My personal emotional and mental supporter

From what i can see its the approach to be “external” and then Unbreakable being “internal”

It not quite a servitor and its actually your own self love that is dressed up to appear as if it comes externally to provide this validation.




So I guess we need both! :blush: Thanks @Captain_Nemo :pray:


@Dr_Manhattan Lol, I first thought you wrote a thread on “My personal emotional and mental supporter” bcoz of the title


LMAO, that’s kinda what I do on every thread. But now I’m gonna keep it in my private sanctum.


How would one go about wording this in regards to the vaccine? (I am going to get my 1rst vaccine May 5th, Moderna) Thanks


I’m not working as a therapist anymore (temporarily. Errr… I mean we’ll see) but when (if) I get back to my “official” job someday, I will have the best supervisor next to me = this field.

I have some stinky paperwork to finish, so I listened to it only in passive mode for the moment. But even like that… woohoo! There’s this famous song which can now be completed as follows:

“There’s someone in my head but it’s not me… and very me at the same time”.

But quite different from fields like Imaginarium Divine, on the other hand. Less secretive, more cash, maybe… At least for my modest level of understanding lol.

These current days are like the anniversary of the chain of events that have led me to Sapien Medicine. So I’m experiencing a few anniversary effects/syndromes, minus the drama of the same dates in previous years. With synchronicities, etc. popping up everywhere, even on YouTube :joy: But sorry dudes, I won’t sink into the same swamp anymore, hehe… :v:t2:

So yes, another too much freestyle review but basically, the field is like someone hugging the inside of my head so far. The kind of support that worths more than blablas (like mines) :p

Ti saluto, Don Dreamweaver :tophat: I don’t know what would be the highest kind of “thank you”… maybe the one from Led Zeppelin, in my case.



This is how I went about it. I noticed my emotions getting heightened - grief over a passed colleague, anger (the whole fake warrior badmouthing dream thingie that I had pretty much ignored for a long time), and some irritation at small things my GF was doing.

While listening to the audio, I called forth for these emotions to present themselves and they do - sometimes as emotions, and other times as energy, bodily sensations, sort of heaviness in various parts of the body etc. While listening to the audio, I pay attention to them and these seem to get released.

It does take a few cycles over a few days is what I’ve come to understand. Also, when you go to get the vaccine, do not forget to wear your shielding tag (like one would when going to any crowded place like a hospital, etc.)


I think she was asking for a precise template to fill-in like when you do self-hypnosis.

Good info though


I got that, but I did not use specific wording to do what I did…

I am sure that is possible too…


A great way to use it, would be to create a little list of your problems then read it aloud or mentally and you will find it being addressed (sometimes faster and before you read it or reached that point in your reading).

One template I can think of - while listening to the audio:

  • I am feeling very angry today because of X, Y, Z
  • I feel really hurt because my coworker is being rude to me
  • I feel abandoned because my Mother does not pay attention to me
  • I feel unloved because my GF broke up with me, etc.

(The only reason I say to write it, is because, it may be a little hard for some to actually feel those problematic things when listening, it also works passively like this, so there is no need to do the exercise above if you do not wish)

If one is able to access those emotions while listening, no need to write it down.


2 very different fields.

The Unbreakable has 2 main functions. In simple words:

One is changing the vibration of the people around you to say be more of a help instead of an obstacle in your persuit of goals and or attracting ppl and situation through ppl that can push you forward towards your goals.

And two, it empowers you to believe you can do the things you want by rapidly bringing solutions that you otherwise wouldnt have seen in the middle of hard times that usually get our heads clouded, its like the world closes off in front of our eyes but its more a projection of the fears that stop us and paralyze us.

This audio here is like your higher self at increasing very intelligent levels and deep unconditional love for you in the “form” of the archetype of your best friend. After all to be our best self is to be integrated with the perfect us up there with the perfect us inside so the perfect self on earth can have a perfect life.
When we are sad, depressed, frustrated, angry etc that little voice inside us tries talking to us but we ignore it, we dont believe it because in those times the Ego takes charge to keep us down in the ditch we are in. Sometimes that voice is clear and powerful we still dont believe it because that voice is “me” so how could i believe this voice when it failed me when i believed it? We can go as far as KNOW those words come from our higher self, we still dont believe them.

But someone outside, a friend, a priest, a psychologist, a therapist, even horoscope, tarot reading (whatever and whoever) tell us those same words or similar we believe them!! We firmly believe them because they perfectly click something inside us, and we feel a deep love raising inside us, we feel someone understands us, cares for us, is always there to listen to us, encourages us and shows us the way because they are seeing the situation from outside your blurrier preoccupied head and broken jaded heart.

But in reality the reason why whatever they say clicked something in us its because those words are the same words our higher self told us.

A lot other times we just need an ear that can simply listen to us, so we can pour out all that hurts and worry that is weighing heavy inside and thats all we need, after that we feel free, lighter and our head suddenly starts getting clearer, the gift there is the love and understanding the other person was infusing us with while they were just listening.

However how many times those friends are there and ready for us? How much are they willing to be listening and talking us out of the darkness? How often we actually want to bother them?

Imagine now having that feeling of that friend at your side any time you want and need, and you will believe the words being repeated in your head because it feels like coming from a best friend not from you, so it blocks the normal instant rejection youd feel if you thought it was you bs-ing you again.
That plus feeling loved cared comforted and NOT alone.


Very much appreciated Luna


As @noname said. Both together should be great.

One will calm you down and nurture you and then the other one will bring solutions :blush:


Every time I buy an audio it seems like another amazing audios comes out. Now, I have to save up and get this! LMFAO. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Wow, another hidden wish come true. I am usually this person to other people (their sounding board, emotional support, informal counselor), and often mused: wouldn’t it be great if I could clone myself to be my own friend and listener, so I could do it for me.

One of the best gifts you can give someone is undivided attention, and being fully present for them. Unfortunately many people are so distracted or wrapped up in themselves. Sometimes it would be nice to receive for a change.

Therapy helped me a lot, but lately it’s not accessible because of current pandemic and cost.

Now with this tool it’s possible. Healer, heal thyself.

Thank you for even thinking about this. :pray::heartpulse:

PS. Mao’s tips are great. It’s actually how I’ve been teaching my kid to verbalize his emotions, and it’s reduced tantrums dramatically. “I am feeling sad because…”“I am angry because…” Then I validate those feelings. “You are angry because you don’t want to go to sleep. You want to play play play!”

No advice or instruction. Just repeating back their feelings so they know that you know. This calms them down like nothing else.

Something I learned from a book called How To Talk So Kids Listen By Adele Faber. Recommended reading at whatever age, useful on kids and grownups.


Thanks so much for your answers. Sometimes I have a difficult time putting my words together.

*My shielding tag is worn permanently around my waist.


Thanks Philip.


It was really easy to use, I felt it working on me and different part of me. I fell asleep in my bubble. Woke up two hour later and it feels like it fixed my problems deep inside me. I’m feeling good but in a different way, is it an old feeling or a new one ? I don’t know.

Edit: so, I reverted to my old mental pattern for 2 seconds and I noticed what changed. The change was so obvious. I’m learning things about myself and what not to do with my mind.


Wow! This supporter field + Archetype of Parental Love can literally heal the world from unhealthy types of materialism, war, psychological games, unhealthy ego stuff, self abuse, toxic relationships and much more!
