Conceptual Realizations

the first three sentences you quoted of me:

they’re happening now. right now i don’t have evidence if i’m even the one in the dream as i haven’t looked down at my body or in a reflection. i am assuming i am in someone else’s body and just seeing, feeling, and hearing through them.

the last sentence you quoted of me:

this is also a maybe, but my inner guidance says i’ll be meeting them. i’ve already met 2 people from my dreams before meeting them in real life. pretty cool stuff. both times they happened to live in europe lol.

in the first case i had a dream with them about a year before meeting them. in the second case i had a dream with them about 2 years before meeting them.



I think it help to release other people projection on me … Their hate and chaotic vibrations and stuff like this heavy feelings and its connect me with myself love … I feel it make my conscious return to focus inward … I realized some love from someone I know before but I felt hurt because I can’t feel he is even like me it was arrange marriage and I break up with him before the marriage happened , tarot readers said he is my twin flame but I don’t care about him anymore …

I realize peace again :swan::heart:


This. This is absolutely where this field shines.

It’s not an easy journey though, there may be situations where these reflections from others still need to experienced… a clearing out so to speak before realisations regarding people/patterns/life come through with less need for the outside world to reflect them.

Thanks for sharing this, and sorry to hear of your painful experience


Listening to this field + watching again this beauty




I haven’t listened to this one yet but with what you just said then this is telling me this field could/should be added to stacks to get the clear understanding of why things havent gotten the way we want them or what do we need to do, how to let go, why to let go etc etc

This is like BPIL /Higher self audios/mandala with a tv screen showing you the whys and hows :open_mouth::heart_eyes:

Imagine this matched with torsion, blue print, plasma. + whatever we want answers for or paths to walk on to achieve things EASIER…

Hellouuu this is underrated!


Move the link to the next empty line.


I had an experience yesterday I wrote about here - it felt strange enough for me to write about it, but I couldn’t entirely put my finger on why:

What I realize today with some perspective is that it felt strange and I didn’t get sucked into it because I was hearing the person on a different level.
Like… I could see they were talking from a place of pain - even though that was just a story and had nothing to do with the reality, from their perception there was an underlying pain hence the tone etc.
And I saw that and that way I managed to remain mostly distanced emotionally (though it does bother me because I’ll have to deal with some practical things as resolution and I don’t really need that… so i’m not entirely detached).

Anyway I think this audio had a role in that experience as I’ve been using it daily since it came out basically.



Anyone that has the tag and has switched to the audio? Or using both? Can you share additional experience?

I have the IPF tag and quite an experience with it, just trying to understand more of this audio. Thanks :slight_smile:


Audio hits much harder when you spamm it for 2-3 hours


Well, my Higher Self and the Arcturians said that I actually needed this despite your vague answer :slight_smile: and I am glad I learned to listen for my inner guidance.

To be honest this did not just “took things up a notch”, but was more like getting into a Rocket and leaving the whole old planet behind.


Guys, this field is absolute GOLD and you all need to get it ASAP!
If you seriously want to skip several incarnations or make it your final incarnation, then you need to have this field at all cost! It is among the Top 5 of all the Sapien fields out there. Those 200 € that Dream asks for it are nothing compared to what it does: saving you incarnational time and emotional stress. It allows you to realize things about yourself and your life that would otherwise take decades of time and painful iterations.

I’ve been using it now daily for 2 weeks and I see already so many changes in me and my thinking and behavior.

I have to admit that I’ve been also wearing most of the available tags for most of the time and been pumping VoC, VoDL, VoT, Ojas, Parental Love and Soul Restoration series as much as possible in parallel – but nothing has pushed me that fast ahead as this Conceptual Realization field! It acts like a booster to all the rest of like 10-20x.

I have not yet tested the BPIL tag, but I feel like it is BPIL on Mega Ultra Steroids!

When you first start to listen, you may not feel anything at all, even in the whole first week. But then it comes, like a gentle wind from the inside, making you realize that you need to change this and that and that this and that from the past are actually limiting beliefs and that there is another way and other options to live your life.
And you realize that if you don’t change this and that, then it will remain like it is. At the same time this realization is so deep within you, that you know it is true and you know that this is the only way forward, and you find the power to change. You look deep inside yourself and feel the total truth - and then you know that you are going to change and that this is the right way.

This field is the most gentle type of ascension that I could ever imagine. Because the change towards a higher vibration comes from within you (not like with VoC where you are uplifted by an external force).

This field allows you to make those 1% daily changes that are exactly the right ones. And after a certain time you realize that those daily 1% changes at the right spots gradualy and expontentially do change your whole life.

  • If you want to have gentle ascencion from within, but at immense speed – get this field!
  • If you want to skip painful iterations of old behavior and expiriences – get this field!
  • If you want to learn from other people’s faults – get this field!
  • If you want to break addicitons and old behavioral patterns – get this field!
  • If you don’t trust your higher self with the BPIL tag and where it is going to take you – get this field!

THANK YOU @Captain_Nemo !



Thank you very much for this testimonial! I appreciate it a lot! :pray:

I’ll certainly put this field on my list to get!

Thanks again!


:point_up: :mechanical_arm:


I wish you Highest Heavens in all worlds, @Captain_Nemo :rose:


when my inner guidance is silent on morphic field recommendations, you forum friends really come to the assist!

your testimonial inspired me to listen to this and enhanced visual processing together!


Great, how many times you listen it daily?

I also have so many valuable insights with, and I noticed once when I listened accidentally on the loop for a while , experience was surreal lol like I was one with everything and know so much stuff about me and others

But usually I am trying to listen daily only 2 times
How about you my friend?


I am listening to this daily between 30 and 60 minutes.
It seems to work faster and better if you have the Subconscious Limits Remover and Pendant of the Magi tags on you 24/7.
The SLR tag seems to accelerate the process and open you up to understanding that previously was blocked by limiting beliefs.
The Magi tag supplies the SLR tag with continous energy so that it is less draining on your energy system and you can wear it longer.


SLR tag accelerate any processus, Subconscious Limits Remover audio worked wonders with Enhanced Glory even tho i don’t listen to it everyday. imagine if i had the tag on me everyday for 24h lol.

i’ll put it on list.


I am wearing this “killer combo” of 6 tags almost all the time:

  • SLR = Accelerator

  • Magi = Energy for accelerator and other tag, but also your mind when it comes to manifesting.

  • Intercession = Invisible help from entities/aliens/angels. Luckily for us, the intercession tag works independent of one’s current level of self esteem.

  • Glory = Productivity + Help from human fellows

  • Abundance = A necessary part for avoiding thoughts of lack and also a booster for having optimistic mindset. Basically, you should never run around and wear the Magi tag when you are in a bad mood or don’t have positive thoughs as it will amplify your creation process of everything that runs through your mind. The abundance tag helps to keep you positive related to the aspect of receiving.

  • Eternity = live longer :surfing_man:

The other tags (except BPIL) each for ca. 1 hour daily in my pocket.
You can replace Glory with BPIL if you trust what your Higher Self has planned for you…

As explained by @_OM, wearing them on the chain puts the tags in the nearest possible distance to your heart center (>> torus field) where they are most effective. Much more effective than when you have them in your pocket / wallet / money belt.


This is especially true for IPF/Psychic fields.