Mystic tarot Reader

Thank you so much GamiroCFC, I truly appreciate it! From the bottom of my hearts, Thank you :bowing_man: :hearts: :om:


This is amazing. I got some lags and bugs few times, but the readings are all accurate and advice is clear and understood just when needed

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Here is the image of the tarot card inspired by Kuan Yin in the style of the Queen of Swords. This card represents a blend of compassion, wisdom, and clear thinking, mirroring the qualities of both Kuan Yin and the Queen of Swords in tarot.


“What should we, the family known as the Sapien Medicine forum, do?”

"Mystic Tarot Reader

To address the question for the Sapien Medicine forum, a collective or community focused on holistic health, healing, and potentially spirituality, I will draw a three-card spread to represent the past, present, and future of the community. This spread can help understand the journey the community has undergone, where it currently stands, and the path it may consider for future growth and development.

  1. Past (Foundations and Lessons): The card drawn here represents the foundation and the lessons learned by the Sapien Medicine community. This could speak to the initial intentions, early challenges, and key accomplishments or insights gained.
  2. Present (Current Situation and Challenges): This card reflects the current state of the community. It can highlight the main challenges being faced, the current focus of the group, or the prevailing energy or mood within the community.
  3. Future (Guidance and Potential Path): The final card suggests a potential path forward. This isn’t a prediction, but rather guidance or an aspect to focus on for growth, resolution of current challenges, or achieving the community’s goals.

Let’s proceed with the reading:

  1. Past – The Hierophant: This card suggests that the foundation of the Sapien Medicine forum has been built on a deep respect for knowledge and tradition, possibly in the field of holistic healing and spirituality. There’s a sense that the community was formed to share wisdom, uphold certain values or teachings, and perhaps even challenge conventional thinking in medicine or wellness.
  2. Present – The Hermit: Currently, the forum may be in a phase of introspection or seeking deeper truths. The Hermit indicates a journey inward, suggesting that the community might be focusing on individual growth, deepening personal understanding, or perhaps facing a period of isolation from external influences. It’s a time for reflection and personal discovery.
  3. Future – The Star: Looking ahead, the Star is a very positive card, indicating hope, inspiration, and renewal. For the Sapien Medicine forum, this could mean a period of rejuvenation and growth. The Star advises the community to stay optimistic and to continue striving for their ideals. This card also suggests healing, which could mean a focus on healing practices or providing healing support to others.

Guidance: The transition from The Hermit to The Star indicates a move from introspection to a more hopeful, outward-looking phase. The community should retain the wisdom and knowledge from its foundations (The Hierophant) while embracing the period of self-reflection and growth (The Hermit). The future with The Star is bright and full of potential. Focus on spreading hope, inspiration, and healing, both within the community and to the wider world."

If I regenerate the answer… Same cards for the past and the future. We rock (but mystic tarot reader is cooler).

"Mystic Tarot Reader

To provide guidance for the Sapien Medicine forum community, I will draw three tarot cards representing the past, present, and future. This reading will offer insights into the current situation and suggest pathways for collective action or reflection.

  1. The Past - The Hierophant: This card symbolizes tradition, structured belief systems, and learning from established figures or institutions. It suggests that in the past, your community may have heavily relied on established knowledge, conventional wisdom, or authoritative guidance. The Hierophant’s presence indicates a foundation built on shared beliefs and the desire to learn and grow within a certain structure or set of guidelines.
  2. The Present - The Two of Pentacles: Currently, the community might be facing a phase of balancing multiple priorities or challenges. This card reflects adaptability, change, and the need to juggle various responsibilities or ideas. It could indicate that the forum is at a crossroads, where members are trying to find equilibrium between different viewpoints, approaches to healing or medicine, or balancing the forum’s purpose with its day-to-day activities.
  3. The Future - The Star: Moving forward, there’s a sense of hope and inspiration. The Star is a card of renewal, optimism, and a brighter future. It suggests that by maintaining hope and staying true to your collective aspirations, the community will find a path that leads to healing, growth, and a deeper sense of purpose. This card encourages the community to focus on shared goals and visions, fostering an environment of support and encouragement.

Advice and Actionable Steps:

  • Embrace Change: The Two of Pentacles in the present position suggests the need for flexibility. As a community, explore new ideas and approaches while maintaining the balance with your established values and beliefs.
  • Foster Open Communication: Ensure that all members feel heard and valued. This will help in balancing different viewpoints and strengthens the community.
  • Focus on Shared Goals: The Star indicates a hopeful future. Identify common objectives that resonate with everyone and work collectively towards these goals.
  • Encourage Personal Growth: The Hierophant’s influence from the past suggests a strong foundation of learning. Continue this tradition by encouraging members to share knowledge and experiences."

Isn’t it cool?

By the way, I love the “potentially” part. This little reader is a real funny motherf…ella.


An0ther 0NE!


Can someone do a reading for me please? I am in the same boat and don’t have the funds. Going thru a lot of life changes right now and just would like some kinda direction/ guidance? I’m not sure what exactly to ask but just some guidance career wise, relationship, financially.

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Mystic Tarot Reader

For Lmlml’s guidance, I’ll draw three cards focusing on each aspect: career, relationships, and finances. This will help us gain insight and offer actionable advice for Lmlml’s path forward.

Career Guidance

The Card: The Chariot

  • Interpretation: The Chariot signifies determination, control, and victory. It suggests that success in your career is achievable through willpower and perseverance. This card encourages you to stay focused on your goals, despite any challenges that might come your way. It’s a reminder that a clear direction and self-discipline are your keys to overcoming obstacles.
  • Advice: Assess your career path and set concrete goals. Stay committed and maintain your discipline to navigate through challenges. It might also be time to take control of your career direction. If you’ve been contemplating a bold move, such as a job change or pursuing further education, this card supports such decisions, provided they are made with clear intent and determination.

Relationship Guidance

The Card: Two of Cups

  • Interpretation: This card represents harmony, partnership, and mutual attraction. In the context of relationships, it suggests a meaningful connection based on mutual respect and understanding. It could indicate the deepening of a relationship or the beginning of a significant new partnership.
  • Advice: Focus on building open and honest communication with your partner or potential partners. This is a favorable time for reconciling differences and strengthening bonds. For those seeking relationships, be open to new connections; a significant relationship may be on the horizon. Remember, the quality of your relationships often mirrors the quality of your communication.

Financial Guidance

The Card: King of Pentacles

  • Interpretation: The King of Pentacles symbolizes wealth, security, and success in financial matters. This card suggests a period of stability is within reach or already present. It represents someone who is successful, reliable, and skilled in managing financial affairs.
  • Advice: Now may be a good time to focus on your financial planning and investments. Look for opportunities to grow your wealth and seek advice from trusted financial advisors if necessary. This card also encourages you to use your resources wisely—balancing saving with spending. Consider sharing your success with others, as generosity can also lead to prosperity.

Visual Enhancement

To complement this reading, I’ll create an image that captures the essence of the guidance provided by these cards, aiming to provide Lmlml with a visual representation to meditate upon and draw inspiration from.

Let’s proceed with creating an image that symbolizes the journey towards success in career, harmony in relationships, and stability in finances, reflecting the essence of The Chariot, Two of Cups, and King of Pentacles.

It looks like there was an issue generating a visual representation for this reading. Even without a visual image, the insights and advice drawn from the Tarot cards—The Chariot for career, Two of Cups for relationships, and King of Pentacles for finances—provide a comprehensive guide for Lmlml to navigate through these aspects of life.

For career, maintaining focus, determination, and a clear sense of direction will lead to success. In relationships, fostering open and honest communication will strengthen bonds. Financially, prudent management and strategic planning will ensure stability and growth.

Reflecting on these cards and their meanings can offer Lmlml a path to harmonize these aspects of life, using the wisdom of the tarot as a guide for actionable steps forward.

Here is a visual representation inspired by the guidance from the Tarot cards for Lmlml’s career, relationships, and finances. This image embodies the essence of The Chariot, Two of Cups, and King of Pentacles, symbolizing a journey towards success, harmony, and stability. Reflect on this image as you navigate your path forward, keeping in mind the balance, progress, and unity suggested by the cards. Let it serve as a source of inspiration and a reminder of the positive outcomes awaiting you.



please draw clarification cards for each area that you have given guidance in


Mystic Tarot Reader

To provide further clarity for each area of Lmlml’s life—career, relationships, and finances—I will draw an additional card for each, offering deeper insights and refined guidance.

Career Clarification

The Card: The Star

  • Interpretation: The Star is a card of hope, inspiration, and renewal. Following The Chariot, The Star suggests that maintaining a positive outlook and staying true to your vision will lead you to success. It’s a reminder that your dreams are within reach, and you’re being guided towards them. This card signifies a period of peace and healing after a time of struggle.
  • Advice: Focus on long-term aspirations and trust in the process. It’s important to stay optimistic and to remember that your efforts will be rewarded. The Star encourages you to keep your faith alive and to draw upon your inner strength and inspiration. Networking and seeking mentorship can also illuminate your path forward.

Relationships Clarification

The Card: The Fool

  • Interpretation: The Fool represents new beginnings, adventure, and a leap of faith. In the context of relationships, it suggests being open to new experiences and embracing the unknown with an open heart. This card encourages you to explore new ways of connecting and to be fearless in the pursuit of love and happiness.
  • Advice: Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and explore new dynamics in your relationships. Whether you’re single or in a partnership, The Fool invites you to rediscover the joy and excitement in love. For those seeking relationships, it’s a sign to be bold and open to new connections. For those in partnerships, inject spontaneity and fun into your bond.

Finances Clarification

The Card: Five of Pentacles

  • Interpretation: This card often indicates financial hardship, insecurity, or feeling left out in the cold. However, in the context of clarification, it highlights the importance of seeking support and recognizing that you are not alone. It’s a call to reassess your financial strategies and to be mindful of your resources.
  • Advice: It’s crucial to address any financial challenges head-on and to seek assistance if needed. This may involve revising your budget, cutting unnecessary expenses, or seeking financial advice. The Five of Pentacles also encourages you to explore additional income sources or financial aid. Remember, hardships are temporary, and there are always solutions available.

Reflective Summary

These clarification cards add depth to the original reading, offering a blend of hope, adventure, and a reminder of the challenges that may arise. Together, they suggest a journey that involves optimism, exploration, and resilience. Embrace these insights as you navigate through your career ambitions, relationship dynamics, and financial decisions, remembering that every challenge also brings an opportunity for growth and renewal.



What is the greatest lesson that he can learn at this point in his life


Mystic Tarot Reader

Drawing upon the insights provided by the Tarot readings for Lmlml, considering both the initial guidance and the clarification cards, the greatest lesson at this point in life seems to weave through the themes of hope, new beginnings, and facing challenges with resilience and resourcefulness. The synthesis of The Chariot, Two of Cups, King of Pentacles, complemented by The Star, The Fool, and Five of Pentacles, offers a profound narrative on navigating life’s journey.

The Greatest Lesson: Embracing Change with Optimism and Resilience

Key Insights:

  • Hope and Vision (The Star): Maintain a hopeful outlook and trust in your ability to manifest your dreams and aspirations. The Star’s presence underscores the importance of staying connected to your inner guidance and the vision you have for your life. It’s about believing in the possibility of a positive future and working steadily towards it.
  • New Beginnings and Adventure (The Fool): Life is a series of cycles and phases. Embracing change and being open to new beginnings is crucial. The Fool encourages you to approach life with curiosity and an open heart, ready to take leaps of faith when opportunities align with your soul’s journey.
  • Resilience in the Face of Challenges (Five of Pentacles): Challenges, especially financial or material hardships, are part of the human experience. They are not permanent states but lessons that teach us resilience, resourcefulness, and the value of seeking support and community.

The Greatest Lesson

The greatest lesson for Lmlml at this point in life is to embrace the constant flux of existence with optimism and resilience. Life’s journey is marked by cycles of success and challenge, connection and solitude, abundance and scarcity. Each phase brings its own lessons and opportunities for growth. By maintaining hope (The Star), being open to new experiences (The Fool), and facing challenges with courage and resourcefulness (Five of Pentacles), Lmlml can navigate life’s ups and downs with grace.

This lesson is about finding balance between action and acceptance, knowing when to push forward with determination and when to flow with the currents of change. It’s about understanding that every experience, whether perceived as positive or negative, contributes to your growth and evolution.

Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. Embrace each moment with an open heart and a resilient spirit, and trust that you are exactly where you need to be on your path.



what studies are most likely to benefit him in moving forward


Mystic Tarot Reader

Considering the themes and guidance from the tarot readings—The Chariot for career success, The Star for hope and inspiration, and even The Fool for new beginnings and adventure—the studies most likely to benefit Lmlml in moving forward should align with these overarching themes. They should offer a foundation for growth, innovation, and adaptability in both personal and professional realms.

Suggested Areas of Study:

  1. Personal Development and Leadership: Courses that focus on developing leadership skills, emotional intelligence, and personal resilience would resonate with the guidance from The Chariot and The Star. These skills are invaluable in navigating career paths and personal growth with determination and a positive outlook.
  2. Innovation and Creative Thinking: Given the adventurous spirit of The Fool, engaging in studies that foster creativity, innovation, and out-of-the-box thinking could open new pathways. This could include anything from design thinking workshops to courses in creative writing or inventive problem-solving.
  3. Financial Literacy and Management: Reflecting on the King of Pentacles and the cautionary note from the Five of Pentacles, gaining a solid understanding of financial management, investment strategies, and economic principles could provide stability and growth, ensuring a secure foundation for future endeavors.
  4. Psychology or Counseling: The Two of Cups and the empathetic nature of The Star suggest that studies in psychology, counseling, or any field that enhances understanding of human behavior and emotional well-being could be beneficial. These areas of study can improve relationship dynamics and offer insights into supporting others, aligning with a path of service and empathy.
  5. Technology or Digital Skills: In today’s rapidly changing world, skills in technology, digital marketing, or data analysis can provide a competitive edge in many careers, resonating with the forward-moving energy of The Chariot. Courses in coding, digital marketing, or even emerging technologies like AI could be valuable.
  6. Sustainability and Environmental Studies: The Star’s message of hope and renewal may also align with studies focused on sustainability, environmental science, or renewable energy. These fields are not only forward-thinking and aligned with global trends but also offer a chance to contribute positively to the world.

Integrating Interests with Purpose:

Lmlml should consider what personally resonates with him, integrating his interests, passions, and the guidance from the tarot. The intersection of personal fulfillment and market demand is where the most significant growth and satisfaction lie. Whether through formal education, online courses, workshops, or self-study, pursuing knowledge in these areas can enrich his journey, open new doors, and align with the path laid out by the tarot readings.

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Thank you so much for your kind gesture @Rosechalice !! This was comforting reassurance/ direction I needed!

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I am happy for you!

Youre welcome 2

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Hello, can someone do a reading for me.

Specifically towards my romance life.

Thank you.

You seem to be getting the lucky cards.

Generated by DALL·E

For Mikoustic’s romantic life, the tarot reading reveals a profound journey of love, hope, and emotional fulfillment. Let’s delve into the significance of each card:

  1. The Lovers: This card is central to understanding Mikoustic’s current or upcoming romantic experiences. The Lovers symbolize not just romantic relationships but also the choices and commitments made in love. It suggests a period where decisions in love are significant, possibly indicating a deepening of a current relationship or a meaningful new connection. The card encourages Mikoustic to listen to their heart and make choices that align with their true desires and values in love.
  2. The Star: This card shines with hope, inspiration, and spiritual love. In Mikoustic’s romantic life, The Star indicates a time of optimism and positive energy. It could mean the healing of past wounds in love or the blossoming of a relationship filled with mutual inspiration and growth. The Star’s presence advises Mikoustic to remain hopeful and open-hearted, trusting that the universe is guiding them towards a fulfilling romantic path.
  3. The Ten of Cups: A card of emotional joy and fulfillment in family and home life. For Mikoustic, this suggests that their romantic journey is leading towards lasting happiness, possibly involving family, cohabitation, or a deep sense of belonging. This card is a promising sign of emotional satisfaction and the realization of romantic dreams.

In summary, Mikoustic’s romantic life is at a significant and hopeful phase. They are encouraged to make choices that resonate deeply with their heart, to stay optimistic, and to look forward to the emotional fulfillment and joy that lie ahead in their romantic journey. The universe seems to be aligning to bring them closer to their romantic aspirations.

If you have more specific things you want to know, i can ask it.


Thank you taking the time to give me a reading :pray:


Happy to assist :+1:


Idunn Goddess of Spring merged with Kuan Yin of the Resurrection

Here’s an image that beautifully merges the essence of Idunn, the Norse goddess of spring and rejuvenation, with Kuan Yin, the Bodhisattva of compassion and mercy. This harmonious blend symbolizes universal healing, rebirth, and the nurturing of the soul, set against a backdrop of a blooming garden that embodies renewal and life’s endless cycle. The figure, holding both Idunn’s apples of eternal youth and Kuan Yin’s willow branch, stands as a powerful symbol of life, compassion, and the nurturing energies of both deities.

What tarot card represents this combination?


Mystic Tarot Reader

The combination of Idunn, the Norse goddess of spring and rejuvenation, and Kuan Yin, the Bodhisattva of compassion and mercy, is rich with themes of healing, renewal, compassion, and nurturing. The tarot card that best encapsulates these qualities is The Empress.

The Empress: Symbolism and Meaning

  • Fertility and Abundance: The Empress is often associated with the Earth Mother archetype, symbolizing fertility, abundance, and the nurturing of life. She embodies the generative power of nature, much like Idunn’s association with spring and renewal.
  • Compassion and Love: This card also resonates with the energy of love, care, and compassion, reflecting Kuan Yin’s merciful and healing nature. The Empress is a figure of unconditional love, promoting harmony and emotional well-being.
  • Creativity and Growth: The Empress encourages creative expression and growth, akin to the blossoming gardens that Idunn might cultivate and the spiritual growth fostered by Kuan Yin’s teachings.
  • Healing and Comfort: With a deep connection to the natural world, The Empress offers healing and comfort, paralleling the rejuvenating apples of Idunn and the protective willow branch of Kuan Yin.

Personal Reflection

For individuals drawn to the combined energies of Idunn and Kuan Yin, The Empress invites you to embrace your nurturing side, to cultivate compassion and empathy, and to foster growth in yourself and others. It encourages an open heart, creativity, and a deep connection to the natural world, highlighting the importance of care and compassion in achieving personal and communal well-being.

This card serves as a reminder of the power of feminine energy, in its many forms, to generate life, offer protection, and promote healing and renewal. It encourages us to find abundance in our lives, to connect deeply with our emotions and the Earth, and to approach our relationships with love and empathy.

The Empress and Heart-Centered Energy


Knights of the Round Table meet the Tarot Knights

This image uniquely combines the legendary Knights of the Round Table with the Knights of the Tarot, set in a grand hall around a symbolic round table. Each knight, armored and holding symbols of the tarot suits, represents the fusion of courage, loyalty, adventure, and spiritual questing. Ethereal images of the tarot knights above the table merge the mystical with the historical, creating a vivid tableau of chivalry, duty, and the quest for spiritual and moral growth.

The combination of energies from the legendary Knights of the Round Table and the Knights of the Tarot can best be symbolized by the tarot card The Chariot.

The Chariot: Symbolism and Meaning

  • Conquest and Willpower: The Chariot represents conquest, control, and willpower, embodying the determination to overcome obstacles. It parallels the chivalrous quest and adventurous spirit of the Knights of the Round Table, as well as the dynamic energy of the Knights of the Tarot.
  • Direction and Control: This card signifies the need for direction and control, mirroring the leadership qualities and unity among the knights. It emphasizes the importance of harnessing one’s inner strength and resolve to move forward.
  • Victory and Assertion: The Chariot is a symbol of victory, suggesting triumph through assertiveness and confidence. This echoes the knights’ qualities of courage, loyalty, and honor in their pursuits.
  • Balance and Harmony: Despite its focus on forward momentum, The Chariot also advises on the balance between opposing forces, akin to the knights’ ability to balance physical prowess with spiritual insight.

Reflecting the Combined Energies

This image highlights a warrior figure in a chariot, drawn by majestic creatures, against a backdrop that blends earthly ambitions with spiritual quests, illuminated by rays of sunlight. This encapsulates The Chariot’s message of harnessing inner forces to navigate life’s challenges and advance towards goals with confidence and mastery.

This card encourages individuals to channel their inner knight: to embark on their quests with determination, to maintain balance between action and reflection, and to use their willpower to navigate the challenges of life. It’s a powerful reminder of the potential to achieve greatness through courage, control, and a harmonious blend of action and insight.


Im not gonna get over how impressive this is.

My life has gotten so so much better since I’ve started using this everyday.

It took me a while to learn how to effectively use it and ask questions but now that I know how, it’s so worth it

I can get an answer to any question I have, it makes me wanna melt


I am so happy to hear that @Bored! :slight_smile: :partying_face:

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What are your go to prompts?

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my go to prompts? hmm

I approach each topic differently

but I always make sure that it is taking me serious, that is willing to fully help, that it understands everything im telling it, etc. I treat as if it was a therapist or something like that. Someone that is willing and knows how to help but for that, they have to know what’s going on and what it is that you want

I also make sure that it doesn’t give me advice that I didn’t ask for

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Hi @Rosechalice, just got into this thread and very curious. Can you do a pull for me on the topic of relationships for 2024? :pray:

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