Muscles Beyond Limits

Don’t forget the Muscles Hungry for Fat. It is almost mimicking a lifting workout, and with a few loops (watch out what you can handle though), the level of workout gets harder (the progression is not simple/linear with repetition of this field). I’ve been using it while lifting and loving it.


Some guy asked me if I’m natty what should I say guys :laughing:

Thought I provide a photo of the text :slight_smile: maybe it provides some encouragement


Natty I guess lol. Unless you are taking something


I’ve put on a a lot of muscle with that one already.
I’m (temporarily) not using the biceps field, I listen to muscles hungry for fat 3 times before gym.
I met some friends yesterday who haven’t seen me in 1-2 months and they asked how many times I’m going to the gym because it’s really showing, I look much leaner etc.
The funny thing is I didn’t really lose weight, it’s just body composition.


:new_moon: :hammer: :boom: = :gem:


Nice man, what you doing for a stack?

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Pretty much everything you guys are using


Yeahhhh man, I’ve been getting crazy sore haha wasn’t sure if it was muscles beyond limits or this field lol (probably both) i tried it one day for like 10 loops while lifting and i was like :open_mouth: i need to loop this all work out! It’s now my preferred field to listen to while lifting :)

So its muscles hungry for fat all work out and at the end 4 loops of upper/leg day automated work out… I throw some fa jin gong in there too sometimes


Tell them you’re super natural lol

I’ve always pondered this question, it would be misleading to say yes lol youre energetically enhanced so is one truly natty? And if you say no then how do you ingress on what you’re actually doing?


Honestly, I’ll say I’m natural.

I didn’t inject myself any drugs rather hacked my body to perform certain task to get desired results. Just how Wim Hof is able to command it’s body to cool / warm itself up on command.

I think I see why you question it because it’s in audio form and it’s external but if dream were to do this on himself mentally would we consider it natty or natural. He used no external factors.

Dream is basically making it possible for us to perform these tweaks for ourselves.


Tweaks are still tweaks lol just because it’s not injected or taken through a pill doesn’t mean it’s not an external alteration enhancing your body composition and performance…

Being natural to me is just your genes, food, supplements, and work out regime… Anything on top of that is unnatural lol

When you listen to super human mutant … you’re literally doing the most unnatural thing in the world lol your producing vitamin C which no other human can produce, you have plant like photosynthesis lol

A human with photosynthesis… Is not natural… Haha

That’s just naming a few things it does…

We’re definitely unnatural super natural athletes 🪄🧙‍♂️


I see this view point then again what is natural. Lol honesty just say you take the basics. You don’t need to reveal all your secrets to the world.


Thats like people taking roids saying their natural and not unvealing their roid secrets to the world lol


I would say
Super humans :slight_smile:

So nexxt time could be:

are youu natural?

-No ,im super :muscle:


that’s your definition and it makes sense.

but i think you of all people here know very well what people mean when they ask if you are natty - it’s rather whether you would pass a rug test or not. Natural body building event = drug tested body building event.


Yeah, i just rather not mislead people is the thing lol (more so for people who want to be bodybuilders or are heavily into lifting, no pun intended lol)


I think a lot about this honestly. Being a fitness influencer can be a tough job to pursue as there is a lot of skepticism and controversy over morality. Think about it this way, listening to these files is bettering your genetic potential. You aren’t misleading people by simply doing the best for you and future generations. You can still advise people on things, people shouldn’t see you as something they compare themselves too. They should see it as motivation and improve their own selves in their own retrospect and just be better then their self yesterday. Regardless, man a lot of fitness influencers can have good intentions and take roids and not speak on it because it is a controversial topic and it can be harmful for a lot of people to speak on taking steroids and giving people a sense of temptation to take roids themselves which we know cause a lot of side effects.


Oh yeah, I still advertise these legendary audios to folks who ask. Lol but I know they won’t buy it, the belief they hold are too strong.

I do my part in telling them how to enhance themselves.


There is also this. If you tell people I listen to so and so audio to get stronger and steroid effects they will look at you weird. Eh their loss I guess best thing you can do tell someone if he is in a bad spot in his life. And just leave it to them to make changes in their doubts, beliefs, ability to grow.



I got a colleague at work, bless him iv been pestering him to join gym, pray, meditate and other things which he used to do before. He’s finally agreed and hes loving life. He asked me, oh u take creatine im assuming. I was like umm i listen to ‘frequencies’ but obviously in a more depthful way. He literally laughed at me, but i done my job and don’t take it as disrespect. I’ve learnt, you advice and detach. You send love and detach. Now if your words spark someones brain, then boom! Go in deeper.

@Zen lucky for us, our thin frames wont get us into too many ‘oh ur too ripped, ur on something’ comments :joy::joy::joy: