It is Time to revive this Thread and update it from time to time.
So, I reached a new low or even new lows, in multiple ways, but mostly in one category: weight (although technically, you could also say that I have reached a new high)!!
I’m fat again or better said FAT again, having reached close to 100 kg, currently at around 98kg (216 pounds).
So, the first thing that I need to eliminate from my list: chips, snacks, sweets, etc, plus any fast food.
Why? Why renounce the pleasure of certain goods (you might ask)? Why can’t you abstain from eating too much?
Well, i was already seeing the results even a year ago, when I started gaining weight again, but I was convinced that this time will be different, having been through hell a decade ago, I should have known better, NOT to be too lenient, not to be absurdly confident in my own self restraint, yet I did it, AGAIN (although a decade ago I reached 108-109 kg, close to 110 anyway) (238 pounds).
Another thing, I’m clearly driven by my emotions, and I’m into emotional eating, and the last 2 years (or even more) have not been kind to me, in fact 2023 was one of the worst, if not the worst year of my life (although there are contenders to this category).
Now, I need to set this as one of my main goals, no question about it, I NEED to lose weight and get sexy again.
I still need to accomplish SO MANY things, but this one’s a must, I must lose weight.
My goal is to settle somewhere between 65-75 kg (143-165 pounds), so it won’t be easy, then I will focus on muscle gaining, a little bit of body building and other stuff.
Then comes the dating part, which I’ve never been great at, despite my GREAT looks (I used to be sexy as hell, not kidding you lol).
I also want to achieve Great Successes Economically/Financially Speaking, I Have Great Dreams, I.T., Investments, Finally Getting a Degree (I dropped my college in my second year), Having Fun, Seeing The World, Improving Myself in All Categories, from All Points If View (mind, body, health, strength, endurance, money/capital, entertainment, hobbies, becoming more Social, etc.), and Finally, Getting My Own Family, CO-Creating It, Me, a Woman and Our Own Children…
Also, I want to help others, Idk how yet, but FIRST, I Need to Help Myself.
So, now you can understand the title:
From Fatty to Sexy Daddy!
I will use all the necessary fields and other tools, to reach/accomplish all my goals.
To be updated soon.