I did a lot of research on morphic fields and I am puzzled by its mainstream unscientifically accepted nature.
The general consensus seems to be that it’s pseudoscience.
How come that is? I really want to believe but what I’ve read gives me doubts.
I would like to be provided with explanations and evidence if possible.
I’ve been using the fields a lot for over two weeks now but am yet to see results.
This isn’t intended to sound negative at all, i am deeply fascinated by this subject and want to invest myself in it. I would just like to understand the situation better.
Additionally, the call written below + other ongoing work on plant growth (you can search on the forum) speak for themselves. As also reminded in those posts, science is above all about testing hypotheses and (in)validate them, simply said.
But what I would like to understand is how come with all of the scientific evidence, which includes things stated in this article, thé scientific community is still officially saying its pseudoscience and not valid?
Some people have dedicated their lives to proving its true and some others have dedicated theirs to proving the opposite.
However, the opposite is what is now officially accepted by the scientific community.
If I remember properly, I think I’ve read comments already here or on YouTube (I have to check again though) but I also guess that SM team is currently collecting this kind of data (also sent privately to them by email, etc.), before publishing the results within a coherent article or other paper work.
So yes, many discussions on the forum about HGH already. Couldn’t copy them all right now. Maybe you can use the research engine, if you haven’t already.
Yes, I had a longtime problem on some part of my right foot, especially in the summertime. The dermatologist had diagnosed something (forgot the name right now lol), I used various creams, etc. No result for many years…
Fungus Destroyer has eliminated the problem within a few months.
Had a temporary and slight hair loss problem (in addition to natural aging process). Used Stem Cells Targeted to Face, Scalp, Neck for a few months… New hair has started growing like grass on potato man.
Anti Aging and Longevity fields which I use regularly help undoubtedly about my overall health: more active, less tired, etc.
Mild food poisoning? Bacteria Destroyer and Full Body Detox rule ;)
So many examples, really. And mine are nothing, compared to many other people’s spectacular results.
I hope you will :) Forgot the most important part: I first discovered Sapien Medicine thanks to their Subconscious Limits Remover field and this became the one that I used regularly (I’m still using every day), before switching to other ones.
I had no expectation. I was just like “I’ve got nothing to lose, so let’s go for it”. Because even though I was doubtful, some gut feeling has made me trust Sapien Medicine quite quickly… even without tangible results at the beginning.
i was like you at the beginning. the only thing i can assume is that there are forces that want to keep people in the dark and there are forces that want to help people feel more ‘free’.
both sides can feel so true and valid depending on which side you’re on. the best truth is to experience (or not experience) it yourself!
I tend to think that the absolute can give birth to infinte relative realities (and at the same time is completely free and unchanged by them), two of which are the one you are mentioning as opposies.
But even the above is only one version of it, a product of the rational mind that being itself an expresdion/modulation of the absolute can’t include it.
Where I’m going with this is that if it is actually accepted by high powers in the scientific communities it is probably used as well in ways we have no idea of. Hence the keeping us in the dark about it. Just speculating here. Technology is so insanely advanced these days… I mean who knows how far moronic fields have really been taken ‘unofficially’?
The way investigation works massively involves: - Public Interest - Funding - Profit & Attention Generated
If you are not able to gather all three, unless you have the resources to do and back it up yourself, you won’t get the traction needed. It will either die or be killed.
Even though Science should be about scientific experimentation and possibilities, it is rather dogmatic. Have you questioned how a study is followed and starts? Look at the way the metaphysical is approached, for instance.
If they were to develop further studying in these areas, they would’ve probably outgrown themselves. They would develop more in 10 years than in the last 100 lol.
But, then again, have you looked at how the world works and the three pointers above?
In a world full of meds, controls, subliminals, the last thing being wanted should be that people develop the abilities to cure themselves. Especially if it is as risk-free as it gets and mostly costly free as well.
I mean, where’s the control and profit in that?
Meanwhile we’re starting to see cars moving without fuel, fully eletric etc, if you only knew how many projects were destroyed for such, like 20-35 years ago…lol… And they were indefinitely more sustainable than these eletric and hybrid ones.
Those are a few of the reasons I personally believe the Sapien team is experimenting and collecting research and stuff. Because they will need to be able to “back it up”, for the three pointers above.
Monopolies of knowledge is quite peculiar isn’t it. The interaction between politics and federal funding of science and research is built into the system.
There have been plenty of scientific pioneers who have broken through the barriers of science bringing forth profound discoveries and inventions, aiding humankind in becoming the most advanced technological species today such as Nikola Tesla have been surpressed. So the lack of information out there about Morphic fields doesn’t surprise me.
They aren’t going to allow sapien medicine to take down big pharma. And if he got to big they would find a way to put an end to it.