of the Cyberweek sale and picked this up. About 5 plays and the buzzing was present in my head, abdomen and legs consistently. Other locations were brief, as if the field was doing some spot welding. Will update if I notice more changes I can attribute to this field.


Summary of Intermediate Review:

Key: The Mitochondria Protector Blend, a meditational track meticulously crafted to promote healthy aging. Inspired by the fields of Induced C-mots, this blend focuses on enhancing metabolic fitness, physical capacity, and cellular rejuvenation. By inducing the production of mtDNA-encoded MOTS-c, activating AMPK, and stimulating sirt 3 and sirt 6 genes, the blend aims to optimize metabolic homeostasis, improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and support cellular repair. Additional benefits include the targeted delivery of far infrared and catalyse to mitochondria, along with the stimulation of the telomerase enzyme for comprehensive cellular and mitochondrial health. Use as needed for a holistic approach to well-being, longevity and aging gracefully.

  1. Metabolic Health: The blend aims to enhance metabolic fitness, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation, all of which contribute to overall metabolic health. This is important for maintaining energy balance and preventing metabolic disorders.
  2. Cellular Repair: By stimulating genes like sirt 3 and sirt 6, the blend is designed to support cellular repair mechanisms. This can be crucial for maintaining genomic stability, resisting cellular stress, and promoting overall cellular health.
  3. Mitochondrial Targeting: The blend includes far infrared and catalyse targeted to mitochondria, suggesting a specific focus on supporting mitochondrial function. Healthy mitochondria are essential for energy production and overall cellular function.
  4. Telomerase Stimulation: The stimulation of the telomerase enzyme is highlighted, which is associated with the maintenance of telomeres. Telomeres are protective caps on the ends of chromosomes, and their preservation is linked to cellular longevity.
  5. Comprehensive Approach: The blend appears to take a holistic approach by addressing various aspects of cellular and mitochondrial health. This comprehensive strategy could contribute to overall well-being and potentially life prolongation.

Intermediate reviews/benefits:

  1. General Positive Feelings: Users express enjoyment and positive experiences with the blend. Mention of rain with long synthetic tones and occasional harp notes, creating a non-jarring atmosphere. Some users express a preference for the Mitochondria Protector Blend over other similar tracks, even more than the Schumann track.
  2. Physical Effects: Users report a smooth feeling all over the body, with a particular emphasis on arms, belly, chest, and legs. Improved strength and a feeling of vitality are noted. A user experienced tingling sensations in the head, better breathing, and thicker hands, indicating potential detox effects. One user noted reduced sugar cravings after using the blend.
  3. Long-Term Benefits and Specific Health Conditions: Users are curious about the long-term perks and consider the blend important for life prolongation. Positive effects reported by a user with Friedreich’s ataxia (a rare muscular disorder), including improved movement and a feeling of “life” in the legs and feet (next to the combination with other fields).
  4. Combination with other fields: User reported field prolonging the Abdominal Muscle Field due to listening to the Mitochondria Protector Blend as prelisten and postlisten. One user (see also above) reported life in the legs and feet using the Mitochondria Protector Blend combining it with the field like Smart Stem Cells and Plasma Charged Mitochondria.
  5. Usage Patterns & Importance: Seen by users as one of the most important fields, users mention using the blend daily since its release, indicating consistent and regular usage. Mitochondria are crucial organelles in cells responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). They play a key role in metabolism, and their dysfunction has been linked to various age-related conditions (Neurodegenerative Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Type 2 Diabetes, Muscular Disorders, Cancer, Metabolic Syndrome, Osteoporosis, Vision Disorders).

Note: reviews and experiences are anecdotical. Experience may vary from person to person.


Yes lot of benefits with this one, based on my research this is a great anti-aging field. this isnt something we can track on physical level in short term but definitely builds a strong cellular rejuvenation and gene health as we use it.


if i have this one do i also listen to plasma charge mitochondria?
its included here already

brought recently 20% sale

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I am thinking of buying this but I am not sure in what way is this field better than listening to individual fields Mot-s, AMPK etc.
I believe Dream must have boosted the MPB but can’t find anything in the above posts.
If you have any information please share.
I am looking to solve insulin resistance.
I am officially diagnosed to have diabetes.

I have a stack consists of
pancreas reload
Diabetes I and II

Quite a long list .
So far haven’t noticed any real change yet in blood glucose level.

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@TCS Have you tried The Endocriner? It can affect diabetes too

Yes. I have Endocriner in my stack

Alzheimer’s. Parkinson’s.


Just an observation for awareness so you can be pro-active for prevention of mitochondrial damage. Many antibiotics damage mitochondria because mitochondria has a bacterial origin and the same mechanisms many antibiotics use will also harm mitochondria which may lead to dysfunction anywhere in the body and contribute to organ failure in the long term.

Some antibiotics also damage the kidneys’ nephrons so they damage both the mitochondria in kidneys and the actual filtering units in them as well.

" Drug-induced nephrotoxicity accounts for up to 60% of cases of acute kidney injury (AKI) in hospitalized patients and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in both adults and children. Antibiotics are one of the most common causes of drug-induced nephrotoxicity."


A drug that effectively activates MOTS-c, AMPK, SIRT3, and SIRT6 genes could potentially offer numerous health benefits due to the roles these factors play in regulating metabolism, cellular energy balance, and stress response. Here are some potential benefits and how they could improve overall health:

  1. Improved Metabolic Health:

    • Activation of AMPK and SIRT3 can enhance cellular energy metabolism, leading to improved glucose uptake, utilization, and insulin sensitivity. This can be beneficial for individuals with metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes and obesity.
    • Activation of SIRT6 can help regulate glucose metabolism by suppressing glycolysis and promoting gluconeogenesis, thus contributing to better blood glucose control and metabolic homeostasis.
  2. Enhanced Mitochondrial Function:

    • Activation of SIRT3 and AMPK can improve mitochondrial function by promoting mitochondrial biogenesis, enhancing oxidative phosphorylation, and reducing oxidative stress. This can lead to increased energy production, improved cellular respiration, and protection against mitochondrial dysfunction-related diseases.
  3. Anti-Aging Effects:

    • SIRT3 and SIRT6 are involved in processes related to aging, such as DNA repair, maintenance of genomic stability, and regulation of chromatin structure. Activation of these genes may help delay aging-related processes and promote longevity.
    • Additionally, MOTS-c has been implicated in regulating mitochondrial function and metabolism, which are key determinants of aging. Activation of MOTS-c may exert anti-aging effects by improving mitochondrial health and cellular metabolism.
  4. Reduced Inflammation and Oxidative Stress:

    • SIRT3 and SIRT6 have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in cells and tissues. This can be beneficial for preventing or managing various inflammatory and oxidative stress-related diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and certain cancers.
  5. Protection Against Age-Related Diseases:

    • Activation of AMPK, SIRT3, SIRT6, and MOTS-c may offer protection against age-related diseases by improving metabolic health, enhancing mitochondrial function, and reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. This could potentially lower the risk of developing conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, and certain cancers.

Overall, a drug that activates MOTS-c, AMPK, SIRT3, and SIRT6 genes has the potential to improve overall health by enhancing metabolic health, mitochondrial function, and stress resistance, as well as by exerting anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects. However, further research is needed to develop such drugs and understand their safety and efficacy in clinical settings.