Moral dilemma: if you are using fields are you still your authentic self?

So one of the issues I’m struggling with as I am trying to assemble a stack is, to what extent do you remain as your authentic self when using fields for materialistic goals? Examples would be knight mindset, brain enhancement, etc.
I like the idea of having those benefits and being smart and looking good and being honorable, but a small part of me is worried that I will no longer be “the real me” if I change those aspects of myself.
What do you guys think?


its a tool,
as long as you are deciding, then it is you ‘choosing’
people also mimic the mannerisms of people they emulate,
which goes along with NLP stuff i think.
Would you say they are being fake or real?
what truly is oneself ? if not the outcome of all the choices we make along our path.

Or are you of the mind that, some things you feel must be worked for on your own.


That’s a great question, in fact some time’s I limit the use of certain physical fields because to some degree I’m still not 100% at peace with my self image and looking to change the outside to reflect inside, rather than the other way around.
I’d say with stuff like Knight mindset, and the like which bring on personal changes, are powerful fields to see what it would be like to embody certain characteristics which maybe are not being embodied.
Say If I want to be in a more clear more decisive mindset, and I want a taste of that before I can learn how to be it, the fields which work with that intent, say the Emperor or the Smilodon one, might give you a taste of how it is to be in that frame of mind. After that its up to your choosing, if you want to embody those characteristics or not. Again, if you do choose to, the fields amplify that personality (as far as I know)
To me, the real me is the one which intuitively knows what characteristics to be, and then to be it. Our personalities are malleable, so depending on who you are right now in your journey, you might have to embody different characteristics. As long as you’re in touch with your intuition and your higher self, the real you is the one calling the shots.

With stuff like brain enhancement, I’d say you’re just upgrading your tools right now. So instead of a Windows (your true self) working with a mid tier computer build, you’re still a Windows working with a top-tier computer build.

This is what I’ve been thinking of for myself too, and the conclusions I’ve come to


The “real you” is the version of you free from all of the limiting beliefs and energetic programming, etc… that you’ve picked up from this lifetime and past lives. So you could say the tools here are actually bringing you back to your “authentic self.”


That’s interesting

I think it can be answered easily. You know, i thought i was the real me when I was young and foolish. Those were real to me. Nowadays i consider myself mature and experienced. That’s real to me. I’ve good days, I’ve had days, those are real to me.

The real you is actually constantly changing, but perhaps it’s so subtle at times, imperceptible to the human mind.

So hopefully the real you moves into the direction of your ideal you, and i guess your careful selection of certain fields are your idea of your ideal you.

Remember you are infinite, as in infinite possibilities. Hence you are always your real authentic you


I guess it’s the latter. I feel like using some fields is like cheating in a competition, and the results don’t feel “earned” in the way that I created them through my own will



You’re free not to use them, but I recommend getting over that “competition mindset”.

A similar problem is feeling like you owe too much to Dream. You’re a parasite and you don’t give back.
But that’s overthinking, just chill lol
If he’s cool with it :man_shrugging:
If he’s having fun and we’re all one…
Same with competition, if you level up and help the world level up, good old trickledown mechanism

Edit: That question makes me think of
“it was not me it was the alcohol, I was not myself”

You could even make the argument that it makes you more yourself. Less ego, less habits, less conditioning, you’re free to customize yourself and make fresh decisions. Unless you feel possessed by some demon after using the fields, perso I feel more like myself, having more control


You’ve earned this. Your life brought you here for a reason. To grow, to become more… think beyond yourself for a moment. By using these gifts, you’ll be able to impact the world and others in a deeper way as well. That’s the end game in my opinion. Become the best possible version of yourself and share your growing gifts and abilities out there in the world. To not do this would be the real tragedy.


Mctoran, I would suggest perhaps you look at the beliefs that things must be “earned”. It is a common limiting belief that many have that everything must come through hard work, will and effort. This can block many blessings and solutions from flowing into your life. You co create everything that shows up in your reality. So, part of you was asking for a solution or improvement in an area of your life and you attracted Sapien’s fields as one possible answer. You manifested that. So take credit for it. Well done! You have the choice not to use them. As far as who is the real you. I would work with fields that align you with your I AM presence. This will help greatly with discovering your authentic self. All the best!


We’re all bound to evolve & grow through life’s experiences, no matter what; we use one tool or the other to aid the process. The authenticity of the self is mouldable to our liking, things such as fields help to go beyond a percieved limit.


But it also takes will to commit to field(s), only just working more smarter than harder


I like the the thing OM said one time

some do drive cars and others continue to use horses


What if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?

Just kidding, mostly. But the sentiment applies.

Listen to yourself everyday, closely. Just keep listening. See what yourself tells you. Listen to your heart, and your gut, and the quietest of all the voices in your head - that one more than all the rest, maybe even only listen to that one.

And I think you will know. You may go a few days detouring off of your most authentic path. But if you care enough to listen, you’ll come back.

If you get distracted and illusioned and misguided, if you think for a moment or a year that people being happy with you is what winning is, or the world being good to you is what winning is, you’ll still come back. Being you and being alive are inseparable.


I’ts completely moral if you listen them by your will, not forced by anybody else.
Fields are like taking any medicine pill, therapy, excercising, following a diet or receiving any treatment.


Absolutely. Everything you think, feel, and do creates, sustains, and strengthens morphogenic fields within you. What we must remember is that morphogenic fields are naturally occurring. They weave and sustain our entire existence. So, with these fields Dream creates we are creating new positive energetic patterns and eliminating negative ones. No matter what, morphogenic fields are being created by our physical, energetic, emotional, mental, causal, and spiritual habits. Might as well do it in a positive manner.

its simple really.
this doesn’t interfere with your free will.
Its your choice.

You can choose to buy a book and learn about something, a electric muscle auto-workout thingy.
or use a field.
You can visit a therapist for a condition or try to get to the root of the matter with a field.
The idea is, these outcomes are caused by your choices.
Your drive to change and become more than yourself.

If you make that choice to eat very bad foods for a week, then used a cholesterol removal to help yourself.
it was still all your choice.
both things.

You are the one creating change by taking ‘action’.


Exactly. It’s all still related to changing energetic patterns one way or another.


I’ve got a related nagging worry: is using fields cheating? For example, I sometimes notice myself feeling a bit guilty about using fields for building muscle and enhancing intelligence, since it means not having to work as hard as people doing it the old fashioned way.

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Well, is living in a house cheating? Is going to the supermarket instead of hunting and gathering, cheating? How about those shoes you’re wearing? Or the books you’ve read? Some people don’t have cars. Is driving a car cheating?

The only way you’re cheating yourself is by not using the tools available to you to become the best version of yourself you can possibly be. In my opinion you’re here in the forum for a reason. There are no accidents. It’s time to outgrow all of these limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. Drop the guilt and start living :wink: