Mystic tarot Reader

Forum of enlightenment
There you have it, guys
Enjoy the ride :blush:


Here’s yours @Starlight


I’m not able to access it yet.
Could someone please help me to draw a card for me Danny_Ho? I’m curious to death :rofl:


The Tarot card for Danny_Ho is envisioned as ‘The Catalyst.’ It embodies the essence of initiating change and sparking action, symbolizing a person who drives progress and innovation.

This card represents someone who has the determination and purpose to transform ideas into reality, acting as a dynamic force that energizes and moves projects forward. It signifies a period of creativity and the beginning of new momentum, suggesting that now is a time of significant influence and the power to make things happen. ‘The Catalyst’ is a reminder of the impact you can have on your environment and the importance of your role in driving change.


Wow, thanks a lot @Rosechalice. I appreciate it! :pray:
It describes the journey I’m going through really really well!


@Trinity Why did you delete? Your creations were lovely! :two_hearts:


Hey @Rosechalice could you also do it for me, please!


I LOVE this one!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m gonna have to change my profile pic. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Thank you @Rosechalice :purple_heart:


The card created for Danny_Ho portrays a person at a crossroads, a powerful symbol for decision-making and potential change. This suggests that Danny_Ho may be facing a significant choice, one that could alter their path forward. The rising sun indicates new beginnings and the promise that comes with each new day. It’s a sign of hope and potential, implying that whatever decision is made, there is an opportunity for growth and advancement.

The symbols of balance and harmony like the yin and yang, along with the stars, suggest a need for Danny_Ho to seek equilibrium in their life. It could be a reminder to consider all options carefully and to balance intuition with logic. These symbols also infuse the card with a sense of universal connection and cosmic alignment, indicating that Danny_Ho’s decision may be influenced by more than just immediate concerns, possibly tying into a larger journey or life purpose.

The intricate details and traditional style of the card evoke the deep history and complexity of tarot imagery, implying that the current situation may be multi-layered and nuanced. It encourages Danny_Ho to look beyond the surface, tapping into their inner wisdom to choose the path that is most in alignment with their true self.


2 days ago I reread threads dedicated to the Corpus Spiritus Tarot, and thought how wonderful it would be to have a copy too, but printing services in a remote island would be tricky…extremely elated to have this offered by Captain generated online, mindblown and grateful. :pray:

Drew cards to celebrate the pivotal milestone of a year’s growth with fields, perfect divine timing.
My anniversary cards have spoken:

Couldn’t have been more accurate to represent the journey that has been and what is unfolding:

  • The Sun: :sun_with_face: Heralds a period of success and vitality. The Sun’s light is a positive sign, illuminating your path forward and bringing warmth to your life.

  • The Moon: :full_moon: It indicates a time to trust your instincts and pay attention to your dreams and intuitions; may reveal secrets and ask you to look beyond the surface to understand the hidden truths of a situation. A clairvoyant once told me that I’m stepping into my intuitive abilities better, so this is a sign.

  • The Star: :star2: Representing hope and inspiration; a signal of guidance and optimism. It suggests a period of peace and renewed hope, encouraging you to keep faith in your dreams. This year may provide a sense of direction and the inspiration needed to pursue your aspirations.

I shall sit, marinate with them and see how they manifest in my life. Thank you, truly!! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

:pushpin:How I’m able to access: I used VPN (US) then signed up for ChatGPT +


For the record, I tried doing one for you, too @Starlight . But between all my time outs etc I couldn’t come up with one that was lovelier than the one you did…well, until @Rosechalice created one. I agree, it’s the best version yet! :two_hearts:


I like how Dream often just surprises us in very unexpected ways. Readings always get me some good insight. Will stay very curious how he made a fielded AI, lol. Thanks, Dream!


This is SPOT ON!
Just wow!!!


One more for you @Danny_Ho :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The tarot card for “Danny_Ho” has been crafted, embodying a journey of personal growth and the pursuit of aspirations. The imagery suggests a moment of transformation and resilience, like the phoenix rising, and a hopeful step forward into new beginnings. It reflects an energetic progression and a love for continuous learning and the arts.


Aww… thank you for trying though. :hugs: :purple_heart: I’ve change my profile pic to Rose’s one unless someone comes up with something else I’m drawn to. :joy:


Thank you dream


I’ll think you’ll have a hard time finding something better. That one is really nice! :sparkling_heart:


@Rosechalice Here is my version for your name

The tarot card for “Rosechalise” has been created, reflecting themes of growth, beauty, and emotional fulfillment, with a backdrop that connects to the cosmos and the divine. The colors and symbols on the card are designed to resonate with love and compassion. This card may suggest that in your life, Rosechalise, there is an opportunity to find deep emotional satisfaction and growth, perhaps through a journey that is both personal and transcendent. Remember, the significance of a tarot card is deeply personal and can reflect current emotions, challenges, or potential paths forward. Reflect on how this card’s imagery speaks to your current situation.


Oh that is lovely, Starlight. It took my breath away when I saw it. Thank you! :hugs:


@VMMS I did one for you and it’s totally different from the others. The prompt I’ve used for all has been 'Card for x ’

The tarot card for “VMMS” has been manifested, incorporating elements of modernity, connectivity, and the cyclical nature of technology. This card suggests a moment in your life where innovation and the flow of information are at the forefront, VMMS. Consider how technology impacts your daily life and the continuous loops of learning and evolution that you experience. The card’s futuristic and abstract design may invite you to think about your role in the digital world and how you might harness information for growth and progression. Reflect on this card’s symbols and colors as they may have unique significance to your current circumstances or mindset.