Mjolnir's power

Thor is a warrior but keep in mind your ego could be resisting.

If dominance, discipline and strength are not “you”, then your ego will resist Thor and come up with reasons why Thor “doesn’t like you”.

I doubt Thor himself will actually “hate” you, unless you are some religious person with a “holier than thou” and “my desert spirit is the only true god” attitude.


Yeaa you are right, I can’t handle so much energy coming from him, it’s like I used whole vast of tons testosterones hormones, it totally possessed my body and my mind, I didn’t endure it I gave up from him…will choose something other
Btw I think I am unconsciously very religious person it all coming from my parents/childhood conditioning, maybe it’s reason also sorry

Makes you wonder how many professional “athletes” are just possessed while playing games, right ?

Also a little tip since it’s “lockdown” season, turn off your television and read a book or go out in nature.

Sons of bitches are broadcasting some nasty subliminals.


What do you mean with that, what we are supposed to be?

dominance is my nature and i despise the church. I believe in a higher source but that doesn’t border thor since he has a father as well.
I just use it to draw women

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Can this mandala also help with productivity, and self development?

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@Bultar Yes. Thor will force you to drop bad habits and crush laziness, while increasing your dominance and desire to learn things.


Cool man thank you very much for the answer.

I have put more copies in the room where I am usually in and one in my phones case.

I wonder if anyone knows if they would interfere with each other?

Well, I personally never used any audio or mandala for my personality. By the way, thor personality is different and your own personality is different if you are binding your personality with thor then you are pushing down your own personality. Grow your own personality and aura instead of binding with someone else personality feel confident and comfortable in your own skin, and develop your own great personality V2. Just be yourself feel confident and love yourself 100%. Everyone has a unique personality one should not bind that with someone else.

I am not saying that you should stop using thor mandala no use it if you feel you are comfortable with it and if it’s doing good for you. I am just saying that everyone has a unique personality that needs to develop and evolve and be the greatest version in your own skin not in someone else.

That’s just a one-man opinion please don’t get offended.


This is just my experience but yesterday and day before having Thor was one of my worst mistakes ever I made, I even now still feel this residue of this hard energy which totally depressed me and what not…but hey, it’s just my experience and my opinion and it means I should more work on me, right, but Thor thanks, never again in my life
Thanks to Sapien fields I am coming back into my normal state

Yeah Thor is no joke.

While wearing it at a river, I was standing next to a giant rock bigger than me, and took a picture there (someone else took it from a distance).

I was blasting the third eye audio at the time so scanning auras was easy but when that person sent me the picture, swear to my life I opened that pic and my heart almost stopped.

I LITERALLY looked like a giant standing next to the rock, so I asked the person to see and obviously them being sheep they didnt see shit but that kinda proves Thors mandala makes your aura to that of a giant.

Someone wear it and go see a psychic medium, should be hillarious haha.


Hahah yes, for sure, I wish we have his mandala too :smiley:

Anyway, last night I would surely find this your comment as offence but now I am just fine, what a liberating feeling man lol

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Block him too… :laughing:

Nahh, that was Thor not me, believe me man lol

Thor wants you to block people… haha… :joy:

Believe me it’s not kidding, he is so intolerant and only seek for fight if ppl aren’t as he wants…very strange…I sensed his energy…but I wonder how I sensed him so fast first day …it was negative and more negative

That’s why saying it.

Hahah I doubt Thor love himself lol and carrying for love or any

Thor is pretty much spiritual androstenol lmao


lmao… :joy:

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