My Kidney are hurting

My kindney are hurting 1 min in after listening to Kidney and Adrenal Healing.
I tried looking online but could not find answer.

What does this pain mean? What is it removing? what is the field fixing? anyone have an ideas?

What should i expect less fatigue? I gave it a listen because i seen a comment saying it is good to listen to if it, if you fried your nervous system. Seen this comment a while back so am not 100% sure.


When our nerve is damaged usually you don’t feel the pain anymore. It become numb. When the nerves connecting back. You will feel the pain. So I think what that kidney healing field is fixing something that may be already damaged without you knowing it


Agree with @Wrablon, I myself was a victim of this also.

Nervous System was (energetically) overloaded, it was not damaged, merely exhausted. The balance between parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system was distorted which lead to all sorts of health problems.

In the end, I also had kidney and adrenal problems, fatigue, weakness, tiredness, then mental degradation which went hand in hand with gut issues etc.

I’m still healing from this but it has been mostly resolved.

It was caused by subliminal use, the fields here, general stress, lack of oxygen, grounding, nutrition and other causes. I have to say though using these fields you are trodding a different path than most humans and a healthy, nutritious diet is important because the requirements for energy are far beyond what general people use and generate.


For kidneys and nervous system growth.
The Flow of Jing compresses Jing into your entire body with focus on adrenals and kidneys.


This one is very invigorating, thank you for sharing @Owl

@Owl 3x is a good amount?


Yeah their were 2 other people that I know are going through the same issue.

The fields are getting stronger while we are carry NFT it’s too hard to adapt.

First week of NPOR I was getting amazing results and I suspect that might have stopped due me playing it while carry my NFTs and using it along side BOL and so on

I think that’s why last summer I was constantly tired and I think I one point Luna moon was commenting on my posts.

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True bro. There must be not only directions but a way to solve the problems if they happen. Grounding or belly breath is not a solution

I was having the same problem too. Just don’t use it if you don’t have a problem there already. Adrenal detox and healing is better and faster for the fatigue part if it’s related to adrenal fatigue of course.


Sammy and cap have both replied to a issue simlair in the past, I will try to find the comments.

Read sammy other comments on this thread.

I dont know if the person wants me to tag them or not but somone told me that, playing ISIRB and RBM3
Helped them, If ur reading this comment, feel free to reply.

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I wonder how much of what you’re describing is contributed to by Mercury (which has been slowing down and officially went retrograde yesterday) combined with last night’s full moon (on top of an already challenging astrological weather, life’s daily stresses and people not adjusting their playlists to accommodate the building pressure).

The good news is that, in a few days, the acute pressure will be over, playlists can be cut down so as to not add to the stress of the climate and rest and healing can be had.


Try this and Nerve Damage Help


Apart from the fields and it seems mundane but let a doctor or somebody else qualified have a look at it.

I am not usually one that recommends that (most doctors I´ve got to known do a terrible job) but with things like kidneys its always better to be on the safe side.

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My kidney only starting hurting after i played the audio.

I will see a doctor and see what they say.

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I was wondering how you might recommend we adjust playlists to accommodate this in the future? Are you advising to simply cut down during times like this or to play specific fields beyond amplify/nullify and The Navagraha Homam?

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Today i felt i needed break. Dont know if its what u describing, queen death, or just wear and tear.

First off, let me start out by saying that I firmly believe that “we,” as a general population, don’t need to be doing anything to accommodate this. I think that most of us are just fine. (Isn’t that great?!) But then again, I’m not describing this as a “pandemic.” (And it’s all right that that term was used.) I’m just not seeing what our friend was seeing.

What I am seeing (and this is NOT a criticism) are some people who (through the distorted lens of this forum) seem to be bombarding their systems with lots and lots of fields whilst not yet being able to effectively work with their energy systems’ guidance. Often, these are the forum members whose lives are most stressful to them and who often have illnesses on top of those stresses. They often respond to their (real) stresses by throwing more fields at them, increasing their total stress level and further taxing their energy systems. All of these (including the physical and astrological atmosphere) just build and build and build until something as universal as a Mercury Retrograde and/or Full Moon (or a cookie eaten this morning or one play of one field) becomes the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

And one report often gives others “permission” (not that any permission is needed) to report their experience, especially if their experience was negative. So, I don’t really see any pandemic. That’s my perspective and it’s no more “right” or “wrong” than our friend’s perspective.

“So, why then, WB, did you mention Mercury Retrograde and the Full Moon?,” you might ask.

Well, in part to sort of defang the pandemic idea above, because I don’t find that an empowering idea to promote. And in part to not victim-blame (because, fromtheir recent posting history, the OP ticks a lot of the boxes I just described–and that, too, is NOT a criticism). And in part to offer that those events, which might be a factor, are temporary. They are, right now, I’m the process of passing.

Now to answer your good question:

If a forum friend is so sensitive that they might be taxed by a combination of astrological events, then the really good news is they’re all predictable! We know when each and every one of them is going to happen and we know this centuries in advance–and with more accuracy than any meteorologist today. Wow!

So, we can plan accordingly. Advance preparation is so helpful. There’s a reason why they do the safety drills before the plane takes off.

We can dial back or better prioritize our stacks, listening to only our most essential fields.

And, leading up to such times, we can shore up our energetic and spiritual practices to make sure our energetic “batteries” are fully charged. And make sure that we’re taking care of our physical bodies, giving them the best exercise, nutrition and rest we can.

We could even learn from past experiences. (Another good things about these astrological events is that they’re repetitive, which means we can learn from them.) We might learn more effective or healthier stress management techniques and we can use them in addition to fields to reduce the overall stress load we’re feeling during these times.

Notice most of suggestions don’t involve fields. I know you know this but a lot of forum friends don’t really understand that, with fields, less is more. I know it sounds counterintuitive but throwing more fields onto a taxed energy system–even fields intended to help that energy system–is often an unhelpful approach. When our energy system is burdened (as our OP wisely acknowledges) the best approach is usually to take a break from using fields.

Can we play Nullify, Amplify or Navagraha? If your energy system isn’t taxed (or fried), sure. The actual Navagraha ritual is done per long period of time, so a single play per Mercury Retrograde if you can do it before the “shadow” period, the better–but now or in the middle of the actual Retrograde is just fine, too.

Amplify and Nullify can be played daily, if your energy systems aren’t taxed. And I’ve read one forum friend who alternates between Navagraha and Nullify/Amplify (my preferred order) every other day but I know they have a remarkably robust energy system.

Hope that helps!


To me, this is the real important part of your post. Good for you for working with your energy system!


It does. Thank you!

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It’s normal to feel pain when you are healing something.
I feel pain in my ear and tmj by instance.
It’s usually a good sign.


Yeah true I listened to the tmj audio for 2 days and for the next 5 days my jaw was hurting, it was so horrible.

Just proves the audio works, just hope it’s good

Of course :slight_smile:
It’s darkest before dawn
So whenever it feels uncomfortable that’s when you know
It’s working

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