My credit and debit cards are not supported on Patreon

I’m in India and my cards get declined whenever I try to join Patreon. Does anybody have a solution for that? The cards are of standard bank. (Okay don’t go on asking me about card no and cvv lol) Thanks in advance

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Yes. I did. Same dumb stuff.

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You can try an application called “Privacy” it allows you to own multiple virtual prepaid cards you can use and set (spending and using) limits on each of them. All you’ll need to do is add 1 card from which all the funds will be taken out of and you’ll good to go. This is also extremely useful when you don’t trust a site and want to keep your information private.


Privacy is only for US. I’m waiting so long for them to expand to Canada

Gotta try paypal and see

Does anyone have a solution for this? Asking on behalf