Conceptual Realizations

This is especially true for IPF/Psychic fields.


“There is no coming to consciousness without pain.” – Carl Jung

…that is unless you have the Conceptual Realization field :relieved:

(Full quote: “There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”)


Fantastic testimony, my friend. Thanks for sharing! I often overlook the most important fields with all the other amazing things Dream puts out.

Curious, what are your other top fields?



Do you think people will listen to an audio that will change their perception on life and also they have to pay for it without going through pain ? I think you live in your imagination a lot or you don’t know humans! :joy::purple_heart: thanks for encouraging me to listen to this field…


Thank you mate! I am glad it helps you.

My other most important fields that I am using almost daily are:


  • Vibration of Creation (= Ascension + Manifestation) (gumroad)
    Vibration of Divine Love (= Become Whole + Attract Love) (gumroad)
    Vibration of Transcendence (= Become Whole + Ascension + Ego Dissolution) (gumroad)
  • Attract Love (the old one, patreon)
    Love Gratitude and Appreciation
    The Archetype of Parental Love
    Extreme Self Confidence / Self Esteem Boost
    Amygdala Healing (Fear Release)
    Repel Negative Energy 2.0
  • Increased Psychic Functioning (gumroad)
    Animal Empathy/Telepathy
    The Voice of Gamayun (Voice of Prophecy)
  • Soul Core Energy Restoration (gumroad)
    Heart Center Restoration (gumroad)
    Brow/Forehead Energy Storage Restoration (gumroad)
    Ojas Refined and Defined
    Jing (the old one, patreon)
  • The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach
    The Platelet Rich Plasma² Bath
    Cholesterol and Plaque Removal
  • All 4 Chakra audios (gumroad)
  • Androstenol (patreon)
  • Million Dollar Empire Mindset
    Abundance Mindset
    Probability Alteration and Luck
  • Stop Procrastinating
    Unstoppable Willpower

…plus ca. 50 other audios at least one or two times throughout the week :sweat_smile:

Printed & laminated Mandalas:

  • Higher Self (24/7 in my pocket)
  • Michael (24/7 in my pocket)
  • Productivity (when I work)

Well, what I discovered from oberserving my own life and the lives of others is that we often only learn a complex spiritual lesson by going through annoying iterations or painful situations. It is because only when we look at several iterations we discover a pattern and become aware. And then once this pattern comes to our realization, we make a new decision and experience actual change.

Now, physical earth is a hardcore learning playground for the most courages souls in the universe. And most souls prefer to play their self-development games rather on the astral levels and without the harsh physical experience of a dense physical body and the “veil of forgetting” where you came from.

However, and this is key, it is theoretically possible to master the whole earth game without any pain and iterations at all. This would be possible, if we would listen to our Higher Self communicating to us through the intuition in 100% of the time:

Our Higher Self always silently whispers to us what to do, but we ignore it.

Then our Higher Self sends us signs in the physical world but we still ignore them, because we are not aware enough.

Then the actual physical consequences kick in because we ignored all the previous warning signs and inspirations.

And then when the physical experience becomes so painful and such an annoying iteration, we finally become aware and change something.

The pain is only there because we were not aware from the beginning on.

Therefore most souls learn through pain.

However the Growth of Awareness during this process is one of the main goals of the matrix game (on earth level and beyond). The whole game could also be described as an Alchemical Machine, where we enter as small souls, and when we are done with our growth of consciousness through the game, we leave the game as powerful shiny light beings full of understanding and love :sun_with_face:

This physical earth matrix game allows souls to grow in the fastest way known in the universe! That is why we are all here. And even if you think that there are 8 Billion souls incarnated on earth right now, 10^9999999 other souls were not courageness enough to play this hardcore game like that (which means that yes, your ego can be proud of oneself :grin:).

The Conceptual Realization field allows you to learn your lessons as if you would have listened to your Higher Self right from the start.
You are skipping those painful iterations.
I would like to say that this field is the Ultimate Matrix Game Cheat Code!
Having this in your first incarnation on earth would allow you to perform a “Perfect Speed Run” in gamer terms :slight_smile:

Now also keep in mind, that you as your Higher Self decided to play the earth game without having this field in the beginning in your first incarnation. This is for various reasons e.g. you actually wanted to collect the experience of going through some of those annoying iterations and you wanted to have experience of learning without listening to your intuition.

And now, that you arrived at this point here in this forum, where you discovered that there is this Conceptual Realization field available as the ultimate accelerator, it means that most likely you already have reached something like your final incarnation in the earth game and only need to speed up the final lessons in your journey.

The collective of the Higher Selves playing this current earth game iteration, before even entering the game, have decided in advance that Dream would make this Conceptual Realization field available for us here at this point in time and that the necessary souls would be guided to this place. If you are reading this, this is another call from YOUR Higher Self to get this field and accelerate your game experience. :flying_saucer:

Furthermore, this field will also serve you later on your astral plane journey, because you will continue to learn and once you grasp the concept of this field, you will be able to utilitze it forever on your journey (also in other incarnations if you chose to come back). Therefore do yourself a gift, and get this field. It will serve you for the eternity.


And now, that you arrived at this point here in this forum, where you discovered that there is this Conceptual Realization field available as the ultimate accelerator, it means that most likely you already have reached something like your final incarnation in the earth game and only need to speed up the final lessons in your journey.

This is my point :heart:… I already have it but I listen only once since I got it , you encouraged me to listen again…


Loop it at for least 1 hour every day :wink: :v:


I am listening to it now :cowboy_hat_face:


Left pocket : Ascension / Nullify / Higher self mandala

Torus : Shield / IPF / Confident Sigil (necklace)

Right pocket : BPIL / Intercession / SLR

and Conceptual Rea

What do you think ? Should I take out the ascension ? (too much ?lol)


Incredible, a summary made to perfection.:snowflake::star2:


I’m glad to see this field receiving the air time it deserves. It will never leave my nightly stack


@JAAJ thank you for taking the time to write this post. It is brilliantly written and I think everyone, myself included needs to take the time to reread your post a second time to allow what you wrote to fully sink in! I love it! :heart_eyes: :sparkling_heart:


Yes, because of the neutral sound you can loop it at night. Sometimes I loop it even while being on a work zoom call :grimacing:


this deserves a bookmark!

right now i see my intuition as always in the present moment and the ego as the future scheduler.

when i listen to the ego’s schedule of what i should be doing, it’s all broken promises and robotic actions.

when i listen to my intuition, it only tells me what i need to be focusing on in the present moment. i feel more and more and gather more of my energy when i listen to my intuition.

just today i woke up right when my playlist finished! no need for extra looping!

i don’t know what my plan will be today, but it’s the weekend so it will be a fun experiment to just listen to my intuition guide me through with no schedule!


  • i was given the question “why is my higher self more quiet than the ego?” i was given the visual that my higher self is at a more zoomed out perspective which in turn makes its broadcast travel farther than the ego’s which is closer to us in perspective.
  • conceptual realization could help strengthen this broadcast like upgrading to fiber internet

Very much so, makes me want to grab the higher self mandala and meditate to this audio.


Is it safe to play this overnight
Did anyone tried that already?
I am planning to play visual enchantment field before bed and then this one overnight hmm🤔

Is it safe overnight


If I had this field in my possession I would have done it without hesitation, this is only my opinion


abro said above that he uses it in his night stack


I don’t use it exclusively though, it gets 3-4 rotations, I think that’s what he’s asking?

That being said, I think I’d like to do overnight with CR only from time to time