Morphic Field Generator

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has developed the technology to create morphic field like frequencies and combine them with affirmations? Like the affirmations would be attuned to the morphic frequency. I have experimented with making my own subliminals and frequencies but am yet to have any real profound results. Thanks!


Hi, Serena!
Welcome Roses

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Thank you!

Nope. Cause afaik technology can’t really do it. You’d end up with the same thing as a frequency generator, with basic fields, if at all. To do precise work, you need someone skilled to do the field.

But if you want to add the potency of morphic fields to affirmations (not sure about frequencies), I think there was an “affirmations to morphic field” field somewhere. Not by Dreamweaver though so I dunno how effective it could be.

There are fields that help with affirmations in different ways (I don’t know about subliminals, etc), but again not by Dreamweaver.

And then, each morphic field can add a different flavour, dimension, and level of efficacy to your own subliminals. Like listening to them alongside ego dissolution, after subconscious limits removal, etc.

Subliminals makers in youtube apparently play the environmental energy accumulator (or one of the many fields there are for absorbing energy or focusing it into an intention) while recording their subliminals.

You could fill yourself with energy then put as much into it when recording them. Or fill yourself with love or gratitude and do the same…I swear that would work wonderfully. The subconscious will always respond to love/self-love.

You can make any subliminals or tracks as powerful by using angelic or devic intercession and asking them to conceptually beam the affirmations, concepts, intentions, or purpose of the subliminal you made into your subconscious and all energy bodies, etc. I mentioned purpose, because maybe we ourselves chose not so good affirmations, based on our current limited mindset. Not to mention the limitations of language itself.

Be mindful of how you word that request and use some “insurance”.

This would have to be done every day, unless you request them to field your subliminals and they’re somehow able to do it. But to be sure, I’d ask them to beam the concepts into my subconscious.

There are tracks that are guided meditations that are fielded too, such as Guided Journey : Unlock Full Potential

Hope this helps you.

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I think it’s Intention Repeater converter for affirmations. Intention Repeater is good, but same style of affirmations as used for subliminals isn’t necessarily effective with it AFAIK.
There’re “binary” subliminals out there that show that subconscious understands binary encoding :slightly_smiling_face:

There’s a field…we can discuss it in the apropriate thread though.

Yeah intention repeater is very weird with the results it gives. I haven’t found a “standard” for writing intentions. I just keep putting every intention in and that’s it.

Sounds scary if you ask me xD and I’m also quite doubtful. If you translate an english statement into binary and someone listens to it who doesn’t understand english…would it work?

I will answer in PM to not pollute this thread.

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Morphic fields are based on concepts.

Concepts are “conceptual”, meaning that in order to create them, you need a “tool” that can handle and manage concepts.

At the moment, according to my knowledge, only Consciousness itself qualifies as a “tool” to do so.

Any type of technology can do the “coding” part and the “adding energy” part, but it cannot do the “conceptual” part. Only consciousness can do the “conceptual” part.

For example “feelings” are conceptual. The only “tool” that I am aware of that can create and experience feelings is consciousness / qualia.

Or maybe super advanced alien races like the Arcturians can do this, but we are speaking about super ultra advanced technology here and it would be beyond my level of understanding at this point.

Therefore I assume that without this super ultra advanced technology you need someone with their consciousness to create and operate those morphic fields.


hello i am interested in this subject, any chance u can explain this to me?

Answered in PM.