My apologies

I would like to publicly apologize to some users of the forum, particularly to @Lunamoon , I feel like my behavior was inappropriate at some point and I shouldn’t have went overboard. My sincere apologies, please forgive.



I forgive you


Bit of a tangent here, but I think people who demand apologies are despicable egotistical maniacs who deserve to be slapped. My policy is that you should only apologise if you genuinely feel sorry for them or you feel you have hurt them.

I say this because many people have wronged me before but I have never once in my life, asked for an apology. Apologising to these maniacs makes you sacrifice self love and only gives them ammunition to treat you worse. Never sacrifice your dignity my friend.


True. But here I think I should I ask for it, hence. Thanks a lot for the lesson :blush:


Hmm. I would say it’s better to just correct your mistake and forgive yourself. No human being is above you for you to have to ask them for forgiveness.

And it’s also likely that these people have been rude and rarely apologise to others themselves.

But yeah, apologies and forgiveness should always come from within. And with that I will stop posting here before other people get pissed off hahaha.


Nah but when you regret something and voice it in an apology, it’s just an expression/communication of regret. There is nothing wrong with that, it doesn’t mean that you think they are above you.
You feel you did them wrong and it’s an attempt to correct it.

However of course an apology in itself doesn’t mean anything if the actions do not follow through after. (Sidenote - Unfortunately I dated a guy who was always apologizing sounding very honest, but then I just couldn’t understand why he kept on doing things to apologize for lol… I’m still not sure I learnt this lesson yet :D I could always feel he was genuine in an apology so I was always inclined to say ok. I guess it’s similar when you date/are friends with an addict : each time they mean 100% that they would stop, but then life comes in the way.)

Also, for me/my pride it wouldn’t matter if I apologize to someone who is rude and doesn’t apologize him/herself, unless its extreme and I really feel justified… I’m not a saint. In this case I likely wouldn’t have the regret and urge to apologize anyway.
After all, it is my own conscience I live with, not theirs.


Yup. The reason I hate free apologies is because I was the guy who always apologised. Always apologising for every single thing to a rude heartless girl who made me feel worthless. In my case, there were honestly very few times when I actually did something wrong. And the apologies were mostly because I didn’t want her to be in a bad mood with me. So I sacrificed my pride to break the tension. But now I realise it was pointless and the toxic bitch had to be cut off.

Agreed. I still do apologise when I genuinely think I need to. But I personally also have a guilt complex that makes me feel guilty even when there’s nothing that I did wrong. So yeah.


Just to be clear, I never asked for an apology, and I would always say to just fix it (if there was a tangible action to fix it) don’t do it again and we are good.
So I think our situations are different. :slight_smile:

I would say never apologize when you don’t mean it , and always do when you are genuinely sorry, it a good rule of thumb.


Oh yeah they are haha. I wasn’t implying you were like the girl in my scenario.


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Thank you guys for your wisdom and inputs. Grateful. If someone could please show this post to Lunamoon, I’d be grateful. Thanks a whole bunch🙌

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@anon26869922, please bless our thread with your divine grace :joy:

IMO, When it’s warranted…

Seek forgiveness > Apologize.

Apologizing is easy, seeking true forgiveness not as much.


she’ll see it, dont worry :slight_smile:


I am my friend, seeking true forgiveness. Asking to be pardoned sounds as if comes from a stone heart and mind, that’s why, true forgiveness.


Delete this post this is ridiculous. This is a forum to discuss Dream’s stuff not for personal drama Jesus.

You abused my generosity and kindness with the favor you asked and i was freely doing. Learn from your mistake and move on i dont need apologies much less to be the target of mean comments and a topic lab rat .

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I tried messaging you but that wasn’t happening hence resorted to the only option I had.
I had no intention of taking advantage, much less “abusing” anyone’s generosity, my words werent harsh, I wasnt ‘demanding’ just asking in a polite manner, but whatever, you did so much and am really thankful for that, but I’m still sorry for that and for sure I’ve learned that people do take things at heart and don’t consider their the sincerity when someone tries to rectify their mistake in an honest manner. No mean comments on no topic experimentation on or for you here .

I’ll delete this post in 3-4 hours. And again thank you and my apologies.
Take care.

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Learned my lessons mate, people have different definitions of everything and that has to be taken care of.

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I dont feel right thats why saying all this. Thats it. Do have a lot of growing up to do haha.

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You need to listen to self love.

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Maybe, I think this is more associated with not having done the right thing so perhaps thats why.

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