Mr Grey's Static Façade

Are there moments in your life where you wish to go unnoticed?
To slip through the cracks of attention? Whether it’s visiting a place you consider private, navigating through areas with heavy police presence, or simply avoiding unnecessary confrontations, Mr Grey’s Static Façade is your answer. Imagine the freedom to move about with minimal attention, doing your own thing without being the centre of focus.

A servitor ability, it is comprised of different fields.

Psychic Invisibility: This primary field uses psychic instruction to make you blend into the background. People will overlook your presence as if you aren’t there.
This is like psychic camouflage, you blend in with the background

Minimal Attention: In situations requiring mandatory attention, like driving, people will notice you just enough for safety but won’t dwell on your presence. Soon after, you’ll fade from their memory entirely, as if you were never there.

Visual Distortion: A subtle field distorts light in the red, green, and violet spectrum around you, causing your image to appear blurry in photos and videos. Over time, this effect grows stronger, making it even harder to capture your likeness.

Unnoticed Presence: A telepathic command that makes it hard for others to notice or care about your presence, affecting almost everyone subconsciously.

Unconcerned Observers: Ensures necessary attention for safety without raising concern or lasting memories of your presence.

Unremembered Encounters: Even direct interactions will leave others with distorted or replaced memories, ensuring you remain unremembered.

Visual Distortion: Light distortion fields blur your features in photos and videos, enhancing your anonymity.
The final blend in this creation is the static fade effect.
In all interactions you memory and presence will be covered with a fog of forgetfulness, psychic perception will sense only unpleasant static.

Activate or deactivate at will.
Once installed on your servitor of course.


Plus not to forget safeguards, no visiting women’s bathroom or other :smiley:

So basically this is an upgrade of Cloak of Shadow with added Visual Distortion?


Oooooh it’s a SEP field :heart_eyes:

This reminds me of the interviews where they ask what superpower would people choose and when men say invisibility the meme comes up “I know what kind of man you are” lol

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Eh, more and more some men wish they could go unnoticed for entirely different reasons. It’d be nice to be out for a walk and not have to what if myself to death so I don’t make other walkers uncomfortable.

Not much I can do about my “intense thinking face”.


Perhaps they wanted to infiltrate Area 51 or steal from banks :smiley:


Sometimes I feel like I have to walk faster to get infront of women too so that I don’t make them feel like I’m following them lol, in cases where there are few people.


Damn, I’ve been thinking of something like this for years. unreal.


This is the part I’m most curious about. If anyone can please help me understand. If it means removing all psychic links from photos then - mind blown -

And I’m curious and interested in if you use attention grabbing fields off and on, and this off and on, what the net effect in your reality would be.


This looks awesome, I cant stand most public attention

I have a question though, maybe I should put it in a different category… it says you have to turn it on off etc. Is there anything you can do to boost or activate the servitor itself after the initial audio (like replay it) because I dont feel it nearly as strongly as at the start


Sounds very useful for certain sticky situations! Thank you.

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Great for my future robbing/carjacking career :sunglasses:




I was just debating whether to Buy The Cloak of The Shadow before The Sapienshop closes and now this just pops up. :pray: it must be sign from the Heavens. I think this is better and more of an upgrade to the Cloak of the Shadow because now you can Activate and Deactivate it at will because quite honestly there are times where i wanna be seen and times where i wanna feel invisble to others.


Me to was planning to buy also The Clock of the shadow but now I guess maybe not .

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im looking forward to testimonials for this

i have accidentally walked into a women’s bathroom before. That was because I was sick and didn’t wear my spectacles so the female icon looked like a male one. Inside, I felt something odd as there were many fast movements to my left. I turned my head and behold - to my surprise - every mirror was occupied by a woman fixing her makeup. I was gobsmacked for a few seconds and when my sanity returned, I realised that none had noticed me. I moonwalked outta there and thankfully, no one entered the bathroom just as I was exiting. :shushing_face:

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I remember this description on the Dale Power site! Is this the same as the Invisibility Cloak of the Shadow NFT on the Sapien Shop?

Interested in this, any more testimonials/experiences?