Moldavite tag

Yeah man haha since the first day owning it


I even stopped wearing the Moldavite rock (as a pendant) because it wasā€¦lolā€¦itchy!! Just placed it in my ascension pyramid. I ainā€™t a jewelry guy but at this point, with my 4 Twisted Sage pendants (and Sapien tags in the pocket) ā€¦I am, almost


Just got the tag a couple days ago, will update when I see any changes


You guys think i can charge my Moldavite ontop of this tag?


for sure


Yikes lol you really like living a dangerous life :joy::muscle:

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Please be careful with Moldavite. It can turn your life upside down! It did when I bought a real, Moldavite crystal. it was not fun!


meanwhile grimnir looking to have ~50 grams around his neck 24/7

and i oop-


Can you please tell us more? Share some details? Examples?


Yes, Iā€™m also curious about thisā€¦


Blep. Grimnir OnlyFans wisdom time.

Moldavite is like the angel Lucifer/Azazil, from heaven it fell onto this earth, to be embraced by those who can handle it climbing back up again, in all its intensity and rawness. A little green helper sent down for those who seek it.


so itā€™s a good thing I bought it in time :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s the spirit.

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Well, first of all, my mother died suddenly about a month after carrying Moldavite in my pocket. My brand new car was stolen from the dealership when I took it in for its first oil change. I caught my live-in girlfriend in my home with another man. This kind of stuff has NEVER happened in my life before, so I do not think it was just a coincidense. I smudged the stone with sage right after I bought it, so I do not think it had a curse on it. It was scary! Just telling you what happened to me.

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Iā€™m very sorry that this happened to you.
You are presenting your experience. Perhaps it does not suit you (there are, after all, different characteristics of grades).
Before buying, I tried the energy of Moldavite - the old Sapien field and the new one.
I am very comfortable with its energy.
I donā€™t think people buy these things as a toy.


Blessing right here. Be glad that ended as soon as it could man.


Thanks for sharing.

I think none of these events have anything to do with the Moldavite.

Passed mother:
No one dies unless their Higher Self allows for it and certainly not because someone else is wearing a spiritual stone. Your mother is in a truly safe and loving place now.
Also humans on earth see death as something bad, however it is truly liberating for the soul to move on into the astral planes. The only ones who suffer are the humans on earth who are not familiar with life after death and astral travel. I recommend you study near death experiences and astral travel. Once you achieve a few astral projections yourself and speak with some deceased people, you will never fear death again or see it as something final or bad.

Stolen car:
Maybe it was unsafe and some guardian angels did you a favor by not letting you drive it?
Or you did not locked the door properly by key and then the typical random matrix shit happens. If you are not consciously deciding, with your true free will, what shall happen or not happen ā€“ then the matrix will decide for you. This is explained in detail here:

Cheating girlfriend:
If you donā€™t understood or understand female nature then you will always blame external circumstances instead of understanding the flaws in your initial choice. And with female nature I mean the matrix programmed behavior of the homo sapiens female. There is also male nature of course.
So, either she never loved you in the first place (you were just a provider for her) or she found a man that she finds more attractive than you and decided to cheat (because she is a cheater). If you picked the wrong women in the first place, due to being clueless about women (ā€œBlue Pilledā€) then it is your poor choice and poor knowledge of the human female nature. If she is a cheater in the first place, then you should carry on and not cry a single tear after her - because who the heck wants to be together with a cheater/liarā€¦? If Moldavite helped to reveal the truth here, you should be thankful for that because you will either no longer waste your lifetime on a cheater and/or become more aware of how human sexual dynamics really work (spoiler: completely different than what they told you in the movies and Disney brainwashings).
To not repeat this mistake you need to get ā€œRed Pilledā€ and ā€œBlack Pilledā€ on the topics of how sexual market place value works in human society.
And finally, if you are not 100% manifesting your own reality, then these rules of sexual market place value will apply.

This is how everything in the matrix works ā€“ it is either you manifesting it consciously, or it is the matrixā€™s rules. Just because 99.9% of people on earth follow the matrix rules, does not mean you have to do so.

I believe, if the Moldavite had any effects here at all, is that it actually brought you nearer to the truth and to more self-reflection.
And there can be no true free will without self-reflection.
And true free will is what is needed to really manifest and override the matrix rules :wink:


Moldavite accelerates growthā€¦in order to grow, sometimes one has to let go of old thingsā€¦I lost my nice comfortable job, in retrospect I loathed that job, but didnā€™t want to leave a comfort zoneā€¦ended up with a much better position elsewhereā€¦I have had physical Moldavite for years, if anything it boosted growth for meā€¦


Moldavite is kind of like BPIL on steroids lol

And probably Ascension tag.

I remember when i got BPIL that was my first tag.

The first month was a hell of a ride and a lot of things happen that could have been perceived as negative but having embraced the tag with all changes that i knew it would bring i walked in fearless and ready to face whatever it was about to unfold.

Its normal, its like sucking up all bad with a vacuum so it can make room for positive changes, if life is not good then we cannot expect waking up next day after getting something like Moldavite and see rainbows and butterflies showing you a happy new life that was born over night.

you killed the tiger and got scared with its skin

Certainly not for everybody but worth all the way. (Talking about Moldavite in general i dont have that tag but ive had a piece before, it got lost soon after because i didnt want to be ready for it, years after i knew i pushed it to get lost)


Iā€™m not sure if deaths have anything to do with moldavite as Iā€™m new to it and donā€™t really understand it, but if it does do you think using moldavite is selfish? Again this is hypothetical but if it can put others at risk in order to put you in a better place is that selfish?