My brother got a deep cut on his finger while playing. He used advanced healing continuously 3 times after the wound. Then twice before he went to sleep. The twice next morning(around 11 AM). These are the images of the progression(warning: a little blood in the first one). My entire family is amazed at how fast it worked to hear the insides, although the skin comes at its own pace(which is not really that important). Blurred the images, click on them to view.
This was immediately after he applied an antiseptic cream for such things.
This was after 8-10 hours, see the improvement?
This was the next morning
And finally, this one was taken on next day’s evening. The wound may look just like the one above, but it has certainly filled a lot from the inside.
Keeping in mind the depth of the cut and also the fact that he used his hands normally, I’m certain getting so much healed in such a short period of time is not possiblee without anything extra, and this audio has been the only that he used. We’re thankful for this one and Dream is awesome!