Muscles Beyond Limits

So I could get nearly the same benefit from the free/Patreon version if I listen to it consistently?



why would u want this to happen?

To get Muscle Beyond Limits


Yes you can get great benefits from the free ones :sweat_smile:
We have been trying to tell you this for a while :crazy_face:




= I needed to buy this :grin: :joy:


Is this to be listened before or after gym?

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During is even better :slight_smile:

But listen before too to turn on the genetic changes and listen during to keep on stimulating and building the new muscles while you workout.


Could use it to prime your muscles.

Could also to instruct your muscle to follow a certain protocol after work out while itā€™s repairing itself.

Give it a try even try it during workouting, see how you best respond to it. (This is also a smart field so keep that in mind)

Donā€™t overuse it.


That or Muscles hungry for fat or youā€™ll end up sore for two days :sneezing_face:

Edit: Iā€™ve definitely been overusing this for the past days but Iā€™ve seen some impressive growth! Specially in the back muscles! What is even better is that all parts whether started out as stronger or not have either grown in size and definition or developed and all parts have equally built up on strength! Iā€™ve even seen some definition on facial muscles too!

Paired this only for a day or two with St. Biceps and saw a huge popping difference! But even when I was using just the other two fields the difference was overnight for me!
(Longer loops but I enjoyed it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)


Thank you for the answers :facepunch:t2:


I guess I just canā€™t get my head around the idea, that surely the free fields would be inferior in benefits

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butā€¦ that doesnt mean theyā€™re not also amazing. yes the paid ones have something in addition, or they represent a new combinationā€¦ but you dont have to go all out right away, you get a ton of benefits with the free ones. then if/when you want to go the extra mile, you can get the paid ones.


But how do you see the free fields? Did you know how Dream posts his most valuable fields for free and leaves the paid ones for when you wanna go beyond extra? You already get your extra dose with the free ones.

Did you try any of the SARMS and didnā€™t notice any effect? Did you try Extreme Muscle Growth and didnā€™t notice an extra ounce of muscle? Did you get deflated after using it? Did you try Myostatin from Patreon and didnā€™t keep on growing?

The Free fields are what made Dream what he is today. Heā€™s built a whole business on these fieldsā€¦ Sure they gotta have something in them? A little effect even? :face_with_monocle:


Here is how one could look at the question of free vs paid fields:

  • If right now, you value your time more than your money, then go for the paid fields ā€“ so that you can get maximum effects within shortest amount of time.

  • If right now, you value your money more than your time, then go for the free fields.

  • If right now, you value the solution itself more than your time and money, then go for the field that works best (free or paid or combo).


I train at a crossfit gym a few times a week, and there are no mirrors there so it makes it a little hard to see progress.
Tonight I trained at a regular gym for the first time in about 4 months, and got to see myself in the mirror while I trained, and i couldnā€™t believe how much my upper body has changed!
I have been listening to this daily, and saint biceps on workout days

Cannot waittttttt to see myself in a couple of months! Thanks dream <3


there fields for sarms?

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Wow I just got this field (payday yay!) and this exhausted me so quickly. Gosh. I am definitely needing to play muscle recovery 2.0 after this for sure.