Hello there,
so I have been using this morphic field for quite some time now, but I have stopped using it a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, I feel like the effects stayed with me and after a very interesting experience I had this after noon, I decided to share my testimonial with you.
I’d say the Theta field is exactly what you are looking for when you strive to becoming a master at visualizing like DaVinci, Einstein etc. It helps tremendously with creativity.
For example, when I relax a little bit and watch a texture like wood, I start to see drawings in there, in particular faces. So you become able to see patterns and make connections where most people just see randomness. Sometimes it is literally like watching a movie. I just take a look at the wall, relax a little bit and I start to see faces or scenes like drawings from a comic or a manga, and then they start to shift and become something else.
When I relax a little bit more and start to visualize a scene, I notice it becomes easier and easier to get immersed into the scene, but you have to practice to not fall asleep while doing it.
I did it this afternoon and I started to visualize a pool of water and then I kept jumping into the water and flying into the sky above the water, again and again.
It felt very immersive and at one point I thought “Lets confuse the subconscious by attempting to breath underwater” I did that and I felt like I surprised my subconscious, and then for a moment it felt like I was getting water into my lungs.
So all in all, I highly recommend this field, especially for creative purposes. But you got to be patient since the effects will start off unnoticeable and then build up