Mythic (Mythical Combo)

Hi , so far what are the effects and experiences you’ve had with this Combo , care to share , really interested in knowing . And do you play the 3 sub-fields in that order or do you mix and match ?


Hi, I also want to hear more about the experiences so far with this combo. Recently, with the new outbreak of the Delta variant, all my plan seems to fail at the last minute and this is the 3rd time in 3 consecutive years when I have to change my plan at the last minute. I have had good results with “The Unbreakable” so far and started to face the situation instead of avoiding it. Now I am interested in the Divine Will audio. Maybe I want to feel one time that the universe is supporting and backing me, not constantly going against me.


Kind of sounds like a life lesson to be learnt there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(Of course I don’t know you and I don’t know what, just because of the repeating situation)


This is a particularly attractive piece of this Mythic combination to me, too.


Well, yes, I have learned sth from each setback but it’s quite debilitating on my mental health as I have a long-term history of depression and suicidal thoughts. I am getting better now but there are a lot of ups and downs and sometimes I’m not strong enough to handle all mishaps in life.


I was just talking to someone about how repetitive and inevitable situations of having to let go (in that case, always having to let go of pets) of something is an indicator of something that needs to be learnt… I think finally letting go of life lessons can be really advancing and opens doors for all the other things wanting to be unlocked :surfing_woman: :joystick:

I like to add Conceptual Realizations with some of the tarot fields whenever I’m having a phase like that, Death and The Tower, one to ‘kill’ the patterns and one to emerge out of them.


Thank you. I’ll add Death and the Tower. For Conceptual Realizations, it’s a bit too much for me to buy both Mythic and it since I just purchased a few audios last week. Maybe a few months later.


Oh then Divine Will should be the boost you need!! Wishing you more ease of thoughts, heart, and life :) :mechanical_arm::yellow_heart:


I want to share my first day of using this album because the results show up quite fast. I looped the album 6 times in their original order.

  1. Detoxed Plasmatron Life: I don’t feel any results from this audio yet, maybe because it’s my first day and I also use the Orgone Accumulator and the Plasma Light daily.
  2. Divine Will: I’m quite a procrastinator myself and I have been quite depressed in recent days because of the sudden obstacle in my plan. I could not get out of my bed until noon today because I was feeling very upset and unfair. After listening to this audio, I start to work on what I need to do, automatically, without any resistance, and timely. It’s like my subconsciousness starts to listen to my consciousness and does not act out on itself.
  3. Full body negentropic coherence: Before listening, I felt a burden in my heart, like a depressed emotion stuck inside. While listening to this audio, I can feel the release in my heart and transfers to my head gradually. In the end, my heart is free and blissful but I have a terrible headache. Well, it’s not the ideal result but I still prefer a headache to a weary heart.
    Well, that’s the first day and I’m quite happy with the results so far :slight_smile:

Is Full Body Coherence replacing Magnetic Heart Coherence or is listening both better?


From the description, I can say that it is a more advanced version of Magnetic Heart Coherence. I can feel it working well with my heart chakra.


That is what I gathered as well.


Me too.


Thanks for the answers it helped me for creating new playlist I listend this album for the first time now and it was refreshing It centered me back to my middle after a difficult day at the work.

Divine Will helped me to see more clearly what I want and push me gentle

Full Body Coherance gave me some peace

Detoxed Plasmatron (cant tell right now what it does to me)

I love this album it was a good investment

Seeing forward to write more about the process :grin:


Yeah should have known this…
I guess its too late but Ive deledet this part now anyway

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I feel like it was worth buying this for the full body negentropic coherence alone.

I listened to it first when I was at work.
I was only half paying attention, buy I could distinctively feel different areas activated and energy moving (or… flowing? In waves back and forth?) Between different areas.
I’m listening to it a second time, paying full attention - the best I could describe it is
“I am buzzing with/through complete harmony”.


Maybe I’m overthinking this also, I don’t know. But better safe than sorry, is what I tend to think.
Oh, ok then I’ll delete my comment too so it’s not ruining your efforts :v: I don’t think it’s too late. Google is not that fast and even if, once they update next time, this will be gone from their cache.

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Oh no! :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile:


So what would the expected results be of consistent usage of all the 3 sub-fields together in order as the combo ? Looking forward for reviews :grin:

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