Myth and Magic NFT (Knights and Magicians Project)

In the mythology of old England there is no era more beautiful than the reign of King Arthur and his valiant knights, when in the midst of the dark Middle Ages came the flowering of nobility and self-sacrificing devotion to the crown and to his state. It was then that romanticized notions of chivalry began to take shape, which now forms an integral part of European culture.

Let us enter King Arthur’s legendary castle of chivalry, Camelot, which is still the unique standard of wise magical rule in magical literature. It was here that Arthur gathered his best and most loyal knights around one table.

The great Merlin suggested that the king conduct business negotiations at this very table. Being around this powerful artifact, everyone began to see equality in everything. The round table gave no one person more importance than any other. The Miraculous Table neutralized the desire for dominance, negative atmosphere/emotions and symbolized unity and service to higher noble goals, balancing all aspects of personality, and nourished chivalrous qualities.

The Merlin archetype is present in this product. The image of the great Merlin is associated with representations and portraits of all the powerful wizards of the Middle Ages. He was heir to a powerful Celtic magical tradition. So let the NFT be that coveted magical artifact-portal to a world of romance, ancient magic and true chivalry. May it be a point of connection to a specific archetypal world and to all the places based on historical events that have simply moved to another plane of reality. May it be a doorway into entirely new realms of sensations, insights, stunning experiences and magical practices. Our NFT is the strongest source linking the user to the energy of chivalry and the very magic we often see in popular movies and television series.

Approximate NFT functions (abridged version)

  • neutralization of all conflicts, creation of atmosphere of equality, justice;
  • energetic armor and protective energies of the main knights of the table;
  • Arthur’s mantle / magic cloak that made the wearer invisible ***(***on/off as needed); Cloak Restorative Function: the ability to “cloak” for a while: to balance and optimize the nervous and energy system, restore energy sensitivity to become even stronger and more resilient;
  • consciousness calibration / attunement to all Paladins and Knights of the Table archetypes to receive and integrate the best of all that a warrior knight encompasses;
  • Integration of the warrior archetype (psychophysical qualities - speed of thought, reaction, strength, endurance, regeneration; moral qualities, compassion and leadership, warrior energy, benevolent, respectful aura);
  • Creating a temporary energy Palladin (additional energy assistance, intercession);
    constant energy recharge, connection to magical / holy / knightly sources-portals;
  • connection with Merlin, with his magical power, interaction with him as a mentor, receiving his knowledge, advice, experience;
  • fills the space with magical and mystic energies, creates a mysterious atmosphere in the space, blesses you and your intentions magically;
  • To attune and use all the forces of nature (the power of trees, forests, the ability to feel nature, to unite completely with it);
  • The ability to communicate with nature, animals, plants; friendship and connection with the spirits of forests, nature, and the elements, making contact with "magical beings;
  • Intuitive grasp of herbs for making medicinal mixtures, ability to temporarily suppress/relieve pain.


Oh, it is beautiful! Gratz to you and thanks for the amazing field, Captain! :slight_smile:


You shouldn’t have left that group. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s still amazing! :)


If you look at the picture for a long time, there is a feeling that the sword is flickering. Pulsation of power and energy)


that’s your power :) :laughing:


Nicely done!


it’s so pretty and alluring


Beautiful Artwork!!! Congratulations Everyone! Thank You Captain! :gift_heart:


Looks amazing! Congrats!


This is a very dear and special NFT.


Do you mind expanding on that? How have you been using it?
I haven’t really been working with this one. I have been calling on the paladin on occasion
Some time aside to give energy and integrate is needed



What are the Testimonials on this NFT?

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ah, one of my favorites. one of the few I will always keep. I was not part of the original group, however this is my experience:
it reminds me of a powerful vortex that just sucks you in. stare at it, feel a rejuvenation of energy. Look at the photo, notice that stunning light. Consider that light a rejuvenator that clears out all negativity around and within you, and let it’s vibration flow through you; your personal energizer. Fell a shift in your energy body; like a recalibrater.
Magic, too.
Well at least in my experience.
Also js I encourage those that have this to consider Black Label
They deff like each other haha.


As I recall Dream did not put in the
connection with Merlin or anything related to Merlin.
(Because as I recall he found “Merlin” was fictional)

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Any idea what got included?

As far as I know everything else.

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