My brown to blue eyes SM journey

It’s here.


what… do you have before and after pictures

Indeed the video is no longer available, it is passed in private.

What did you get as a result?

what is the original color of your eyes? :slightly_smiling_face:

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May i see your before and after pic? and how many time a day you use? Thank you.

Your results are interesting :slightly_smiling_face:

Unfortunately no :neutral_face:

do you know the reason why this video was taken down?

have you tried any other youtube channel for your eye color?

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I heard Dream put it down cause he was not satisfied with the results, but I dont know why…

I’ve tried quite a lot during my 3 years sub/field/binaural beats journey, not obsessing over it because I like my actual hazel green, but I was really curious to see if it was possible to change one’s eyes colour.

I started with a few subliminals, which made me think my eye’s colour actually changed, but when I took pictures instead of looking in the mirror it looked exactly the same, so I think it was just tricking my brain XD Then I used Quadible’s melanin remover and green eyed, which gave me some results but slow, and my eyes were burning so much that I had to stop.

Then Sapien for like a month and a half with amazing results, fast with absolutely no pain. I was afraid I might lose the results since I didn’t listen to it for a very long time, but it’s been… 9 months I think? since it’s been deleted and my eyes didn’t get any darker. Hope it works for you too ^^


Thank you for your sharing.

I tried a lot of subliminals for eye color. No big obvious change. A slight lightening.

I have hazel eyes with a few clearer circles.

I wish to have blue eyes, ideally turquoise is my favorite color :star_struck:

I’m trying another method than listening to subliminals :grin:.

I will share my experience with you when I have convincing results :wink:.


Hopefully with hazel eyes you’ll end up with different shades of blue which is utterly beautiful ^^ I wish you good luck!


Thank you, I also wish you to get good results on your side :wink:


Interesting ;) 🧙‍♂️


Any before and after pics?

Oh thanks lol didn’t notice


so out of curiosity the audio you guys linked that is a link of lighten your eyes… it isn’t a patreon download right?

thought I remember reading somewhere if you download it thru other means its potency is like 10% or something or just way lower then its intended version or am I just not getting that right? don’t get me wrong I love LOVE LOVE LOVE this audio it helped me get started on my journey and then it got taken down and I was left scrambling for a new option…

Still awaiting a new one tho and hopefully @Captain_Nemo works his beautiful magic on an updated Lighten your eyes 2.0 but if this version you guys works just as good then thank you.


Going to have to delete this link because yes, it isn’t publicly available for a reason. And we never released it publicly either. That being said, this audio in particular should still work.

For future reference, please don’t share our audios publicly like that. Thank you.


Ok. I’m so sorry Mr. @SammyG

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No problem at all friend


Well it was as @Kellucydar said. Although some people would get desired results with it, it didn’t give desired results to many people. If we have an audio to work, we want it to work well for most. So, there is certainly a possibility we’ll do a 2.0 version. But only when we find a way to ensure it’s a best working as possible.


Then maybe you could give more time into looking into it and release as a 200k YouTube subscriber special!:smile:
(Or maybe a male enhancement one too, that would be greatly loved)


Yes. Very important fields to be released as 200k special!