Music Thread 🎵

One of the best versions of the ‘Carol of the Bells’, imo. It’s all acapella… meaning NO instruments. Love it! :christmas_tree::gift_heart: Merry Xmas!


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I found a secret helper for the world.

Obviously the video was created by Fallen Angels, a spell, curse and hex, awaken the Anti-christ to put fear and predictive programming and end humans.

We are at war, demons are not fighting God…it needs in order to survive. They are at war with us! Made in Gods image and enjoy life. They fell to have intercourse with human womens (the snake did prefer Eve over Adam :p

after tower babel got taken down, they have now came back stronger with the One World Trade Center

"The First Couple reviewed the entire site from the 22nd floor of One World Trade Center, and then made their way back down to the ground level, where they signed one of the final steel beams that will be added to the tower. The President wrote his message in red marker: “We remember. We rebuild. We come back stronger!”

interesting 22nd floor. The 22 Enoch Alphabet, when they got spread accross the world they all lost the original Angelic Language and had to do everything from scratch again

We remember. We rebuild. We come back stronger! www=666, but they are talking about remembering the Tower of babel, when everyone forgot original Word(in the begining was word then came “let there be light” since they got all spread around, they created there own Alphabets. Even The Divine Providence Needed the alphabets first then create with the Word. (in the beging was the…
They came back stronger meaning the creation of the One World Center

I believe Capt made a video to destroy there one of many intents, hex, curse and walkie tokie call for backup.
You will hear same thrumpets around 1:42 seconds for
The Savior of the world.mp3 in patron.
The Savior of the world.mp3

Capt woud def seem like the hero to reversethe “I Pet Goat”, not all heros wear capes.


My favorite female singer (from my Country) (I mostly love her Carols, but she sings Folk songs too), with an Angelic face and with a Voice which makes me journey through feels and the unseen, making me feel Nostalgia and a connection with The Sacred and with my Ancestors and The Blessed Land that I live in, Romania.

The following is a Hymn (Priceasnă) dedicated to Mary, the Holy Mother of Jesus Christ:

And here are two Carols from Paula Hriscu:

Cerul și Pământul (The Sky And The Earth) is about how Nature Celebrates The Birth of Jesus.

IF I’ll add other Carols or Hymns, perhaps from other singers, I’ll add them here, in this post.

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Mother Mother - The Matrix

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And so this tome is complete

Getting a Deja-vu

:beer: :wink: :wink:

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Buckle up

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