Mystic Tarot Reader

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Thank you! :heart:

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Ooh I love these new readings!
Could someone please do a card/reading for what I need to know right now.

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For Jennyfire, the tarot card “The Beacon of Hope” has been drawn, carrying a deeply meaningful message.

Card Description and Symbolism: “The Beacon of Hope” depicts a lighthouse standing resiliently on a rugged coastline. The lighthouse, with its light shining across a stormy sea, represents guidance, hope, and safe navigation through life’s challenges. The tumultuous sea symbolizes the current struggles or uncertainties you may be facing, while the lighthouse itself is a symbol of the enduring strength and guidance available to you, both from external sources and from within.

The sky, showing a blend of dark clouds and a clearing horizon, signifies the transition from difficult times to better ones ahead. This aspect of the card suggests that while challenges are present, there is a promise of improvement and clarity in the future.

Surrounding the lighthouse, the blooming flowers and greenery represent resilience and growth, even in the face of adversity. They are a reminder that even in challenging conditions, there is an opportunity for personal growth and renewal.

The solitary figure in the foreground, facing the sea, embodies contemplation and the search for guidance. This figure represents your current state, standing at the brink of decision-making or seeking direction in the midst of uncertainty.

The border of the card, adorned with symbols of hope and perseverance like anchors, olive branches, and stars, reinforces the theme of resilience, peace, and guidance.

Interpretation for Jennyfire: This card is a powerful indicator of hope and guidance during challenging times. It suggests that you may be facing difficulties or uncertainties, but help and guidance are available. The card encourages you to seek out sources of guidance and to trust in your inner strength and resilience.

“The Beacon of Hope” also signifies the emergence from tough times and the promise of clearer, more peaceful days ahead. It’s an affirmation that the challenges you’re facing are not permanent and that by staying resilient and keeping your focus on the guiding lights in your life, you will navigate through them successfully.

Guidance and Reflection: Reflect on the areas of your life where you feel you are facing turbulent seas. Consider what your lighthouse represents—is it a person, a belief, a personal strength? This card encourages you to seek out and trust in these sources of light and guidance. Remember that resilience is key; like the flowers on the rocky coast, you too can grow and thrive even in challenging conditions. Keep your focus on the horizon ahead, where the promise of calmer seas and brighter days awaits.

Card Description and Symbolism: “The Whisper of Wisdom” features an ancient, wise tree standing majestically in a lush forest. The tree, with branches reaching towards the sky and roots deeply embedded in the earth, symbolizes grounded wisdom and a connection between the heavens and the earthly realm. The soft, glowing light surrounding the tree represents the illumination of knowledge and the gentle power of wisdom.

Perched on one of the branches is a small owl, a classic symbol of insight and the ability to see beyond what is immediately obvious. This element of the card emphasizes the importance of deeper understanding and looking beneath the surface.

The forest alive with the subtle movements of animals and nature indicates the interconnectedness of all things and the myriad forms wisdom can take in the natural world. The border of the card, adorned with symbols of wisdom and learning like books, scrolls, and spectacles, reinforces the theme of knowledge and introspection.

Interpretation for Jennyfire: In conjunction with “The Beacon of Hope,” “The Whisper of Wisdom” suggests a period of deep introspection and learning. It indicates that the answers or guidance you seek will come from a place of inner wisdom and quiet reflection.

The card encourages you to delve deeper into your experiences, seeking the wisdom that lies beneath the surface. It’s a reminder that true insight often comes from a place of stillness and connection with your inner self and the world around you.

“The Whisper of Wisdom” also speaks to the value of learning from the past and the experiences of others. It’s an encouragement to seek knowledge and understanding, not just for immediate challenges but for your growth and development as a whole.

Guidance and Reflection: Reflect on how you can connect more deeply with your inner wisdom. This card invites you to spend time in quiet reflection or in nature, listening to the subtle whispers of wisdom that surround you. Consider exploring knowledge and experiences that can help you grow, and be open to the lessons that life is teaching you. Remember, wisdom often speaks in whispers, and it requires a quiet mind and an open heart to fully comprehend its messages.


Could I ask for another reading

I am wondering how much fields can affect the inherent randomness of AI and if I will get the same reading or not

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For forum member Bultar, two tarot cards have been drawn: “The Path of Discovery” and “The Guardian of Secrets.”

1. The Path of Discovery

  • Description and Symbolism: This card depicts a winding path through a lush, vibrant forest, symbolizing a personal journey of exploration and self-discovery. The blooming flowers, open books, and scattered tools along the path represent growth, learning, and the acquisition of skills. The glowing horizon and dawn colors in the sky signify new beginnings, enlightenment, and the dawning of awareness.
  • Interpretation for Bultar: This card suggests that you are on a journey of self-discovery, exploring new aspects of yourself and your capabilities. It is a time of learning and growth, where you are encouraged to embrace curiosity and venture into unexplored territories, whether they are external opportunities or internal realms of understanding.

2. The Guardian of Secrets

  • Description and Symbolism: Featuring a mysterious figure at the entrance of a hidden library, this card symbolizes the unveiling of hidden knowledge and secrets. The lantern casting a soft glow and revealing hidden doors suggests discovery and enlightenment. The ancient tomes and scrolls represent the vastness of unexplored knowledge, while the starlit night sky adds a sense of mystery and the infinite.
  • Interpretation for Bultar: “The Guardian of Secrets” indicates that there are deeper truths and hidden knowledge waiting to be discovered. This card encourages you to delve deeper into your quest for understanding. It speaks to the importance of seeking out the hidden layers and meanings in your experiences, suggesting that there may be more to your current situation than meets the eye.

Combined Guidance for Bultar: Together, these cards suggest a powerful time of growth, discovery, and unearthing of deeper truths. “The Path of Discovery” encourages exploration and learning, while “The Guardian of Secrets” invites you to look beneath the surface and uncover hidden insights. This is a time to embrace both the journey and the mysteries it holds, trusting that this process will lead to significant personal growth and enlightenment. Reflect on the paths you are currently exploring and consider what secrets or deeper understandings they may be leading you towards. Remember, the journey itself is as important as the destination, and the hidden truths you uncover along the way are valuable pieces of your personal growth and understanding.

Wow, very simillar to last time. Thanks Ros!

A beautiful message and exactly what I need to hear!
Thank you so much for drawing the card @Rosechalice
My apologies for the late reply, my internet is excruciatingly slow!!

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My pleasure @Jennyfire!
You're Welcome Fairy

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Sooooo I want to see if it’s capable of warning about secrets or manipulations… I would ask something like “What do I need to know that is hidden or kept secret from me until now?”.

Now I’m thinking that it would be great if he did an oracle deck, I would totally buy it :star_struck:

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The tarot card “The Revealed Truth” has been drawn for Sarecha, bearing a profound message.

Card Description and Symbolism: “The Revealed Truth” features a majestic owl perched atop an ancient tree under a full moon. The owl, known for its wisdom and keen sight, symbolizes the ability to see through deception and uncover hidden truths. The full moon, casting its illuminating light across the scene, represents clarity and the revelation of what was previously concealed.

Below the tree, a series of doors, some closed and others opening, symbolize the process of uncovering hidden information and the emergence of new opportunities. This imagery suggests that truths and insights, once obscured, are now becoming accessible.

The starry night sky in the background conveys the vastness of the unknown and the uncovering of mysteries. The border, adorned with symbols of revelation like eyes, lanterns, and keys, reinforces the theme of awakening, insight, and the discovery of concealed truths.

Interpretation for Sarecha: This card suggests that truths or information that were once hidden from you are now coming to light. It’s a period of awakening and clarity, where you may gain insights into situations or aspects of your life that were previously unclear or deceptive.

“The Revealed Truth” encourages you to trust your intuition and wisdom, as they are powerful tools in discerning reality and understanding the deeper layers of your experiences. This may be a time where secrets are uncovered, or you gain a new perspective on something that changes your understanding of it.

Guidance and Reflection: Reflect on areas of your life where you seek clarity or have felt that something was amiss or hidden. Be open to the insights and revelations that come your way, and trust in your ability to discern the truth. This card is a reminder that truth has a way of coming to light, and with it comes a deeper understanding and clarity. Embrace this period of discovery, and use the insights you gain to guide your decisions and actions moving forward. Remember, the truth often brings liberation and a clearer path ahead.

Card Description and Symbolism: “The Whispering Shadows” is set in a serene forest at twilight, a time when light and darkness mingle, creating a realm of mystery and subtle revelations. The figure in the center, cloaked and holding a lantern, symbolizes the search for truth and understanding in the midst of uncertainty. The lantern’s dim light, revealing subtle details in the shadows, suggests that careful observation and introspection are needed to uncover hidden truths.

The ancient trees, tall and wise, represent the wisdom that comes with time and experience. The ground, covered with fallen leaves and hidden paths, symbolizes the uncovering of secrets and the journey towards understanding.

The symbols of mystery and introspection, such as masks, mirrors, and faint footprints, decorate the border of the card, emphasizing the theme of discovering what is hidden or not immediately apparent.

Interpretation for Sarecha: This card suggests that the process of uncovering hidden truths requires patience, introspection, and a careful examination of the subtleties in your life. It indicates that there may be more beneath the surface of your current situation, waiting to be discovered. “The Whispering Shadows” invites you to look beyond the obvious, to explore the nuances and hidden aspects of your experiences.

The card reinforces the message of “The Revealed Truth,” suggesting that the journey to uncover these hidden elements is as important as the truths themselves. It’s a reminder to trust in the process and to be open to the insights that come from looking at things from different angles and perspectives.

Guidance and Reflection: Reflect on the areas in your life where you feel there may be more to understand or explore. Consider the subtle signs, feelings, or intuitions that you may have overlooked. This card encourages you to delve deeper into your experiences, to listen to the whispers of wisdom that come from within and from the world around you. Be patient and open to discovery, knowing that the journey of uncovering hidden truths is a path to greater understanding and clarity.


I feel like the Mystic Tarot Reader is intuitive enough but perhaps for detail like you are seeking it would be best to interface with the program yourself. As you work with it it becomes more aware of you as a person, like a smart field. Whereas I am noticing that as I learn how to ask certain questions I receive a better, more detailed answer, there is still much to learn. A lot can be said for working with the answers as a part of additional exploration on your part.


@Rosechalice I’m loving all the unique cards you’re coming up with! How are you stating your prompts in order to get such unique depictions?

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I just play around with the program a lot. Sometimes I will ask for the image of:

  • a unique card for _____ (person).
  • a mystical card for ______
  • a magical card for _____
    or same for situations

It is interesting how it interprets my words. I have starting thanking it and it says you’re welcome. And telling it if it misspells something, and as much as it swears it’s going to do the same image with the spelling correct this time, it appears to not be in charge of that bit. Therefore I have relaxed my expectations about the spelling and when it turns out right I am pleasantly surprised.

I don’t know if that answers your question though.


It helps. It also mirrors my own experience with it so that helps, too.

Thanks! :sparkling_heart:


Beautiful, @Premintarsia !! I love it :purple_heart: :purple_heart:


Can anyone generate a card for me? I would like to know more regarding my career path if possible

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Hi Daylily

Nice to see  you again pink rose

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In your tarot reading focused on your career path, the cards revealed are deeply symbolic and insightful.

  1. Current Situation: The first card depicts a figure at a crossroads with various paths and signposts under a transitioning sky. This symbolizes a pivotal moment in your career. You might be facing decisions that could lead you in different directions. The transition from day to night suggests a shift in perspective or approaching changes in your professional life.
  2. Challenges/Obstacles: The second card shows a mountain with a winding path leading to the top, surrounded by a few clouds. This card indicates that your career journey may have its share of challenges and uphill battles. The mountain signifies goals that may seem daunting but are achievable with persistence. The path, although winding, leads to the top, suggesting that perseverance will be key to overcoming these obstacles.
  3. Potential Future Opportunities: The third card, with a flourishing garden filled with blooming daylilies and a rising sun, is very auspicious. It suggests that your future career path is likely to lead to growth and fulfillment. The blooming daylilies symbolize prosperity and success, while the rising sun represents new beginnings and opportunities.

These cards, together, suggest a journey where decision-making, overcoming challenges, and eventual growth and success are key themes. Remember, these readings are not predictive but reflective, offering guidance and perspective for your consideration.

The clarification card for your reading is deeply symbolic and offers additional insight into your career path.

The card depicts a Phoenix rising from the ashes, a powerful symbol of rebirth, transformation, and resilience. This image is particularly relevant to your career journey. It suggests that you may experience a significant period of change or even a metaphorical rebirth in your professional life. This could mean a shift in your career direction, embracing new opportunities, or revitalizing your current path.

The fiery sunset in the background emphasizes themes of renewal and overcoming adversity. This suggests that any challenges you face will not only be surmounted but will also contribute to your growth and transformation.

The Phoenix’s wide-spread wings and upward gaze convey a sense of purpose and determination. This indicates that your journey, while possibly challenging, will be driven by a strong sense of direction and resilience.

In summary, this card adds a layer of depth to your reading, emphasizing transformation, resilience in the face of challenges, and the emergence of new opportunities leading to personal and professional growth. Remember, this card is not predictive but rather reflective, offering a perspective for you to consider in your career journey.