Muscles Beyond Limits

I was being facetious, these results sound really nice but I’m not actually planning on getting it yet. One day. (And my credit score is really good, I’m not threatening that.)


I would spend sometime with the free audios and consider using these if you start to really enjoy the fitness culture. These audios are made mainly for people who want to get huge, shred down a lot before a show of some sort or bulk up. Pretty much anyone actually pursuing bodybuilding, powerlifting, etc. and not just a general person who wants a fit body. Cheers though this is an awesome creation and I’m glad to have it in my life for the sport I love.


I’ll like to add that when I requested this field it was more so fore sports performance rather than powerlifting/bodybuilding. Ofc you can use them for that but also important to let others know if you play sports and you do research on hyperplasia you’ll see the value in it.


hunger is through the roof


there are many free audios that are amazing that zen cited really no point in getting in debt…


That sounds very interesting, my friend!!!


100% buying this over st biceps because of the track length


What’s the difference in effects between this and St Biceps?


Both lead to massive gains , so you can be blessed from @GoddessAndGodOfAll And @Zen ified

But they have totally a different approach .

Recommend you to read carefully and see what its the path you want to go .

Both make you stronger and muscular . Its up to YOU to decide HOW


3x Blessings of St. Biceps
1x Testosterone 2.5
2x Myostatin
3x Extreme Muscle Growth
3x Stomach Shrinking
3x Weight Loss Combo
2x Muscle Recovery 2.0


friend: “your muscles are fucked up”
me: “huh?”
friend: “they’re hugeeee!”

proceed to the forum


@AkiraTheWild Can you please explain why you say that “Zenified Gains” would be able to replace “Extreme Muscle Growth”? In Extreme Muscle Growth there is Myostatin Inhibition, Testosterone and HGH – but the description of Zenified Gains does not says anything about such things.


But if you still want to use hormones to have extreme gains :slight_smile:
Youu can , it was only a suggestion . its up to you !

Thanks for asking :muscle:

Your body all the time its using hormones to function properly , the fields only “boost” the hormones to have enhanced functions of the hormones on tissues/organs .


Thanks for explanation.

My actual goal would be this:

“If anything it’s a sit around, do nothing, and get bulked field…”


Basically, I need to look good while being inside the matrix but still dedicate most of my listening time and work with fields etc. to spiritual progress and consciousness growth. That is why I am looking for the most effective muscle build stack.

I already have the Blessings of Saint Biceps and was wondering whether adding Muscles Beyond Limits would even double or triple the effectiveness of the whole process?


So @JAAJ asked me a question:

“Will the Androgenic Receptors field act as a booster for Muscles Beyond Limits?
Or vice versa?”

and I said:

yes!, that’s exactly how things are working now that I think about it.

Muscles beyond limits is meant to improve muscle performance via a process of creating more muscle fiber cells resulting in more muscle fibers getting a chance to grow in size but with the added benefit of having more strength as opposed to just increasing in size.

so think about it like you got 50 new workers doing a task, at first they might seem unproductive because they need to learn the process. Let’s say each worker gets 1 on 1 training with the best employer (at the same time so 50 copy of the best employer) (this is androgen receptor at work) they will learn the process quickly and effectively allowing for better production for the company (the muscle In terms of size and force production = strength)


Yes, I am staying away from SARMs and only listen to Testosterone 2.5 and Estrogen Reducer once every few days.

I see my sentence didn’t made much sense. I meant that I am staying away from SARMs and only listen to hormones a little bit here and there.

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Thanks for your help friends!


Awesome! Now I finally get it. This is the explanation I’ve been looking for :partying_face: :muscle:

THANK YOU :grin:

