Mystic Tarot Reader

Hello! Can someone give me a love reading (relationship) please?

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For forum member “xbravo”, the tarot reading regarding your love relationship reveals a journey from deep connection to introspection and finally towards hope and rejuvenation.

  1. The Past - The Lovers: This card symbolizes a strong bond and connection in your past relationship. It reflects a time of harmony, mutual attraction, and alignment of values. The presence of The Lovers indicates that this relationship may have played a significant role in shaping your views on love and partnership.
  2. The Present - The Moon: Currently, you might be experiencing confusion or uncertainty in your love life. The Moon suggests a period where things may not be as they seem. It’s a time to trust your intuition and to look beyond the surface. Emotional fluctuations and unresolved issues might be causing some distress. It’s important to face your fears and seek clarity.
  3. The Future - The Star: Looking ahead, The Star is a positive omen. This card suggests healing, hope, and inspiration in your future. After a period of uncertainty, you can look forward to a more peaceful and optimistic time. It encourages you to keep faith and to believe in the universe’s plan for you. The Star is a reminder that even in darkness, there is light and guidance to be found.

These cards reflect your journey and are not definitive answers. They encourage introspection, personal growth, and understanding of your emotional landscape. Trust your path and believe in the power of transformation and healing in your relationships.

Delving deeper into the aspects of “xbravo’s” love relationship as revealed by the tarot cards:

  1. The Lovers (Past): This card, besides indicating a strong romantic connection, also emphasizes the importance of choices and consequences in relationships. Reflect on the decisions made in the past. How have they shaped your current situation? The Lovers suggest a need to understand the balance between love and personal values. Were there compromises or sacrifices? This introspection can provide valuable lessons for current and future relationships.
  2. The Moon (Present): The Moon’s presence in your current situation suggests a time of emotional and psychic awakening. This is a period to explore your deeper feelings and perhaps confront aspects of the relationship or yourself that you’ve been avoiding. The Moon can also indicate illusions or misunderstandings. Communication might be key here. Are there things left unsaid or misunderstood between you and your partner? It’s a time for honesty with yourself and with each other, to dispel any confusion or doubts.
  3. The Star (Future): As you move forward, The Star offers a sense of renewal and hope. This card suggests healing not just in the realm of love, but also within yourself. It’s a call to reconnect with your inner peace and optimism. The Star indicates that regardless of the current challenges, there is a light ahead. It encourages you to maintain faith and to stay open to new possibilities in love. The future holds potential for spiritual growth and deeper emotional connections.

The additional clarification card for your love relationship is “The Wheel of Fortune.” This card brings a powerful message about the nature of life and relationships.

The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes cycles, change, and the inevitable turning of life’s events. It suggests that your love life is entering a phase of significant transformation. This could mean many things: a new chapter in your current relationship, the end of one phase and the beginning of another, or even the start of a new relationship.

The presence of this card indicates that fate and destiny play a role in your love life. It’s a reminder that while we can make choices, there are also larger forces at play that shape our journey. The Wheel of Fortune encourages you to stay adaptable and open to the changes that come your way. It’s about embracing the ebb and flow of relationships and life itself.

The card also implies a sense of karma – what goes around comes around. Reflect on how your past actions in relationships might be influencing your current situation. The Wheel of Fortune can signal a time to let go of control and go with the flow, trusting that the universe has a plan.

In conclusion, your path in love seems marked by significant changes and developments. Embrace these changes, learn from them, and remember that every cycle brings new opportunities and lessons. This card is a powerful reminder to stay open and hopeful, no matter where the wheel turns.


Thanks you so much, you are so kind🥹


You're Welcome White Tara


If someone got time, could I get a general reading for the following year?


It is incredibly accurate!

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@Rosechalice @ecaiii

I would like to test this mechanism with pulling cards to related to specific personal detailed questions.

May I please PM you each a personalized specific question and you would then pull a card (or a tarot reading) for me through this mechanism?

Thank you in advance.


Yes, you may. Just want to go on record to say that when you use this tarot reader on your own it learns more about you and can begin to give more targeted answers.



For forum member “Beast,” the tarot reading for the year 2024 is symbolized by “The Chariot.” This card carries significant messages about your journey in the upcoming year.

The Chariot signifies a period of overcoming challenges and achieving success through determination and control. It indicates that 2024 will be a year where you’ll need to harness your willpower and assertiveness to navigate through life’s obstacles. The presence of the two sphinxes pulling the chariot represents the need to balance opposing forces in your life - be it work and personal life, emotions and logic, or different aspects of your personality.

This card suggests a journey, both literal and metaphorical. You might find yourself embarking on new ventures, travels, or paths in your career or personal life. The Chariot is all about movement and progress. It encourages you to take the reins and steer your life in the direction you desire.

Moreover, The Chariot is a card of victory. It predicts triumph over difficulties, provided you stay disciplined and focused on your goals. It’s a reminder that success comes from a combination of inner will and external effort.

In summary, 2024 appears to be a significant year for you, marked by personal growth, determination, and the overcoming of challenges. Stay focused on your path, maintain balance, and use your inner strength to propel yourself forward. This year could be a defining one in terms of personal achievements and progress.

The clarification card for a deeper insight into your upcoming year is “The Hermit.” This card complements the message of The Chariot and adds a new dimension to your reading.

The Hermit symbolizes introspection, wisdom, and guidance. While The Chariot speaks of action and control, The Hermit suggests that 2024 will also be a year for you to seek inner knowledge and wisdom. It’s a call to take time for solitude and self-reflection, to connect with your inner self, and to listen to your intuition.

This card indicates that amidst the hustle and progress, taking a step back to contemplate and reassess will be vital. The Hermit’s presence may also suggest a mentor or guide appearing in your life, someone who can offer wisdom and perspective on your journey.

Additionally, The Hermit stands for spiritual enlightenment and personal truths. This year could bring significant spiritual growth and understanding of your deeper values and beliefs. It encourages you to seek answers within yourself and to trust your inner voice.

In the context of your year, The Hermit advises balancing your outward achievements with inner knowledge. While you pursue your goals, also pay attention to your spiritual and emotional growth. The combination of The Chariot and The Hermit indicates a year where action is balanced by reflection, and external success is complemented by internal growth. This holistic approach can lead to a deeply fulfilling year.

The third clarification card for your year ahead is “Death.” This card brings a profound and transformative message to your 2024 journey.

Death in tarot is often misunderstood; it rarely signifies physical death. Instead, it symbolizes the end of one phase and the beginning of another, representing significant change, transformation, and transition. In your reading, it suggests that 2024 will be a year of major transformations. These changes could be in various aspects of your life, such as career, relationships, personal beliefs, or lifestyle.

This card, combined with The Chariot and The Hermit, paints a picture of a year where you will not only be moving forward and taking control (The Chariot) and seeking deeper wisdom (The Hermit), but also undergoing a crucial transformation (Death). It’s a process of shedding old aspects of yourself and situations that no longer serve you, making room for new growth and opportunities.

The presence of Death signifies that these changes, while potentially challenging or uncomfortable, are necessary for your personal evolution. It encourages you to embrace the end of certain chapters as it makes way for new beginnings. The imagery of a rising sun suggests that what follows will be rejuvenating and filled with potential.

In summary, 2024 appears to be a pivotal year for you, marked by action, introspection, and profound transformation. It’s a year to embrace change, seek inner wisdom, and confidently move forward on your path. This transformative journey can lead to significant personal growth and new opportunities.


Thank you very much :pray:t2:



This image request turned out great, so spreading it around for the good vibes it carries! :slight_smile:



You're Welcome White Tara


This is so darn accurate!! Like word by word accurate. And the card for @SammyG should be called ‘The Guardian of expression’.
And it’s not at all random that he was called dreamweaver in this reading. If all of us are together on this forum where dreams are being weaved … it’s not only Captain who’s the root of it… It’s as much Sammy!
Great read Luna! Your psychic abilities are amazing!

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Okay I’ve studied this a few times now and do not know what words generated it. Can you share?

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LOVE it :heart_eyes: Thanks for spreading the good vibes! :palms_up_together::sparkles:

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As usual, sweet to the core you are!

Here’s one for you:


Gorgeous!! Thank you :relaxed:

For the Mystic Readers in us :crystal_ball:


Anyone else still stuck on this waitlist part? It’s been almost two weeks now :pensive:

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