My testimonial for the Theta Audio

More like what you describe as dream world. I have an easier time imagining things and I can look at some noisy texture (for example a wall) and easily see random images in there. I have said that before but it became more pronounced. It’s really great stuff if you are an artist

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But its not like you get in lotus, close your eyes, play theta and see the room?


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Haven’t tried it yet. But when I do, I will aim for the moon :wink:

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What about dream recall or lucidity?

Any increase after playing theta?

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“Go away human”

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No, no increase there, as far as I can tell.

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Crying inside as an aphant who can’t visualize anything.

Have you tried the Synesthesia field?

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Hey, how has your experience been up to now? I’m thinking about getting this audio, but unsure yet

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It’s funny because I have been thinking about this field a few days ago. I haven’t used it since my last post about it, so I can’t add anything to it. In my opinion it is a very very good field. I also guess that it would be a really good combination with Ego Dissolution


After months of thinking about it, I finally bought this field a few days ago and use it for at least 30 minutes. I’ve noticed 3 things

  1. My eyesight gets slightly sharper and clearer
  2. I can feel both sides of my brain, as if someone has their palms around my left brain and my right, and applying a bit of pressure. The centre / corpus collosum feels weird, i can’t describe it. Very strange but cool
  3. My creativity gets better while using it. The other night I was using Affinity Photo, and I hardly use it but I wanted to edit some images. I was able to do what I wanted much easier than usual and the quality was much much better.

Does one listen through headphones?

I know that all other audios are best through speakers.

I’d just go with what is the best for you. I really don’t think it matters as much as people believe.

I wanna try this one but is it recommended to start with a “simpler” brainwave like Alpha?

If you had never triggered them or tried to increase their production before yeah is best to start from the simple. It builds more harmoniously and youd enjoy it more.


Alright. Thanks

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And welcome to the forum Marbles i hope you dont lose them around here haha


I’m actually just a lurker around here and I just made an account to ask this lol


Hey @SovereignSubliminals ! I’m playing theta a lot right now and i was wondering what you meant by this- did you mean higher power?

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Yes, I meant God. My understanding of these things changed a lot since I wrote this, but it still works if you create a belief that you are protected from bad things coming near you.

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