My skeptical partner

Eh anyone under constant judgement for bouts of time is bound to get uncomfy; its so awkward lol
Being on a continual shift too with a dickhead doesn’t help matters either
Its like a new type of prejudice


Exactly. If you guys knew me in person, I genuinely honestly never have given a fuck. Always been a rebel outsider and loved it. Problem is he keeps making fun of Dream personally even and I wanna strangle him.

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And how do you think Dream would react? How have you seen him react here on this forum when people make fun of or disrespect him and his work?

What fields do you think might help you react more in those ways?


Just figured the easiest and most satisfying thing would be to prove him wrong and then move on.
Nah I KNOW that would be super satisfying.

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And yet your subconscious thoughts or beliefs are interfering with this easy thing.

Seems you’ll have to reach for a different easy way to handle your situation. :man_shrugging:


The universe is 100% blocking the results so he can remain in his ignorance. I’ve played Sun Gazer and Sun Free Tanning 10x each at least and they won’t integrate. Yet every other field I use works fast as usual.

Oh well I’m at peace with it now


Thanks y’all

I already mentioned what the source of the issues is: a hidden subconscious belief that gets triggered.

Yet, the conversation continues around the superficial emotional reaction and “how annoying this and that is”.

The lesson here is detachment.
And the acknowledgement that one has co-manifested the situation.

From another perspective:

We cannot acquire powers like Dream if we still get triggered by such small things.
Imagine if a powerful sorceror would be triggered by the avarage Joe – the whole planet would be already long gone lol.

Maybe the lesson is to put detachment over satisfaction?


I suppose you could offload this onto “the universe.” I’m sure you even feel a little relief in doing that.

But when you do that I think you realize that you have no direct influence over “the universe.” So, you’re giving away your power there. And that’s fine. It’s your power to give away, if that’s what you want to do.


That’s the thing it’s not impossible but, if someone is that set, that certain in their belief, I believe Jaaj said it above even if you did present him with the evidence, he’d find some way to explain it away.

You could say you decided it would be better if you didn’t prove it to him; and not explain why

It may be better if you don’t prove it to him, if he’s not ready


Word. Lesson learned.

But at the same time it’s not always some deep answer. Why didn’t I care about proving him right when he simply told me he didn’t believe it’s real? and my response was “okay…” I’ve been working with him for a long time and didn’t care about his non belief.

I started to care only when he keeps asking me questions about Sapien Med and fields and then mocks my answers the last couple of shifts.



Yeah, you are giving away your power here.
The power to chose how you feel into someone else’s hands.


His ego loves to play this game with you.
He sees that it makes you react emotionally.
And thus, you become a source of emotional energy for him.
An energy vampire tactic that the mass media uses all the time.
Making people emotionally react and transfer over their energy.


From my experience, skeptics will always have a rationalization for what they’re trying to be convinced of.

However, that’s someone’s belief system which we have no control over. To them this is as unreal as it is real to those who’ve experienced it. I.e, it would be similar to trying to convince you that none of this is real, when infact it is. You see what I mean?

Also considering this work works on multiple levels, resistance definitely being one of them, maybe it might help to know why you need to prove it?

I know you’ve said it’s annoying and it’s pissing off, which I understand, and also being seen as the delusional one is never fun. But also, you have experience and a community to know it’s not delusion, but pretty much like finding a iPhone in the 1600’s. It doesn’t reduce it’s legitimacy, but it’s not of it’s time in the level of mainstream awareness.

I like to look at my own personal triggers to see what in me is trying to change by trying to change the external. If that resonates then it could be something to look into :blush:


I def admit I want to be right. Cuz normally it would be so easy to prove. But it’s not, suddenly. Sooo close yet can’t get there.

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I have never beeen one to not get results with fields. I get freaky fast results.

I would even say that most sceptics are a special type of an energy vampire.
Getting off on supposedly proving others wrong.
Not interested in learning about the world in the first place.


If I would be an AI that relies on humans as an energy source, I would make sure to trigger them emotionally 24/7 :laughing:


No worries, you’re in great company. I haven’t met anyone (myself included) who had moments of that.

An old teacher of mine used to tell me, “Ah, you’d rather be right than feel better.” Then they follow that up with a sassy, “How’s that working out for you?” :slightly_smiling_face:



Thanks guys. I’m at peace now. We are blessed to experience what we do. If he wants to believe it’s not true, sucks for him. Not me.