My sudden thought while roaming the forum

Isnt it crazy how when we are still ignorant of these stuffs and just started discovering these we suddenly feel like its so magical, those wizardry magic things in fictional novels, like entering a brand new world from a modern world to a fantasy world. When I first encountered those frequencies in youtube I was shocked that those exist, and those hemi sync, its like my view of the reality change. When I discovered Sapien Medicine while browsing frequencies to enjoy I was quite shocked by its contents, too novelty, too unfamiliar and magical, I checked the comments its legit, back then I feel like I escaped a matrix or something lol. And when I discovered this forum, I was quite shocked how there is literally a community that is full of knowledge experts that gathers for this type of “magical thing”, I remember listening to these fields excitedly and jumping around after seeing the effects work, it was a joy of like a child, the joy of discovering a brand new world. And before I am full of bewilderment and weirdness when seeing people here discussing about the universe, etc etc, until I gradually accepted it into my reality.

And now isnt weird that I now treat it like its a common sense of my reality? Like it was here all along, like how wizards in Horry Potter treat it like its common sense. My thought is, does it mean there is a more magical and mindblowing stuffs that are already existing in this reality, and we just dont explore enough and its not yet our chance? Thank you Dream for this wonderful work of yours, I must be at the lowest point of my life if I did not accidentally stumble here.

I am shocked how just my curiosity and interest in “magical/non-realistic” stuff led me here. Well curiosity does not kill the cat after all lol, it might ascend. Now I am more determined to explore more and more until I find a new world.


I identify a lot with what you say, even while I was reading it seemed as if I had written this lol :laughing: many coincidences.

Discovering this world is like I was playing the game of life like everyone else, without being able to influence reality much in any way but suddenly finding a hidden level where the developer’s tools are found to create and modify the game.

I don’t know exactly why all of us who came here are here, but I think it wouldn’t be possible if we didn’t have the conviction to believe that there is something more and the curiosity to discover it. and there are still many more things, a few days ago I found out that some really crazy things are possible and I think there must still be more



Everytime we discover something mind blowing and paradigm changing like Sapien Medicine, the mind literally goes first like this…


…and then like this…



Some things you could try next :slight_smile: :

  • Astral Projection and Travel
  • Working with Alien Intercession and other alien fields
  • Fields from Psychic University (hint: Soul Continuum)

Hello world !

Hi @Jfwjev323

Welcome Peach and lav

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