My personal emotional and mental supporter

What difference you feel between both :heart:


Shamanic Medicine Blend is the Dad.

Personal Emotional and Mental Support is the Mom.

The Dad in this analogy is more active and teaches you through clarity and guidance.

The Mom in this analogy is more passive and teaches you through validation and connection.


See? I love this explanation :raised_hands:t3::heart:


That is so perfect! When people listen they usually respond in two styles: (I put the labels in quotation marks because the roles are not fixed. Anyone can be either or both)

  • “Man” - gives advice, want to solve the problem, analytical approach, direct, sometimes misses emotional nuances but gets the job done.

  • “Woman” - provides a safe space, listens without judgment, comforts, receptive, affirms, lets you come to your own answers.

Sometimes you want one, sometimes the other.:blush:


@anon46520955 & @psynergy Thank You! those were excellent explanations and analogies! Different approaches to get to the root of the issues! I appreciate the feedback and please continue to update us with how these are helping you both!


oh my god this feels good ( first listen ).

It not quite a servitor and its actually your own self love that is dressed up to appear as if it comes externally to provide this validation.

probably replace any self love field on the long term, except for parental love maybe ( actually they are so complementary ). ( not to reduce this wholesome and complex field to a self love field only )

This should be in everyone’s stack

Thank you Sapien this is such a priceless creation


It’s so weird to me to imagine my self-love helping me, when I don’t have this feeling for myself naturally


Last time I felt so good, it was during an heart chakra meditation
as I’m typing this and listening, it just gets better and better


It’s still there. Children anesthetize their love for self and life because it reduces the abuse from adults who have killed their selves on the inside. It’s not dead, just put to sleep.


Ah guys, thanks for the supportive comments.

I was hesitating to go forward with this one, and did it.
Such a gem, can’t agree more about how nice it is and healing.

It brought up some stuff I had no idea of, and ofc instantly transmuted, no pain but gain :smiley:


Let’s be honest – pretty much everyone on this planet needs this as pretty much everyone craves the healing that this field can provide. Most of the souls on earth, if not fully connected to their Higher Selves, are missing their true home (where home means fusion with the Higher Self where total love is experienced).

I purchased this yesterday and immediately felt the effect of a warm and comforting and healing embrace right within the first loops. This also brought some changes in my behavior as a result of this first drop of healing that took place.

I already believe that this field is one of the most important fields that you can get your hands on!


Because very often we are not moving forward in life, because we don’t feel good enough, loved enough and validated enough. Instead of moving forward we are rotating in circles and compensational behavior. And all of this wastes our precious incarnational time.

This field, by constantly providing you automated self-love and validation, will keep you out of compesational behavior and validation seeking loops, allowing you to constantly move on in life!

Yes, once we heal those validational and self-love issues, we can actually MOVE ON in life.
We can finally do what we actually wanted to do.
We can heal the past and focus on the future.

For this healing to take place and move on in life, there are now two elite approaches:

  • You can do this “by understanding” via the Conceptual Realization field.
  • And now you can also do this “by feeling loved” via this Personal Emotional and Mental Supporter field.

Therefore, like Conceptual Realization, I highly recommend this amazing tool for everyone. Primarily not just to feel good, but to heal the past and finally move with your life the way you wanted it a long time ago. Do yourself this gift.

PS: If you cannot afford it yet, loop the “Archetype of Parental Love” and “Self Love and Acceptance”.



Awesome feedback man.

I’ve purchased it less than 24h ago, and I am having exactly the same experience so far.

This field is becoming quickly my favorite of all time, and well… Let’s not forget that we got quite some beauties those last months :rofl:

On top of that, because of the reconnection to part we intentionally lock down, this reinforces the connection with our higher self / Source strong :pray:

I have been stuck on a hard family issue for the last two years (little sis in intense suffering and rejecting everyone in the process), now that the clearing is happening gracefully all the right solution for HER are coming into my consciousness. This is amazing :pray::heart:

Gratitude Captain :dove:


I wasn’t sure if I should post this but perhaps someone can get something from this:

Alexander Cohen

The neurotic individual is in conflict with himself, part of his being is trying to overcome another part, his ego is trying to master his body, his rational mind to control his feelings, his will to overcome his fears and anxieties, though this conflict is largely unconscious, its effect is to deplete the persons energy and destroy his peace of mind, neurosis is internal conflict, the neurotic character takes many forms but all of them involve a struggle within the individual between what he is and what he believes he should be, every neurotic individual is caught in this struggle.

Unable to face his pain and the anger to which it gives rise, the neurotic individual strives to overcome his anxieties, hostilities and anger, one part of him seeks to rise above another, which splits the unity of his being and destroys his
integrity, the neurotic person struggles to win over himself, and this of course he must fail, failure seems to be
submission to an unacceptable fate, but actually it amounts to self acceptance which makes change possible. To the degree that most people in western culture are struggling to be different, they are neurotic, and since this is a fight you can’t win, all who engage in this struggle will fail, strangely though through acceptance of this failure, we become free of our neurosis.

Neurosis is not usually defined as fear of life, but that is what it is. The neurotic person is afraid to open his heart to love, to reach out, or strike out, afraid to be fully himself. More life or feeling than one is accustomed to is frightening to the person because it threatens to overwhelm his ego, to flood his boundaries and to undermine his identity.

I believe this audio can help those dealing with neurosis.

List of Neurotic behaviors
  1. Anxiety

  2. Obsessive thoughts

  3. Compulsive behaviour

  4. Vague physical ailments – insomnia

  5. Depression

  6. Suicidal thoughts

  7. Anger/rage

  8. Social maladjustment – shyness

  9. History of dysfunctional relationships

  10. Inability to work

  11. Money problems – wasting, mismanagement, tightfistedness

  12. Addictions

  13. Perfectionism

  14. Workaholism

  15. Stress

  16. Lying – especially chronic

  17. Restlessness

  18. Overeating

  19. Phobias of all kinds/ paranoia

  20. Being easily offended, being defensive

  21. Constant criticism of other people, especially your family

  22. Preaching and moralising

  23. Arguing and stubbornness – e.g. in YouTube comments

  24. Narcissism

  25. Neediness and co-dependence (needing love, validation, approval)

  26. Jealousy and envy

  27. Guilt and shame – especially when your guilting yourself

  28. Keeping secrets

  29. Manipulation

  30. Having enemies

  31. Playing victim

  32. Stiff rigid body

  33. Sexual dysfunctions

  34. Sexual repression

  35. Being vindictive – plotting vengeful acts

  36. Nihilism

  37. Alcohol and drug addictions

  38. Gossiping

  39. Having no sense of humour – when you take stuff too seriously

  40. Obsession with physical appearance

The neurotic person is afraid to open his heart to love, to reach out, or strike out, afraid to be fully himself.

maybe someone can narrow down a list of things to work on using this field.


You rock, thank you so much for sharing this Man :pray:


Is this field removing/releasing certain limiting beliefs related to the issue/topic I feel negative about? Can it identify and release negative beliefs related to the things I struggle with?

For example when I would write on a paper and read it:

“I feel easily demotivated, I get doubts and fear of failure and think I am not smart enough to make it work or have not good enough skills & IQ to understand and learn something, it feels like I cannot have it and I fail to manifest what I wish for, there is always a catch, I always do something wrong, I seem to self-sabotage myself because of some limiting beliefs which I don’t know how to release including all the connected limiting beliefs, I feel stuck, I don’t know how to let go of repetitive negative self-talk thinking patterns, I regret many decisions in my life coming from fears and insecurities, I doubt myself and my ability to finally manifest what I want, I feel like I cannot manifest changes in my life which would make my life much more enjoyable. How can I break out from the cycles of failure and lack and not good enough and giving up?”

“I don’t feel and notice the results from listening to some sapienmed audios. Why do I notice so little results? Why does it take so long? Do I have beliefs that hinder results? I am listening to subconscious limits dissolver, but I do not notice much change. Am I doing something wrong? Am I impatient? Can you help me release the core beliefs to be able to make fast progress when using sapienmed fields?”

“Dear intelligent field, please release root limiting beliefs from my subconscious which hinder me to be fully self-confident. Dear intelligent field, please release root causes contributing to feeling depression, anxiety and apathy. Dear intelligent field, please release blockages which are still in place in order to be able to easily and clearly talk with my Higher Self, to strengthen my ability to have conscious talks with my HS.”

Is this type of formulation good? Or would I have to talk to the field in a different way?

I am interested in this field, because it is a smart field and I can tell it what topics I would like to be helped with and it seems like this could help release stuff much faster? I just think that the main root of most of my “problems/limitations” are the limiting beliefs, so I wonder whether this field can release also limiting beliefs (related to my struggles I say to it)?

It would be cool to have a field to which I can say: please release the following list of limiting beliefs, please install the following list of supportive beliefs. And it wouldn’t take months to complete it.

But also it would be amazing if one could say: “this is my goal, please remove any limiting beliefs you find in my subconscious regarding this topic/goal”

I do not have the field yet, I am thinking about getting it.

I also don’t have conceptual realizations, but thinking about getting it too. Here I have the thought/fear/insecurity: what if after listening to it daily for several weeks I will not notice that anything improved?

I just have certain doubts and fears, what if it will not work for me.

What are your thoughts on this, and experiences with this?
Thank you for your help.

This field will help for sure as it is here to use your self love as an external form of validation. and it works on you like a therapist but energetically. but tell me, do you listen to subconscious limits removal and extreme self confidence ?


Hi Eli,

I have a night playlist (from patreon/gumroad, I use smartphone speakers) which I listen to, the following one in this order:

  • Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal
  • Auric and Energy Body Repair
  • The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach
  • Ego Dissolution
  • Subconscious Limits Dissolver NoMusic
  • The Shamanic Medicine Blend 6x
  • The Internal Alchemical Crucible
  • Grounding
  • Depression Stress Anxiety - Relief and Full Reversal
  • The All Purpose Anxiety Removal
  • Become Whole SelfAcceptance SelfLove DissolveInsecurities
  • Extreme Self-Confidence Self-Esteem Boost
  • The Archetype of Parental Love
  • Grounding
  • SuperHuman Genius
  • Animal Empathy Telepathy 3x
  • Grounding
  • Higher Self Connection 6x
  • Imaginarium Divine
  • The Interconnection of Everything 3x
  • Grounding
  • Vibration of Creation VOC 3x
  • Grounding

I am listening to The Shamanic Medicine Blend daily for 11 days now.


you’re insecure about your capacities and manifestation powers. stick to this subject when making this stack. what’s sure is that you can remove animal telepathy / empathy. imaginarium divine isn’t your top priority too either, especially considering you already have higher self connection. interconnection of everything same. grounding you can simply put it at the end of your stack, 3 grounding in a row will be more efficient than having them separated. focus on a few fields and then see how it goes first then add others. Let’s say : subconscious limits removal + ego dissolution + mental health supporter + extreme self confidence + become whole + depression relief. Use internal alchemical crucible as soon as you have bad thoughts, emotions. By the way the all purpose anxiety removal shut down anxiety neurons for a limited period of time so you can experience the next hours safely, and see that youlr doing just fine. so you shouldn’t listen to it at night but before doing something that cause you anxiety.


Amygdala healing too

yea. shamanic blend has it so better listen to this one

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