Morphic fields "Stalling"

Hey everyone! I don’t know if some of you experience this, but particularly for me, I get very excited when first listening to a morphic field and really tune in with its effects. But for some reason over time, the effects and feeling’s from the same field become less overt and “strong”. This issue happens less nowadays, but is definitely something I’d like to resolve.

What could be the reason for desensitization to fields over time? Ideally, I’m hoping for my resonance to the particular field to increase and heighten as I atttune with it more. Appreciate everyone’s input :blush:


If you search you will find that your question has been answered before. In fact, many times. The fields are not “stalling”. You are integrating them. The phenomenon you mention is why people go running after fields like they should be a non-stop high. I don’t think you are necessarily of that mindset but often people think power is the most important thing. I watch as people go experimenting with the works of other creators because they think the intensity should never stop and they want that intensity to continue. It can lead to not very nice places sometimes. So, the short story is that what you are experiencing is the way it is for most. You are becoming “one” with the field.


Thanks so much for your patient reply Rose! Sorry for asking such a over-answered question; I’d seen it a couple times in different threads but I suppose I wasn’t sure how to differentiate between a field becoming less “impactful” over time because your subconscious builds resistance and rejects it, or what you mentioned.

That would be my worry; the fields feeling less evident due to subconscious rejection. I don’t fully understand the interplay between all of it so I’ve a long way to go

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