Mosquitoes and anti bedbug project


I was thinking of this since a week. Im interested


tbh butterfly is the only insect I can accept :confounded:

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mandala? OMG im so interested

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i’m interested

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Anti ticks & fleas? If these are included, yes please

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it’s for all insects
a mandala and being able to create objects that scare away insects


DEET-based project
neem oil
and Nootka/nootkatone
be able to make objects from which these products will come

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Great. Please include me

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this would be so nice to have!
is there a chance to include clothes moths? with neem oil it should work i guess.
i am interested anyway!

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…yeah, but those are still poisons… If I woud want to repel mosquitos with poisons, there are poisonous sprays that we could use. Although poisons are used currently today, i’ve studied Toxycology and know how bad they are for the body. I never use any poisons in my day to day life.,1%20per%20100%20million%20uses.

" 1. The overall incidence of deet poisoning is very low. In 1998 the Environmental Protection Agency conducted a definitive assessment of the chemical. The agency turned up 46 seizures and four deaths that were potentially linked to deet exposure. "

" A Swedish study did find that men who used insect repellent for 115 days or longer faced an increased risk of developing testicular cancer. (A majority of repellents contained deet at the time of the study.)"

" Apply the repellent properly. Don’t spray it near your eyes or mouth. Instead, spray it on your hands, then rub it on your face. Don’t let young children apply repellent themselves."

…i really don’t like , nor trust poisons…
I am sure that Dream can make an insects repellent without poisons.


It’s true
This is why I would like us to be able to create objects that we could place or remove

Neem oil, or nim oil (pronounced in both cases /nim/3), is a vegetable oil obtained from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), called neem in English, an evergreen tree native to the sub- Indian continent but which is now found in other tropics. Neem oil is the main product from the plant. Obtained by pressing fruits and seeds, it is used as a repellent or insecticide in organic farming and in human or veterinary medicine.

It is nontoxic to humans, is an approved food additive,[10] and is commonly used in foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.

deet is a chemical
I have been to the Amazon twice,
and mosquitoes, attack as soon as it dries on the skin
I haven’t tried the other 2 products in the Amazon

nor the nft of the environment
but the bites
mosquitoes, ticks or bedbugs is really unpleasant

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we can make an NFT as Shielding 3.0
Against insects

and creates deet-based items OR [Nootkatone])

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sorry if I correct my texts
but I write English badly, and I want to be sure that you understand me,

dream will never make an Nft that could harm us

I am on this forum because I trust the people who make the audios and the rest

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Can we please also include those nasty cockroaches? A field to make them go away?


yes, but maybe Dream can make it without substances, but on an energetical - informational basis ( hypnotize them and make them think we’re not their food )
:slightly_smiling_face: j’aprecie reellement votre initiative :herb:

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I appreciate you too,
we have to do something to make everyone happy

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,for all insects,


A) environmental transformer servitor, (for a world without insects).

  1. Extreme Self Confidence (sapien patreon audio, to have no doubt about our ability to keep insects away)

  2. Woven Worlds – Contentment
    (Pushing, energizing and empowering through the physical, psychic, subconscious and extradimensional; a creation of energy through brute force but with great elegance. So with this powerful push, the imagined world begins to become your very real reality)

  3. the manifested

B) anti-insect barrier (these are created to create an energy field around you that does what the words say,)

  1. Each object created, will have this energy which repels mosquitoes the same as (Environmental Transformer Servitor) or will come out of deet, neem oil, Nootkatone.
    I prefer it to be the captain who decides

Here is the beginning of the Nft
I would like to know if you like it to start