Cool synchronicities! They are always quite a delight to experience. I believe synchronicities tend to be personal experiences. The world is in your head but it is also inside everyone’s head as well. The way your mind starts connecting the dots of collective reality to coincide to what you are thinking and going through, is something only you are seeing and experiencing.
It is happening in your personal reality and not everyones at the same time. Although reality is collective, we all live in our personal bubbles of reality within it.
Your consciousness reflecting reality in accordance to what’s within tends to feel like the universe is centered on you. Such a strange thing to experience.
I have been in some very high states of vibration and when I was around other people, everything felt centered on me. Powerful stares from everyone as if I’m a force of gravity, everything going exactly my way instantly, people saying exactly what I was thinking and basically speaking for me, animals staring or birds flying around me, ext… It was as if I was ‘god’ or something.
Ego death around other people is strange for this reason as in seeing you, they tend to essentially see/feel themselves. It tends to cause this sort of ‘centeredness’ reaction in others. It is why the enlightened guru has such a powerful effect on his students. But… even the guru knows he is not god (although a fragment of it of course. Just as we all are).
And so, when such synchroncities coincide with the collective (other people), I understand that the reaction I’m experiencing from everything and everyone else and how my mind interprets it is just a personal interpretation. It is how my brain is reflecting reality to be. It is not how everyone else’s minds is reflecting it to be.
I would speak to someone I knew afterwards and ask just to be sure and they would say, I don’t know what you are talking about. I didn’t feel anything from you except that you looked very interesting from that angle so I stared at you lol.
And so your brain/reality can create the impression that reality is centered on you. It can give the impression that what you see and experience is true to everyone’s reality as well. This can be rather dangerous territory if fully believed because one can then disconnect from collective reality and enter scizofrenic territory.
Psychedelic trips can sometimes generate experiences like these and there have been people walking out of them believing they are jesus or some diety from another planet. Some never snap out of it. Kundalini experiences have done this as well. Luckily everyone here is approaching their spiritual journey with a good pace and have a lot of guidance along the way. So I think we’re good but I do think it’s important to mention this the further we all go.
And please understand, I’m not disregarding your experience @AnthroTeacher and this doesn’t really have to do with it really. I’m only bringing this up because it’s something I have wanted to bring up for a long time. I’m seeing lots of people grow and part of growth is having everything you ever knew being fully challenged and stomped to the ground. That can cause mental breakdowns and in fact, you can pretty much count on having such mental breakdowns along the spiritual path. It’s a part of it.
I just like to nudge people to always hold an inch of skepticism in them and understand what they experience is personal and not a reality to everyone else. It’s an important line to have to keep your sanity.