Mythic (Mythical Combo)

Yesterday night, as I was worrying about something and contemplating on its deeper purpose and implications, this came up on my feed:

I know this fox looks not the same as the one in the image, but it instantly reminded me of it and of this field, also because of the fur’s pattern and multiple coloring which I hadn’t seen before. Also apparently it’s rare :blush:
Somehow I felt inclined to share it here. I see it as a sign.


Hi guys,this is gonna be a long post,sorry :grin: :pray:t5:

Would it be better to play the original Blueprint Of Life after this mythic combo ?

More specifically, that is playing BOL after the last sub-field of the combo , Full Body Coherence. It just popped out in my head after reading the threads of both ( BOL and Mythic Combo) over again a few times and with my limited hypothetical understanding of these fields .

The reasons for my contemplation for this is that the Mythic Combo ( all 3 sub-fields played in the order of the descriptions) cleans ,prepares and molds your being ( mind, emotional, physical aspects) to an optimum state of functioning on all those aspects .

Then playing the original BOL will open up and set the stage ,of the already optimal state of a person( which is due to the Mythic Combo ), to further integrate other fields that are gonna be played after the BOL ( in my case ,in the order of ,the Knight mindset , Navigator of Awe, Tower of Power, Ojas Marrowed and Minor blueprint of power) and successfully transcribe them efficiently to the very DNA of one’s being.

Does that make sense ?
Am curiously excited to know what you guys think about this :grinning:


I perspnally would play BoL before Mythic and then play Mythic in the order listed in the description. In my mind, BoL does a full reset of your overall blueprint (spirit, mind, soul and physical bodies). The Mythic description then says the Detox Plasmatron is an installation of a blueprint more specific to our mitochondria. To me. BoL will have cleared the way to you to open to receive Divine Will in a way that’s personalized and understood by you and will lay down the “blueprint” (get it?) for what kind of Full Body Coherence is best for you at this time.

That’s how I would do it but of course you’re free to play around with your fields and adjust your listening according to your individual experience.


BoL Always first it boosts receptivity to other fields


The mythic album consists of three fields them

Here are the 3 fields in the description:


3 fields 3 audios man


Does anybody have any updates on this amazing field? It’s been almost a month and I’m curious to see how it’s been working for those who have it.


Just listening for a week, whether this is the result of this field or not but I can see spiders attracting in my body most of the time.:grinning:


what is that?

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Probably side or direct effects of:

I’ve been adopted by all kinds of little beasties since I have Heart Coherence lol

“Let it fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees, give a home to the fleas in my hair, a nest for birds (…) :notes:


:no_good_woman: :no_entry: :no_entry_sign:
I draw a line there lol

These observations are very interesting!


I always thought that this was the English word for the insect fly… until I checked the translator 1 minute ago :joy:

This line from the song would have been better: “a hive for the buzzing bees” :p

In my case, the recent wildfires nearby my region are probably also at play. Sadly, many kind of lives destroyed including bees and their hives. I guess the surviving ones are running away from it.

That said, the increased feeling of coherence with nature in general is undeniable of course :)


That moment when you’re scared of spiders

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Would you like to ask me if I still need to listen to the blueprint of life after listening to the myth?


Mythic doesn’t replace Blueprint of Life at all Hauru
They are completely different


Thank you i got it. Both will be added to the list


Hi Guys , so what would happen ? What are the implications and possible outcomes in terms of both physical and mind aspects of an individual ?

Curious to know your perspectives and interpretation of this sub-field .


For me could relate to this word - " Perfection" !
Maybe others can add more details :relaxed:


next level :raised_hands::dizzy:


This field is DEFINITELY not getting the attention it deserves. Was an instant buy!!! :heart_eyes: :sparkles: