Moldavite tag

it’s really an ambiguous energy, based on records in various sources…
but how we use different energies is also up to us…
Yes Luna… I have the same thoughts - Moldavite would be a great addition to the Ascension tag…

ps. I miss the whole community. :)


Several Moldavite manifestors have told me it can wreak havoc on your life. You have to be very optimistic when carrying Moldavite. I have been very lucky in my life until Moldavite came along. My Mothers death was caused by the hospital. This was years before Covid, so that was not it. It was hospital negligence. The doctors would not talk. They all kept quiet. My new car was a Mercedes, so it was very safe. Moldavite must have thought my charmed life needed to be turned upside down.

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We all create our own realities all the time.
As long as people look for external reasons why something happens, they will never be in their full power to manifest their desired reality. I know this sounds harsh and ruthless. However taking 100% responsibility is the only way to true freedom.
This is what most souls came here for to learn in this physical earth incarnation game.

This is the end-goal of this game:
100% responsibility --> awareness --> true free will --> manifesting desired life

While this is what happens with most people:
Looking for external causes --> victim mentaility --> matrix rules will force its reality upon you

Ascension tools like Moldavite can only trigger or accelerate what is already there at the current stage of one’s self development. They are not forcing life changes upon you. They only assist in your own internal growth of awareness and understanding. Of course the ego will try to match external negative events with these tools so that it can blame them for forcing it to change. The ego hates change and will invent all the lies of why some external tool brought you “bad luck” etc. Of course falling for these lies, only keeps the victim mentality and prevents true freedom of choice and therefore manifestation of the desited reality.

It all comes down to how quickly we learn to understand the hints from the Higher Self and how quickly we accept that we are the manifestors of our lives. I wrote here about how we mostly learn through pain. Pain that would not be necessary if we would just listen and take responsibility for our created reality:


Hey everyone! I’ve had the tag for a couple days so I thought I’d give a short initial review on what I’ve experienced so far.

For one, it is very strong. I have had a small piece of moldavite I wore as a necklace for around a year, so I was not completely new to moldavite. However, the first night I wore the tag, I still got the cornerstone moldavite heat/sweating as I became acclimated to it.

I also noticed that my heart physically hurt, which had never before happened with the smaller moldavite stone. I’m sure that was from its work removing blockages in my heart chakra, which I am quite grateful for.

I’ve only had the tag for a couple days so who knows what’s in store for me in the near future, but as of now, I have not experienced any of the “massive uprooting” as some other people have. My life has been relatively smooth, which is honestly a bit surprising because I also just got the BPIL tag 2 weeks or so ago, and I’ve heard that also does some upheaving in the first month.

Everyone’s story is most definitely valid; I just want to add that it is all highly individualized, especially with moldavite, and just because one person has a particular experience does not at all mean you will have anything remotely similar happen.

I know this tag is no longer able to be bought, and may not be sold in the shop again, but if you feel called to moldavite as I, and a lot of other people have been, go for it! Listen to your intuition and take the leap! It is getting more rare and pricey, but it is definitely worthwhile.


Had a similar heart pain experience with the moldavite energy video on the dreamseeds channel. Glad someone else can confirm this


Nothing changed for me with BPIL externally, it also happens.

You had a moldavite anyway, so maybe some uprooting/rearrangement already happened through the time you’ve had it :)

I think I would in the next round if possible… though the stone is so beautiful, especially when made into jewellery, it’s my favourite colour! It’s like an even nicer share of green than emerald :sweat_smile:


Getting this tag on Monday and I’m so excited!! Hopefully it doesn’t turn my life upside down.


Hopefully! That’s the reason I got chose not to get it the other day. I had heard some people’s lives changed drastically, and I wouldn’t dare risk losing loved ones. I got two BPIL tags instead, one for me and one for my mother.


Definitely probably good to pair this with nullify and amplify astrological energies.

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Oh I can understand. There was a period of time where things were completely upside for me. My life has had always presented challenges to overcome but at the particular time I was playing the Moldavia’s frequencies but life changed drastically. My boyfriend and I went from planning our future/wedding etc to him becoming very confused and saying he loves be but no longer sees a future with me. He said he didn’t know why and he was crying over it and was really messed up to the point he saw a shrink. We both love each other and were/are very happy but he suddenly switched. My son became very distant and indifferent to his girlfriend and broke up with her. They since are back together (took 1 year, and many tears) and I am with my boyfriend and we are once again speaking of future. I can’t recall exactly how long I used ut for, but it wasn’t that long- maybe about 1-2 months. I’m not blaming Moldavite on this, but that was the only thing different I was doing at the time.
Anyway- after I looked through moldavite testimonials etc., I saw that others had intense experiences as well. So it’s not just you- energy is real.
The way I approach things now, If something feels light and good then use it, if not then stop. I love DW’s frequencies and I so blessed to found his site.


Is Moldavite so powerful? I’m not talking about the tag, but the stone itself. I bought a small piece a decade ago. To be honest, I just liked how it looks, I’ve always fond of tektites, and moldavite has a distinct green hue that particularly appeals to me.
I don’t think I ever took the stone with me for a long time, I just kept it in my drawer. And nothing dramatic happened of course. :joy:

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Different people react differently to the stone (just like with all stones) according to their abilities, practices and skills.

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Navagraha Homam →
Moldavite →
Crucible →

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This is one of my favorite tags because of the one particular reason, it has its ‘own’ mind. This is undoubtedly true. I heard about its effects and its uniqueness before, but only after experience I realized its potential. I mentioned somewhere it is an ultra powerful ascension tag in the initial days, I even don’t know why I said back then. But, I feel its true after ~6 months.

First month was crazy in the way that It let u make to different kind of decisions to take u to fast track ascension. There were conflicts with my boss at the work place and lot of crazy things happened. I wanted to quit but didn’t take that step yet, even today it says to quit …lol;
After some crazy ride, even thought to keep it away for a couple of weeks. But intuitively couldn’t stay long(a day or 2) without its presence on me. My higher self was doing riot’s inside like I need Molavite, I need Moldavite…lol !
Later I talked with it as if it’s listening, made an agreement, that we need to work as a team and progress step-by-step…and it responded well after that. The things were falling in place.
Almost all pendants, the most advanced powerful ones too I get accustomed to it in a week or 2. But this one always nudge me with its presence at the heart chakra.
My experience overall - Moldavite is like having another mind with u, talks with u, dominates u mostly :stuck_out_tongue: ,it take care of u, makes heart chakra ever clearing and expanding with peace and happiness. It makes you enjoy life to the fullest, upgraded my energy sensitivity, live with ease and bring good luck. No doubt, it is truly an extraterrestrial crystal.

Personally, I treat moldavite as my friend! I am loving it!

Thanks Captain for bringing this masterpiece as limited editions and Moldavite deserve that special category in tags.


My moldavite tag disappeared…I was a bit bummed because I’d never lost tag before, and esp this limited edition tag. Looked high and low for it, while looking for it, I came across a large physical moldavite piece I’d lost many years ago. :grinning:…but still very potent. I have found wearing both the physical and tag packs a punch!..Anyway, I had about given up on the tag ever returning to me…when fast foward to yesterday, and the tag showed back up, in an area that I rarely ever go. I am the only one in my household, and no pets either. How it got there, I still don’t know…but just glad it’s back!


Someone told me moldavites are like cats, he might have been very right about that


mines hanging outside my windows right now tho :man_shrugging:

gotta get some sunshine :sun_with_face:


The cat? Or the moldavite :sweat_smile:


maybe both :eyes:


the moldavite of course

don’t have a cat yet :pensive: