Muscles Beyond Limits

As long as they’re not claiming to be be natural, it’s fine by me :)


Ha! I love this :sweat_smile:


To all my fellow gainzz chasers here: Do you work out at home or in a public gym and how do you listen to the fields?
I listen to the majority of my muscle fields during my training sessions but I work out at home and use my phone speakers as an audio outlet because not only is it more convenient, I also have this belief (might be false) that listening to fields/energetically programmed audios through earbuds/headphones is less effective since the energy can not reach the whole energy body.
Thing is, it’s only a matter of time before I outgrow (in the broadest sense of the word) my limited gym equipment and need to migrate to a public gym to continue my gains. If I want to keep listening to my “Gainzz audios” during my workouts I’m forced to do it with earbuds/headphones to not disturb other gym-goers (Imagine being in the gym, unaware of energy frequencies, and some random dude shows up and starts working out next to you with the ‘muscles hungry for fat’ jam pumping out of his phone speakers :rofl:). And even if I play it at lower volume, it could still affect other people without their permission and I don’t think that’s ethical.
Any tips/experiences for making the most out of listening to workout audios at the gym? Is listening through earbuds/headphones still sufficient and does it matter if the audio is being transferred through bluetooth? Or is higher quality cabled earbuds best?
Honestly this is the only reason I dread going to the gym. But then again, to me nothings beats the feeling of having a heavy barbell in my hands/on my back.

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Headphones is sufficient. Unless it’s a environment audio.


Thank you for your swift reply! You say sufficient, so good enough but not as good as speakers? Or is there no difference?
And how do you usually listen to your audios? :smiley:
I’m confused about this because I read conflicting theories in the past, even from energetic audio creators. Some say speakers are best, others say it doesn’t matter.

When I´m out and about I´m listening through my AfterShokz Aeropex. Works great, and I can still hear what´s going on around me. Bluetooth does not compromise the effect of the fields in my experience.


I say, tell them the truth but be vague about it. Something like, “I use energy work to make my workouts more effective.”


Akira in the building y’allll!!!


You’re not… you’re one Sapien med :stuck_out_tongue:

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I agree! That’s a nice way of putting it


Ok guys, I’ve got this now as well :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :partying_face: :sunglasses:

Massive Mythical Gains, here I come!

:mechanical_arm: :mage: :mechanical_arm:

Getting bulked for my Arcturian astral girlfriend :stuck_out_tongue:


Let the gains begin


How is this different from the Patreon myostatin audio?

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I am not an expert, but my interpretation is that the Myostatin one on YouTube/Patreon only lowers the Myostatin amount that is already circulating in you.

The Muscle Beyond Limits field deactivates the Myostatin production in your muscles on a mRNA level which then should last for a few weeks, meaning that your body will not produce any Myostatin related to muscles at all during this time period.
Plus all the other benefits listed in the Muscle Beyond Limits field description.


Ye i confirmed that , if you use this , no need for myostatin Mr Jaaj


Thanks mate.

PS: No need to call me Mister – it is a fictional name and I am not that old :joy:


Its always a pleasure Sr. :tophat: :face_with_monocle:


So I’m playing both should I eliminate myostatin?

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Cheers! More times with this beast :pray: