IMO forgiveness and release and self love/healing and acceptance. Forgiveness and release has helped me let go of things I didn’t even know I had in me. Self healing and acceptance brings a state of balance and well being I can’t explain. What do you guys think are the most underrated fields?
Gregorian chants!!! It’s Been a while for me though… Need to get back to gregorian chanting my way to the gym lol
For me I feel like the difference between hand of glory and the chants is hand of glory motivates you in a “let’s do this!!” Kind of way while the chants motivate you in a “this is what I have to do…!!” Kind of way. Dead serious motivation man
Funny you say that! I used Gregorian chants randomly yesterday for the first time in months. To me, it’s like a angelic vibration 2.0 Lite. Lol.
Pretty much is just that! With a sense of inspiration/motivation
Makes for most epic car rides too! Haha
What have your results been with the forbidden body series? I remember all the craze when that came out but haven’t seen anyone talk about it since. I started on it but stopped working out lol.
Hmm for me it’s Magician:)
I don’t believe many use it actually idk
Feels like with it I am at right place at right time
From the arcana archetypes series? I was using it for a bit. I’m going to start again. I was using it while holding USB drive with “turn any file into audio talisman” thing. In order to manifest.
As concerning old Sapiens stuff I like to use clear
all negative energy field and salt cleansing, but I don’t know if they are underrated but they do great work when needed off course, in any time
And depression relief field, feels like it gives positive thoughts and feelings after whenever you need it
Yeah to me those are “permanents.” I will always use those as maintenance to keep my aura clean.
Ahhh man
Me too lol I’ve been working like crazy! Haha (edit: mannn imma be late for work D’: )
Should be back to it tomorrow if all goes as planned…
But the results where amazing man :') at the time I was in constant gratitude over them!
I ran a pretty longgggg cycle (i regret because I only did it for that long because I wanted to make a “come back” that i ended up having to delay till February haha) and what was crazy for me was how I can see differences in muscle gained every single day in accordance to whatever i worked out the day before, pure astonishment, i never got used to it…
My strength would increase each work out and each work out I’d be breaking a personal record which was brand new to me too and at one point of my life i didn’t view to be possible naturally
There was so many factors though forbidden body was just one brick on the wall, i was working all aspects of exercising, the mental, physical and energetic bricks
Mental - amygdala healing, all purpose anxiety removal, extreme self confidence ect
Physical - hormones sarms ect
Energetic - soul restoration loops, vibration series (i believe they can help too… Higher vibrations allow you to manifest your beliefs easier, and if your beliefs are good, your manifestations will be too :) ), for the skeptics, higher being experience ect
And tags too! I got glory and SLR around the same time that that album dropped (IPF helped too in willing things to happen as well)
Yes I agree man, working on every aspect of our Being; energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual is 100% necessary for manifesting anything. I want to start the SARMs, I’m just worried about long term effects after stopping usage similar to what steroids do. Plus, I do NoFap, so that alone helps muscle gains majorly. I think I’m going to start working out again and seeing how that helps alone. I was curious to hear your feedback though. Thanks!
Really quick, as I am in a rush, the side effects from my prolonged use (more than recommended) was extreme tiredness lol i was tired all day, id fall asleep in unusual places, my test levels plummeted!
So research and be careful/smart man, work out hard, and enjoy your gains brother!
Yea bro, test levels plummeting is no bueno! With no fap, they will always increase AND you’ll get your gains! Have a good night at work, man!
*Reiki Message (the “old” 30 min version)
*Myofascial Release and Annointing/paid
I consider these the most under rated fields.
Both of these help with the pain so I can sleep, both are very relaxing. These help me in that way and work better for me then pain control, instagram and pain control Utube. I don’t know why. Many nights I have one of these on almost the entire night.
Also * Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing that I listen to every week.
That’s legit been my gym sound track lately, I mix that with The emperor from the tarot album in a playlist and repeat it through my workout. Feel unstoppable
Interesting, I’ll try it next time I’m in.
All purpose anxiety remover with SLR. And ego new perfect trio
yes sir!
It just came to me, Regain your innocence + SLR is my new mini stack.