I’m pretty new here. Been lurking for awhile and thought it is time to share.
Wearing the tag one day, I had the impulse to sit in on an overeater anonymous phone meeting. I think the tag directed me to begin to look at much of the emotional issues with food that I’d forgotten, resulting in a huge blockage in my gut. To help with the destructive thoughts around eating.
It is draining if I wear it too long, and if I’m tired I don’t wear it. Sometimes I think I am more aware of entities. . .but I still don’t want to admit they exist even if they are just thought patterns that seem to have a life of their own. I think I’m beginning to see I’m a hypersensitive person and don’t really know how to protect myself well.
Going to keep using the tag periodically. I will let you know if there is more to report.
I gave the tag away for personal reasons. It’s hard to really explain exactly why, but letting it go felt like it was right, like it is the right thing to do. Logic and experience tells me otherwise. But this knowing, this came from a deeper place. So I had to let it go.
No, I wasn’t ok before the tag. I thought the tag would fix things, but it ended up being draining. I think maybe you have to be in a decent place physically and emotionally to benefit.
I’m working on the things finally that needed to be seen in myself. So, in a way, even though I’ve let it go, maybe it helped point me in the right direction.