Name Of Downloaded Field

Hey everyone just need a small bit of help. I’m going through the fields I have downloaded through Sapiens Patreon (all of them) and I’m just trying to put the right names on to them so I would have a better idea of which one is which when I go looking for the description etc…

In my phone now, one of them is called “Deep Brain Magnetic Stimulation” but when I type it into the search bar on Patreon nothing comes up for it. I’ve tried different variations of it as well but still can’t seem to figure out which one it is.

Would anyone have any idea?
Thank you.

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Hi @ComfortablyNumb I see @noname has sent you the link. In future if you can’t find a certain audio try and remember if the audio is part of an album. In this case the Deep Brain Magnetic Stimulation audio is part of the “Cerebrum” album. Had you typed in ‘Cerebrum’ you would have found all four audios that belong to that album. I don’t know why Patreon makes it difficult to search for audios that are part of an album.


Thank you @noname :pray:t2:

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Ah thanks @Jennyfire . Ya I’m finding a bit of difficulty with a good few of the names so I have to take a guess with a few of them and download them again to see which name is coming up so I know which is which. Just my OCD of having to have everything named the same in my phone as the main name on Patreon so I can find them again afterwards. I could probably do with listening to the OCD field also :rofl: Thanks for your help :slightly_smiling_face:


I made a list for this reason… Patreon Uploads List


But this list sometimes is not the exact name either

Like if they are experimental you put that up front of the name then the name of the field, but its not how the name is if they were exact the name thatd be great :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also hellouu and welcome back new Uncle!!


Great idea :+1:t2: I’ll definitely be coming back to your list to find a few more of the ones from Albums. Thank you.


Ahhh yes, l did it that way so it’d be easier to find things based on theme, like all the Blood audios are together, all portals and intercessions together, etc you can press CTRL + F on the list and search that way too. but if everyone prefers, l can slowly start changing it to the correct names. On my computer, l organize and rename them …

thank yoiuuuuu as well :heart: . You have great psychic skills cuz baby was born this morning!!!


:heart::heart::heart: congratulations :tada::champagne: