Mystic Tarot Reader

It def looks like how he explains fields :hugs:


I’ve used it to orient my purchase decisions.

The Ascensionaut-> Mage

The Manhattan Method-> Hierophant

And the thing that amazes me is that in the line before I wasn’t talking about fields at all, I’ve been talking about my hair.

Basically i think it understood the fields by just scanning the concepts I hold about those fields.

This stuff never ceases to impress me


Thanks @Rosechalice

Got hit with a bad news and left me feeling terrible about myself and seen this. Feel much better about my journey after reading the tarot.



For “JHALAK1989,” here is some guidance to assist on their path:

  1. Embrace Change and Adaptability: Life is a series of evolving situations and experiences. Embracing change, rather than resisting it, can lead to personal growth and new opportunities. Be open to new paths and experiences, as they can lead to unexpected and fulfilling outcomes.
  2. Focus on Personal Development: Invest time in self-improvement and learning. Whether it’s acquiring new skills, enhancing existing ones, or exploring areas of personal interest, growth in these areas can have a positive impact on all facets of life, including career, relationships, and personal satisfaction.
  3. Nurture Relationships: The strength of your relationships can be a significant source of support and joy. Cultivate meaningful connections with family, friends, and colleagues. These relationships can provide support, guidance, and different perspectives as you navigate your journey.
  4. Mindfulness and Self-Reflection: Regular self-reflection can provide clarity and insight into your desires, goals, and the changes you need to make. Practices like meditation or journaling can help in understanding your inner self better, leading to more informed and grounded decisions.
  5. Balance Practicality and Passion: It’s important to find a balance between doing what is practical and following your passions. While practical choices often provide stability, pursuing your passions can bring fulfillment and joy. Strive for a balance that satisfies both aspects.
  6. Stay Grounded and Patient: Remember that meaningful change and progress often take time. Stay grounded in your values and be patient with yourself as you move towards your goals. Celebrate small victories along the way.

This guidance is meant to inspire and empower “JHALAK1989” on their journey, encouraging a balanced approach to life’s challenges and opportunities.


@Rosechalice as a lovely 🪷 :rosette:

The tarot card for Rosechalice offers a message of inner peace, enlightenment, and introspection. The card features a serene lotus flower floating on a calm lake under a full moon, embodying a sense of tranquility and spiritual awakening.

For Rosechalice, this card is a reminder to embrace the journey towards enlightenment and to seek inner peace. It encourages finding strength and guidance within, nurturing your spiritual path, and maintaining emotional tranquility and clarity of mind. Remember, the journey to enlightenment is as much about the inner journey as it is about external experiences. This is a time to focus on inner wisdom, intuition, and the serene unfolding of your spiritual path.


This card is as true for Rosechalice as for @Divine_Lotus in my experience. I got to chat with her a couple of times and she felt like her very name… divine peace :relieved:

Edit : it was ‘felt’ not ‘left’ … it just gave an opposite meaning :woman_facepalming:t2:
She felt like peace
And not left like peace lol :joy:


@Vincit :slightly_smiling_face: :lion:

The tarot card for Vincit portrays a sense of nobility, inner strength, and the power of natural authority. This card features a regal lion resting in a sun-drenched savannah, symbolizing courage, wisdom, and the grounding presence of nature.

The lion, a symbol of courage, authority, and wisdom, is depicted with a calm and composed demeanor. This represents inner strength and confidence, suggesting that Vincit possesses a natural authority and a composed strength that comes from within.

The savannah landscape represents the realm of personal power and the natural environment where one’s strengths are most evident. It signifies a space where your abilities and confidence can shine, much like the lion’s dominance in its natural habitat.

The sun, high in the sky, casts a warm glow over the scene, symbolizing vitality, clarity, and the energy of life. It indicates that your path is illuminated with clarity and the vitality to pursue your goals and aspirations.

For Vincit, this card is a reminder of the inherent nobility and strength within. It encourages embracing your natural authority, wisdom, and the inner confidence that defines you. Like the lion resting in the savannah, you have the power to lead and inspire with a composed and confident presence. Remember, your strength lies in your inner wisdom, courage, and the serene authority that you naturally embody.


Really beautiful, @ecaiii !
Thank You green seated


Can someone generate a card for me with guidance as well? Just curious.


Here’s for you @Matt1

The tarot card for Matt1 features a traveler at a crossroads, representing the journey of self-discovery and the important decisions that shape one’s life path. This card embodies the essence of exploration, decision-making, and the pursuit of one’s true purpose.

The traveler holds a map and a compass, symbolizing the tools necessary for navigation and decision-making. This suggests that Matt1 has the resources and abilities required to make informed decisions about his life path. The map and compass indicate that while guidance is available, the ultimate choice of direction rests with him.

Each path leading into the horizon has different landscapes and horizons, representing diverse opportunities and potential directions in life. This imagery reflects the variety of choices and paths available to Matt1, each with its unique experiences and lessons.

The sky, a mix of dawn and daylight, symbolizes the beginning of a new journey and the illumination of choices. It suggests that Matt1 is at a significant point in his life, where new opportunities are emerging and the clarity of choice is becoming apparent.

A guiding light shines in the distance on one of the paths, indicating a potential direction that resonates with Matt1’s true purpose. This guiding light suggests that among the various options, there is a path that aligns closely with his inner values and goals.

For Matt1, this card is a message of exploration and self-discovery. It encourages him to use the tools at his disposal to navigate his life path, to consider the diverse opportunities available, and to be open to the guidance that resonates with his true purpose. Like the traveler at the crossroads, Matt1 is reminded of the power of choice and the importance of following a path that aligns with his true self. Remember, each choice shapes the journey, and within you lies the compass to guide your way.

Guidance message

For Matt1, to assist guidance on their life journey at this moment suggests a focus on exploration, self-discovery, and aligning with personal values and goals. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Exploration and Openness: Embrace the journey of exploration. Like a traveler at a crossroads, there are many paths available, each leading to different experiences and lessons. Stay open to exploring these varied paths, as each one offers unique opportunities for growth and understanding.
  2. Informed Decision-Making: Utilize the tools you have for navigation and decision-making. This might mean drawing on your knowledge, experience, intuition, and the advice of trusted others. Like the traveler with a map and compass, you have resources at your disposal to help guide your choices.
  3. Alignment with True Purpose: Pay attention to the guiding lights in your life. These could be passions, values, long-term goals, or the quiet voice of your intuition. These lights can help guide you towards a path that aligns more closely with your true purpose and personal fulfillment.
  4. Embracing Change and New Beginnings: The mix of dawn and daylight in the sky symbolizes new beginnings and the illumination of choices. Be prepared to embrace change as an opportunity for growth. New beginnings often bring clarity and open doors to possibilities that align with your deeper aspirations.
  5. Trust in Your Journey: Remember that each step, each decision, is part of a larger journey. Trust in the process and know that your path doesn’t have to be linear or predefined. It’s a journey of self-discovery, where sometimes the most unexpected routes lead to the most fulfilling destinations.
  6. Reflection and Self-Discovery: Take time for introspection. Understanding more about yourself – your strengths, weaknesses, desires, and fears – can provide valuable insights that guide your life choices.

In summary, the guidance for Matt1 is to embrace the journey with an open heart and mind, trust in his ability to navigate the path ahead, and seek alignment with his true purpose and values. Every choice and experience is a step forward in the tapestry of his unique life path.

:railway_track: :slightly_smiling_face:



For Matt1, the card drawn is a unique and mystical one, depicting a wise old owl in a moonlit forest. This card resonates with the energy of wisdom, insight, and a deeper understanding of one’s surroundings. The owl, a symbol of knowledge and intuition, suggests that this is a time for Matt1 to trust in their inner wisdom and insights. The presence of the full moon and the magical atmosphere created by fireflies signify illumination and clarity coming through in the midst of darkness or uncertainty.

Guidance: This card encourages Matt1 to embrace their intuition and inner knowing. It’s a reminder that sometimes the answers they seek are already within them, waiting to be acknowledged. The serenity of the forest and the guidance of the owl suggest a period of introspection might be beneficial. This could be a time to step back from the noise of everyday life and connect with the quieter, more insightful parts of oneself. In decision-making or in understanding life’s complex situations, Matt1 should consider not just logical reasoning but also what their instincts are telling them. This is a period for self-trust and for recognizing the wisdom that comes not just from external sources, but from within.


A card for @whitefire :white_heart:

The tarot card for Whiterose features a serene garden with white roses in full bloom under soft moonlight, symbolizing purity, new beginnings, and the unfolding of inner truths. This card embodies a message of tranquility, reflection, and growth.

The white roses represent purity, new beginnings, and the unfolding of inner truths. They suggest that Whiterose is in a phase of life where new beginnings are prominent, and there is an opportunity for the discovery and embracing of deeper personal truths.

For Whiterose, this card is a message to embrace the tranquility and peace that can be found in reflection and connection with nature. It encourages nurturing the inner self, embracing new beginnings, and seeking clarity and truth in the quiet moments of life. Like the white roses blooming under the moonlight, Whiterose is reminded of the beauty and growth that can be found in purity, tranquility, and the unfolding of personal truths. Remember, there is great strength in quiet reflection and in embracing the new beginnings that life offers.


It’s beautiful! :slight_smile:


Oh my god…, my dream garden, full of light and perfumes… Thank you! :tulip::rabbit2::fairy::herb::heart:


Such a true reading… tranquility and peace needed a lot in my life… We need our inner magic garden, a place to feel safe and ourselves, so we can see life with serenity


You made me cry…, and i’m at work :) such kindness… :heart:


@whitefire (not my intention to make you cry…) :hugs: :hugs:
May your day be filled with smiles! x


Yours too, friend :heart::rainbow:


If anyone is celebrating, a birthday tarot collage (for other occasions too) could be generated :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’ve made for my cousin the cards and messages are uplifting and vibrant! :star_struck:

Thanks again Captain for this innovative twist on reading :pray: :crystal_ball: :white_heart:


Heading to work now. It promises to be filled with stress & complex situations.
So thankful for your kindness in generating me a special card that fills me with confidence & positive feelings that I can handle this day & everyday productively for good things at work like service & justice