Morphic fields and the subconscious mind

NoFap in my experience makes the fields work not just better, but faster. It awakens the energy body and its sensitivity. Makes it highly receptive. I noticed when I went through relapse periods, I wouldn’t feel them as much while listening. Now, my results are extremely fast, almost immediately. I feel the results building as I’m actively listening.

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That is interesting. Thank you for sharing. I am glad they are working well for you.

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I have the same experiences. Nofap and dopamine in general gave me more sensitive with energy.

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Exactly. The sexual energy like “works with” the fields it fields like. And dopamine levels are naturally higher and receptors more intact when doing No fap so makes sense

What are ur experience with alcohol? Do u feel better without alcohol?

I don’t drink. But I think any substance will put a damper on results compared to not being on any. I’m sure drinking occasionally or in moderation won’t be an issue


I very rarely drink alcohol. I think it would have some effect on results since it does effect our energy field. Everything is energy and will have some impact. I get the best results when I keep my physical and mental diet as clean and healthy as possible. That also includes the types of music I listen to and the television programs and films I watch.


yeah man. i only drink 1,2 times per month. I hope it does not really affect the result. Thank u guys btw.

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You’re welcome! It is also important to enjoy life. :smiley:

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Yessir I select my impressions carefully too.

This is something that I keep having to remind myself of. “Everything is energy” Our thoughts, our food, what we are reading and watching. It does get easier with practice. Keeping a gratitude journal was a big help to me. It really helps you focus and retrain your mind.

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Sounds like you are on the right path!

TerraIncarnation_345, can you share more about your diet? I have experimented with going vegetarian. I am primarily pescatarian currently. Trying to add more raw foods to my diet.

I won’t get too detailed but depending on the substance, how it interacts with your current energies, mind and body, and other factors, it gets impacted.

Sometimes, it gets enhanced.

It’s one of those “pay attention to what you notice happens” experimental things.

I’ll say that depending on what’s going on with me I’ve been quite shocked how amazing fields are and how they interact with things. Its really quite fun to play around with, imo.

I found out I had Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, which is an autoimmune disorder. I eliminated gluten from my diet and all of my pain went away, and my stomach was feeling better. It did not cure my diarrhea completely because I was not eating anything to restore the flora after gluten had eliminated it. I continued searching for answers through food, and found that meat did not make me feel good when I ate it.

I switched to a vegan diet, and now I eat fermented foods (vegan kim-chi, saurkraut) and I no longer have any abdominal bloating, no pain, no diarrhea. I am confident I could eat gluten and meat now without being effected by it, but I do not have any need for it. I get all of the vitamins and minerals I need from vegetables, beans, fermented foods, etc. I try to stay away from fruits but I have the occasional banana or apple.

It was a long journey to health for me, but now I find Dream’s fields work better for me, I am much happier, and I have no cravings for foods that don’t serve me. It was just a part of the spiritual journey for me, and I understand it is not the path necessary for everyone but it is what helped me more than anything else in my life has helped me before. I’ve never felt as healthy as I do now. I always felt like something was wrong, but I wasn’t sure what it was.

I eat a lot of mushrooms, broccoli, brussels sprouts, eggplant, beans, bell pepper, zucchini, green beans, carrots, rice, with the occasional fruits, tomatoes, corn tortillas, homemade hummus, etc. I eat natural peanut butter, but I would like to add more nuts to my diet. It is difficult for me right now to find nuts that are not processed in a wheat facility (because I am still abstaining from gluten).


Thank you! This is helpful. Recently I have been eating more raw vegetables and fruits. I’m going to try adding more fermented foods. I do drink kombucha.