Most underrated fields?

lol …understood.

Yet, they are still underrated.
Even if someone testified that it cured their whole village of every disease, I’d say the same…

There’s just sooooo much going on with these fields that it might take a few lifetimes to fully comprehend what they are doing…

But don’t feel pressured to add them to bloat your playlist. Just don’t neglect them either.


I don’t need to add them, they are already on my playlist. My issue is there are so many others I use too but I find myself using too many at the end of the day.

And yes I bet it can cure every disease, that’s not a big statement to me, I believe it.


Oh man, what a beautiful community I’m a part of.

I say something like this in public and ill be looked as insane.


I know right!! I do tell some people about Sapien Medicine when they talk about some disease they or a family member have and they are so indifferent and I’m thinking God if you only knew what I’m offering you! It’s sad and frustrating.


literally same thing with my brother lol, i tell him most issues you’re facing, these audios can really help out and most are free and aren’t even that long to listen to or can be listened to passively, and I’m literally the closest one to him telling him that, but he still refuses and thinks I’m bluffing or some other thing :(


Perhaps I should tell them these little guys cost $300, have them try it and then tell them it’s free.

Kinda sad people disregard value in “free” things.


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to help in the same way but won’t hear or acknowledge you if they aren’t ready to be helped or wanting to be helped.

Anyways wanted to says peace and joy field and auric cleanse and the beach portal (I’m in Minnesota so feeling the sun shine on me from the beach portal is amazing).

Anyways I wanted to say when plasma field came out I remember @_OM saying something about setting an intention for the field to teach you how to use it or educate you and so I did and sure enough it has fed me crumbs of information I think on it’s applications possibly or maybe I’m just crazy but anyways thank you for that @_OM or I probably would’ve used the field for 2 weeks and chucked it not knowing better.


This helps you stay on track to your goals and dreams and it is one groovy track. Nice and short


I mean we all went through that route where you were uncertain of energy work, we’ve been programmed our whole lives with limits and negativity. This generations ego is worse than any others because of social media but at the same time you see a lot of conscious and healthy people. My advice is help people all the time but if they don’t believe you or need your help, it’s better to stay away than force them.


yup that’s my approach is offer help whenever i can and try to educate but never force anything on anyone because if there was a chance for them to invest into these audios then it would be zero if i forced it


Synesthesia field I believe it’s very underrated


Never really understood that audio.


This is just one example what it does
For example it gives sounds around you colours, in same cases people can taste sounds etc yeah it’s very interesting field but sometimes I think using this I am gonna be insane lol just my silly opinion


But definitely I believe if someone develops synesthesia at full, life is starting to be more magical and much much interesting


Opens the door wide for understanding of psychic abilities.


I saw colors when people spoke when I was a really young kid. It’s a shame the abilities we lose as we grow older from conditioning given by our parents, teachers, and society. They tell children “oh you’re just imagining that. It’s not real.”


Which is literally the biggest sin, and also it’s own judgement/curse.

Operation send out free IPF tags to the world.exe


Yes. We all just pass our own ignorance down to our children, all along believing we are righteous. But it’s up to us to seek enlightenment. Laziness of the consciousness is what scriptures refer to as a sin, people think it’s physical laziness.


Way it says that full ability will take time to develop, but eventually it will , cause I guess this ability was always in us and with us just we forgot it due to parental or social conditioning, but anyway description says 3-4 of listening daily to awakening it, I mean to create proper neural connections


Also, there is a Synesthesia mandala on Patreon.